Engineering Fundamentals in Life Science

Session 490 - Cardiovascular and Cancer (II)
This session will highlight engineering approaches to problems in cancer, cardiovascular and other diseases. Emphasis will be on studies of transport, cell and tissue mechanics, heat transfer, and kinetics applied specifically to the areas of tumor biology, metastasis, and the circulation. Topics may span length-scales from molecular to organismal physiology, involving computational and/or experimental methods. Sample topics include: - angiogenesis - atherosclerosis - cancer cell adhesion and migration - cancer cell signaling - intracellular metabolism - diabetes - gene therapies – novel therapeutic strategies - ischemia / reperfusion injury - models of tumor development - sickle cell disease - thrombosis/fibrinolysis - tumor pharmacokinetics and drug delivery.
Chair:Neil S. Forbes
CoChair:Edgar O'Rear III
 Scaffold Mesh Size and Mechanical Properties and Their Effects on Tevg Outcome
Dany Munoz-Pinto, Mariah Hahn
 Inter-Domain Non-Covalent Interactions Stabilize the Solution Structure of Human Von Willebrand Factor
Indrajeet Singh, Harish Shankaran, Mark E Beauharnois, Zhihua Xiao, Paschalis Alexandridis, Sriram Neelamegham
 Characterization of Peptides Isolated from Bacterial Display Libraries Binding to Tumor Cell Surface Receptors
Karen Y. Dane, Yimin Zhu, Patrick S. Daugherty
 Targeting L-Methioninase to the Vasculature of Tumors
Naveen R. Palwai, Xiao-Ping Zang, J. Thomas Pento, Roger G. Harrison
 Dendrimer-Based Nanodevices for Targeted Cancer Therapy Based on Mechanistic Understanding of Device Performance
Sezen Gurdag, Rangaramanujam M. Kannan, Sarah Staples, Larry Matherly
 The Role of Mesenchymal Bone Marrow-Derived Cells in Tumor Formation
Michelle R. Dawson, Dan G. Duda, Rakesh K. Jain
 Influence of Toxicity Effects on Model-Based Docetaxel Treatment Design
Jeffry A. Florian Jr., Robert S. Parker

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