Information For Students

Student Best Paper Award

The 2011 American Control Conference is pleased to continue the tradition of the Student Best Paper Award. All primary, first-listed authors of regular contributed papers who were students at the time of submission were eligible. There were over forty nominations. The nominated papers were reviewed through the usual conference process and also by the Student Best Paper Award Committee. Based on these reviews, the following five students have been selected as finalists for the Student Best Paper Award competition:

Aleksandra Gruszka, Michael Malisoff, and Frederic Mazenc, Louisiana State University & INRIA Disco CNRS-Supelec, "On Tracking for the PVTOL Model with Bounded Feedback", WeC08.6

Chuxiong Hu, Bin Yao, and Qingfeng Wang, Zhejiang University and Purdue University, "Global TCF Based Contouring Controller Design for an Industrial Biaxial Precision Gantry with Accurate Parameter Estimations", WeC06.1

Christopher Mayhew and Andrew Teel, University of California, Santa Barbara, "Hybrid Control of Rigid-Body Attitude with Synergistic Potential Functions", WeA09.1

Scott Moura and Hosam Fathy, University of Michigan & Pennsylvania State University, "Optimal Boundary Control & Estimation of Diffusion-Reaction PDEs", WeB10.6

Cameron Nowzari and Jorge Cortes, University of California, San Diego, "Self-Triggered Coordination of Robotic Networks for Optimal Deployment", WeB14.1

Student Travel Grants

Partial travel support is available for students presenting papers at the 2011 American Control Conference. Applications for travel support were made available on PaperPlaza ( The application deadline was May 13, 2011.

To receive travel assistance, the student must submit an accounting of eligible expenses after the conference but no later than July 15, 2011, with their professor’s certification that the expenses were not otherwise covered by university, foundation, or industry funds. Receipts received after July 15 will not be eligible for reimbursement. Students are reminded that the 2011 ACC Student Travel Grants are in the form of reimbursements sent only after the completion of the conference upon receipt of all required documentation. Therefore, student awardees should plan and document their expenses accordingly. For more information, please contact the Vice Chair for Student Affairs, John Wagner (

Special Panel Session for Students

In today’s engineering market, a number of employment opportunities are available for students graduating with their doctorate degree. This Student Affairs sponsored session features a panel whose members have had a variety of work experiences ranging from academia, industry, post doc, and national laboratory positions. Each panel member will present a focused overview of their career paths and lessons learned that will be followed by a lively question/answer period with session participants. Plan to attend to gain further information regarding career opportunities and share your perspectives on the evolving global Dynamic Systems & Controls engineering workforce.


“Planning the Next Steps after Obtaining a PhD Degree”


Wednesday, June 29, 2011, 6:00 pm


Golden Gate 3

Panel Members:

Dr. Warren Dixon, University of Florida

Dr. Hosam Fathy, Pennsylvania State University

Dr. John Ferris, Virginia Tech, Danville

Dr. Ilya Kolmanovsky, University of Michigan

Dr. John Wagner, Clemson University (moderator)