Topical 1: Water Resource Conservation: Purification, Reclamation and Reuse

Session 166 - Advanced Oxidation Processes
Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) are processes that rely on the generation of radical species for degrading water contaminants. This type of processes are applied for treating groundwaters and wastewaters as well as drinking water disinfection. The objectives of the proposed session include: (1) Inform AIChE members on the fundamental principles of radical generation for water treatment. (2) Compare the economics and performance of AOPs with conventional water treatment technologies. (3) Describe the latest developments and applications of AOPs for water treatment (i.e, sulfate-based radicals, sonication, cold plasma techniques, UV and/or other catalyst-assisted AOP, etc.) (4) Explain the advantages, disadvantages, and engineering challenges of the in-situ application of AOPs for groundwater treatment. Contributions on the above described topics (or closely related ones) are welcomed.
Chair:Pedro E. Arce
CoChair:Rafael Hernandez
 Introductory Remarks
 Enhancement of Photcatalytic Mineralization of Phenol in the Presence of Ferric Ions: Kinetic Modelling and Parameter Estimation
Aaron Ortiz-Gomez, Hugo de Lasa, Benito Serrano-Rosales, Miguel Salaices
 Free Radical Chemistry as the Underpinning for Advanced Oxidation Processes
William J. Cooper, Stephen P. Mezyk, James J. Kiddle, Bruce J. Mincher
 Use of Pulsed Corona Discharge Reactors (Pcdr): Results for Protein Degradation in Aqueous Phase
Maria F. Ibañez, Martha J. M. Wells, Dennis George, Pedro E. Arce
 Electrochemical Oxidation and Mineralisation of Acetaldehyde
M. Ernst, Wolfgang Gangl, M. Siebenhofer, E. Ahn, T. Hilber, Rolf Marr
 Anodic Oxidation of Wastewater Constituents; Investigation of Process Parameters
Julia Zelenka, Wolfgang Gangl, Peter Letonja, Matthäus Siebenhofer, Rolf Marr
 Advanced Oxidation Processes; the Role of the Redox Couple Fe+3/Fe+2
Wolfgang Gangl, Julia Zelenka, Peter Letonja, Matthäus Siebenhofer, Rolf Marr
 Evaluation of Chemical Oxidizer-Soil Interactions and Their Impact on the Efficiency of Insitu Chemical Oxidation
John M. Harden, Mark E. Zappi, Rafael Hernandez, Dr. William T. French, William L. Kingery
 Concluding Remarks

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