Membrane-Based Separations

Session 41 - Plenary Session I on Membranes and Bioseparations Honoring Professor Ed Lightfoot
This session will deal with invited talks in the area of membrane fundamentals, and applications in emerging and biological area. This session is co-sponsored by 2G.
Chair:D. Bhattacharyya
CoChair:Norman N. Li
CoSponsor(s):Bio Separations
 Introductory Remarks
 Transport Phenomena in Viral-Vectored Vaccines and Genome Sequencing
D. Keith Roper
 Membranes, Phase Interfaces and Separations: Novel Techniques and Membranes -- an Overview
Kamalesh K. Sirkar
 Membrane Processes in the Biotechnology Industry
Robert Van Reis
 Correlation of Protein–Protein Cross Interactions with Separations Behavior
Xuankuo Xu, Yu-Chia Cheng, Peter M. Tessier, Vincent Verruto, Stanley I. Sandler, Abraham M. Lenhoff

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