Technology Transfer

Session 415 - University Collaboration Panel
Industrial and university speakers are invited to serve on a panel discussing their experiences with university-academic collaborations, tips for making them successful, etc... First, each panel members will first give a brief presentation discussing their experience. Then, there will be a Q&A session where the audience is invited to address questions to the entire panel.
Chair:Christopher L. Burcham
CoChair:Michael B. Mackaplow
 Introductory Remarks
 A Pharmaceutical Industry – University Research Collaboration Via a Post-Doctoral Researcher: the Industrial Perspective
Michael B. Mackaplow
 University and Industry Collaboration on Commodity Versus Entrepreneurial Products
Elliot B. Kennel
 Collaboration through an NSF-Goali Project
Ali Cinar
 University of Maryland High Shear Mixing Research Program
Richard V. Calabrese
 National Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology and Education
Prabir K. Basu
 Panel Discussion

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