Topical A: Systems Biology

Session 295 - Paradigms in Systems Biology (Invited)
The hallmark of systems biology is that the whole of the system is greater than the sum of its parts. In this session, the speakers will address what paradigms are necessary to use those parts to understand the whole. The particular methods that will be focused on include genomic approaches, proteomic approaches, metabolomic approaches, multiscale methdologies, synthetic biology contributions, and in silico methods.
Chair:Ranjan Srivastava
CoChair:Sean P. Palecek
 A Synthetic Approach to Systems Biology
James C. Liao
 Unveiling The Regulation of Secondary Metabolism in Steptomyces
Sarika Mehra, Karthik Jayapal, Salim Charaniya, Marlene Castro, Doraiswami Ramkrishna, Wei-Shou Hu
 Can we tune biological systems with the precision and elegance of a tuning fork
William E. Bentley
 Mother Nature as Both Doctor and Patient
Edwin N. Lightfoot

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