Quality by Design in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Multivariate Process Modelling, Monitoring and Control

Theodora Kourti


The pharmaceutical industry has entered a new era, and process control community has an integral part to play. Attention is now being paid to real time process monitoring, real time process control, continuous improvement of processes, and quick product technology transfer. Terms like Quality by Design, Design Space, Control Strategy, Process Analytical technology, Process Signature are now used to reflect the current state. Multivariate Statistical Analysis has played an integral part in several industries, enabling process understanding, utilization of real time analysers and Real Time Product release. It is therefore appropriate to see it as an integral part of the pharmaceutical industry effort to address issues like Design Space, Control Strategy, real time process signature monitoring, process understanding and correct technology transfer. In this work it is demonstrated that multivariate, data based statistical methods play a very critical role in providing solutions to these issues. From determining the acceptability of raw material entering the plant to ensuring quality of the product that leaves the plant, the multivariate analysis philosophy should govern all the operations that take that raw material and convert it to a final product in a cost efficient way, while meeting safety and environmental constraints, from development to manufacturing to site transfer.