
Session 267 - Biocomposites
This session welcomes contributions from all areas of “Biocomposites” ranging from environment-friendly biodegradable composites to biomedical composites for drug/gene delivery and tissue engineering applications. Relevant topics include novel preparation and characterization methods, relationship between composite morphology and properties/applications, and theoretical and experimental studies exploring the “filler-matrix” interactions in these systems.
Chair:Rhutesh K. Shah
CoChair:Esmaiel Jabbari
 Introductory Remarks
 Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Novel Nanocomposites from Cellulose Nanocrystals
Paul Podsiadlo, Eric Black, Bongsup Shim, Nicholas A. Kotov
 Characterization of Biopolymer Composites Created Using Solid-State Shear Pulverization
Amanda M. Walker, John M. Torkelson, Ying Tao, John R. Dorgan
 Fire Retardant Fatty Acid Based Vinyl Ester Resins
Erde Can, Jermaine Winstead, John J. La Scala, Giuseppe R. Palmese
 Polymer-Nanotube-Enzyme Composites as Active Antifouling Films
Prashanth Asuri, Sandeep S Karajanagi, Ravi S. Kane, Jonathan S. Dordick
 Electrodeposition of Lysozyme-Silver Antimicrobial Bionanocomposites Onto Stainless Steel Medical Instruments
D. Matthew Eby, Heather R. Luckarift, Glenn R. Johnson
 Adsorption and Desorption of Lysozyme on Thermosensitive Nano-Sized Magnetic Particles and Its Conformational Changes
Nabila Shamim, Kus Hidajat, Liang Hong, M. Shahab Uddin
 Composite Layered Scaffolds for the Regrowth of Heterogeneous Tissue
Benjamin J. Lawrence, Eric L. Maase, Sundararajan V. Madihally
 Concluding Remarks

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