Bio Separations

Session 357 - Plenary Session III on Membranes and Bioseparations Honoring Professor Ed Lightfoot
Bioseparations community celebrates the outstanding contributions and accomplishments of Prof. Ed Lightfoot. Outstanidng researchers in bioseparations are invited to give a summary of recent advances in their research. The program aims to deliver a coherent pedagogical message for the audience.
Chair:Linda Wang
CoChair:Georges Belfort
CoSponsor(s):Separations Division
 Production of Porous Materials by “Reactive Gelation”
Massimo Morbidelli
 Protein Chromatography
Thatcher W. Root
 Metal-Affinity Separations of Nucleic Acids
Richard C. Willson
 Prediction of Protein Affinity and Displacer Selectivity in Chromatographic Systems Using Multi-Scale Modeling Techniques
Ting Yang, Matthew C. Sundling, Jie Chen, Jia Liu, Curt M. Breneman, Steven Cramer
 Nonlinear and Preparative Chromatography
Georges Guiochon

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