Nonlinear,Adaptive Control

TitleAuthor(s)AbstractFull Paper
Thermodynamic approach for Lyapunov based controlHa Gnoc HOANG, Françoise COUENNE, Christian JALLUT, Yann LE GORREC167167
Boundary geometric control of co-current heat exchangerAhmed MAIDI, Moussa DIAF, Jean-Pierre CORRIOU2626
Robust Adaptive MPC for Systems with Exogeneous DisturbancesVeronica Adetola, Martin Guay161161
Robust Nonlinear Model Predictive Control using Volterra Models,the Structured Singular Value (?)Rosendo Diaz-Mendoza, Hector Budman1919
Output-feedback Dissipative Control of Exothermic Continuous ReactorsAlexander Schaum, Jaime Alberto Moreno, Jesus Alvarez, Jorge Diaz-Salgado165165
Koc University - CIT Office 2009