Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division

Session 448 - High Throughput Experimentation
This session welcomes papers related to high throughput catalysis and reaction engineering.
Chair:Jochen Lauterbach
CoChair:Prasanna V. Joshi
 Welcoming Remarks
 Triple Function Ru Catalysts for Low-Temperature Co Oxidation, Voc Combustion and Scr-Denox
Stephen Cypes, Alfred Hagemeyer, Zach Hogan, Andreas Lesik, Guido Streukens, Anthony F. Volpe, Henry Weinberg, Karin Yaccato
 Discovery and Optimization of Nsr Catalysts Via High-Throughput Experimentation
Rohit Vijay, Christopher Snively, Jochen Lauterbach
 High-Throughput Metal Nanoparticle Catalysis by Pulsed Laser Ablation
Michael Kahn, Selim Senkan
 High Throughput Experimentation (Hte) Applied to Methanol-to-Hydrocarbons Reactions
Jens Klein, Alfred Haas, Wolfgang Strehlau, Charles L. Kibby, Charles Wilson
 Concluding Remarks

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