PSE'97 / ESCAPE-7 : Conference Workshop


Saturday 24 May 1997

Organized by Prof. Truls Gundersen, NTNU

This workshop is part of a 2-day IEA workshop.

On 1 September 1995, the International Energy Agency (IEA) initiated an Implementing Agreement on Process Integration to improve methods and tools and to promote a larger industrial use across regions and branches. A survey activity to identify existing and emerging technologies, end-user needs and experiences, and to set the scene for future activities in the project, will be finalized by 1 September 1997.

To present and get feedback on the results so far, a two-day Workshop will be arranged in conjunction with the PSE'97/ESCAPE-7 symposium. The workshop is also an event in the Nordic Energy Research Programme on Process Integration.

The first day (Friday 23. May) will be open only for the participating countries (UK, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark and Portugal) and individuals from potential new member countries by invitation, and will deal with internal matters of the project.

The second day, however, will be open for all with an interest in Process Integration, and will include invited presentations by world leading academic and commercial developers, major industrial companies, poster presentations, software demonstrations and panel discussions. There will be an upper limit on the number of attendees for the second day.

Fee: NOK 1000 (lunch included)

Due to a grant from the Nordic Energy Research Programme on Process Integration, doctoral students from the Nordic countries may apply for free admission to this workshop and partial refund of their travelling costs.

More information on this workshop may be obtained from:

Professor Truls Gundersen
Dept. of Thermal Energy and Hydro Power
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
N-7034 Trondheim - Norway
tel: +47 7359 1604
fax: +47 7359 8390
Last modified: Mon Feb 17 11:21:47 EST 1997