Topical 2: Discover, Development and Delivery of Medicines

Session 394 - Innovations & Opportunities in Biopharmaceutical Development-Invited Papers
Experts in biopharmaceutical development will be invited to present on the current trends and advances, as well as provide insight into the direction we're likely to see in the future of biopharmaceutical development, scale-up and manufacture.
Chair:Eugene Schaefer
CoChair:Gregory Frank
CoSponsor(s):Pharmaceuticals (See also Topical 2)
 Biopharmaceutical Development Opening Remarks
Eugene Schaefer, Gregory Frank
 High-Throughput Biocatalysis for Drug Discovery and Development
Jonathan S. Dordick, Moo-Yeal Lee, Anand K. Ramasubramanian, Seok-Joon Kwon, Bosung Ku, Douglas S. Clark
 Adsorptive Separations of Proteins and Nucleic Acids: Macro, Micro and Nano
Richard C. Willson
 pH-Triggered Liposomes for Rnai Delivery
Debra Auguste, Robert Langer
 “Body-on-a-Chip” Technology for Predicting Human Response to Various Drug Therapies
Michael L. Shuler, Daniel A. Tatosian, Xinran Li, Jong H. Sung
 Innovations in Biotechnology Panel Discussion
Eugene Schaefer, Gregory Frank

See more of Topical 2: Discovery, Development and Delivery of Medicines