Topical 3: 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Electrophoreses Society (AES)

Session 314 - AES Poster Session
We invite submissions describing new experimental or theoretical work involving any aspect of electrophoresis technology at both the macro- and micro-scales.
Chair:Shramik Sengupta
CoChair:Nancy Kendrick
 Blood Typing in a Dielectrophoretic Microdevice
Prashant Reuben Daggolu, Adrienne R. Minerick
 Lab-on-a-Chip Sample Preparation for Subcellular Analysis: a Technique to Rapidly Rupture Erythrocytes in a Dielectrophoretic Microdevice
Adrienne R. Minerick, Sheena Reeves
 Lessons Learned from “Not Entirely Successful” Attempts to Use Room Temperature Ionic Liquids (R T I Ls) for Electrochemical Separations
Ricardo Condemarin, Ashutosh Jha, Paul Scovazzo

See more of Topical 3: 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Electrophoresis Society (AES)