
Session 399 - Nano-Energetic Materials
This session aims to encompass research in the area of the formation of reactive nanoparticles and their application in energetic systems. Contributions are solicited addressing both experimental and theoretical aspects of reaction kinetics, processing, and characterization of energetic materials involving nanoreactants.
Chair:Jan A. Puszynski
CoChair:Bruce Cranford
 Role of Nano-Particles in Energetic Materials Development
Vladimir Hlavacek
 Experimental and Modeling Studies of Self-Sustaining Reactions between Nanopowders
Chris J. Bulian, Stanley Smith, Jan A. Puszynski
 Nanoscale Materials Environmental and Health Issues
Randall J. Cramer
 Solution Combustion Synthesis Boosts Ceria Activity Towards Diesel Soot Combustion
Pietro Palmisano, Nunzio Russo, Debora Fino, Claudio Badini
 Production and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Explosive Rdx
Victor Stepanov, Venant Anglade, Andrei Bezmelnitsyn, Lev N. Krasnoperov

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