Topical 7: Product Design

Session 132 - Incorporation of Product Design into Chemical Engineering Education
This session will include experiences and lessons learned from academics who have been in the forefront of introducing product design into the chemical engineering curriculum. Also included will be observations and recommendations from industry as to how these recent curriculum changes are addressing their needs.
Chair:Mariano J. Savelski
CoChair:Michael Hill
 Product Design as an Undergraduate Capstone at Columbia University
Michael Hill, Rastislav Levicky, Alan C. West
 Integrating a High-Throughput Screening Lab and Case-Studies into Product Design Courses
Christopher W. Jones, Carson Meredith, Matthew J. Realff
 Computer-Aided Product Design
Jens Abildskov, Rafiqul Gani
 Capstone Project Design Experiences on Product Design
Miguel J. Bagajewicz
 Teaching Chemical Product Design
Edward L. Cussler, Geoffrey D. Moggridge
 Management Support for the Aiche National Student Design Competition
Richard L. Long

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