Engineering Fundamentals in Life Science

Session 220 - Biomems and Biosensing
Innovations in tissue engineering, cell separation, gene expression profiling, and biosensing, in particular for biodefense applications, depends on continued development and application of microfabricated systems and devices that utilize cells and isolated biomolecules. This crosscutting session will highlight new theoretical and experimental developments in this area.
Chair:S. Patrick Walton
CoChair:Charles M. Roth
 Numerical Optimization of a Biochemical Sensor Array
Jane E. Valentine, Todd M. Przybycien, Steinar Hauan
 Immunophenotyping of Leukocytes on Antibody Microarrays
He James Zhu, Kazuhiko Sekine, Mehmet Toner, Monica Macal, Satya Dandekar, Alexander Revzin
 Effect of Eukaryotic Signaling Molecule Spatio-Temporal Gradients on Pathogenic E. Coli Colonization and Infection
Derek L. Englert, Tarun Bansal, Thomas K. Wood, Harihara Baskaran, Arul Jayaraman
 Ex Vivo Expansion and Differentiation of Haematopoietic Stem Cells (Hscs) Using on-Line Monitoring and Design of Experiments (Doe): Case Study of Erythropoiesis of Cord Blood Stem Cells
Hua Ye, Mayasari Lim, Xicai Yue, Anna Radomska, Tony Cass, Emmanuel Drakakis, Nicki Panoskaltsis, Athanasios Mantalaris
 Facile in Situ Protein Assembly Onto Patterned Electrodes and into Microfluidic Channels through Enzymatic Activation of Genetically Engineered Pro-Tags
Hyunmin Yi, Angela T. Lewandowski, Xiaolong Luo, Reza Ghodssi, Gregory F. Payne, Gary W. Rubloff, William E. Bentley
 Quantitative and Simultaneous Detection of Four Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens with a Multi-Channel Spr Sensor in Complex Media
Allen D. Taylor, Jon Ladd, Qiuming Yu, Shengfu Chen, Jiri Homola, Shaoyi Jiang
 Effect of Temperature, Analyte Concentration and Cell Growth Phase on the Luminescence of Pseudomonas Putida Tva8 Induced by Trichloroethylene
Jinyi Han, Kostia Bergman, Bruce Applegate, Katherine S. Ziemer, Albert Sacco Jr.

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