Optimization,Optimal Control

TitleAuthor(s)AbstractFull Paper
Nonsmooth Optimization of Systems with Varying StructureMehmet Yunt, Paul Barton143143
Real-time Optimization with Estimation of Experimental GradientAlejandro Marchetti, Benoît Chachuat, Dominique Bonvin117117
Optimally Invariant Variable Combinations for Nonlinear SystemsJohannes Jäschke, Sigurd Skogestad175175
Influence of Differences in System Dynamics in the context of Multi-unit OptimizationFrançois Reney, Michel Perrier, Bala Srinivasan210210
A Model-Free Methodology for the Optimization of Batch Processes: Design of Dynamic ExperimentsChristos Georgakis201201
Koc University - CIT Office 2009