Monitoring,Hybrid Control of Industrial Processing Systems (Invited session)

TitleAuthor(s)AbstractFull Paper
Data reconciliation,optimal management of hydrogen networks of a real refineryDaniel Sarabia, Smaranda Cristea, Elena Gomez, Gloria Gutierrez, Carlos Mendez, Jose Sola, Cesar de Prada212212
Performance Monitoring in Supermarket Refrigeration Systems - Synchronization of Refrigerated Display CasesLiang Chen, Torben Green, Lars F. S. Larsen, Rafael Wisniewski, Roozbeh Izadi-Zamanabadi118118
A hierarchical approach to optimal control of a hybrid chromatographic batch processDmitry Gromov, Suzhou Li, Joerg Raisch120120
Sensitivity-based Predictive Control of a Large-scale Supermarket Refrigeration SystemChristian Sonntag, Malte Kölling, Sebastian Engell237237
PWA Modelling,Co-ordinated Continuous,Logical Control of a Laboratory Scale Plant with Hybrid DynamicsJaroslav Hlava228228
Koc University - CIT Office 2009