Page 11
Title: A G2-based MDOOM Testbed for Concurrent Process Engineering
Authors: M.L. Lu, R. Batres, H.S. Li and Y. Naka
Affil.: Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan
Contact: Ming Liang Lu
Address: Research Lab. of Resources Utilization, Tokyo Institute of Tech. 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku Yokahama 226, Japan
phone/fax: +81459245271 / 81459245270
Page 17
Title: CAPE in Process Design - Potential and Limitations
Authors: B. Bessling, B.Lohe, H.Schoenmaker, S.Scholl, H.Staatz
Affil.: BASF AG, Germany
Contact: Di B Bessling
Address: BASF AG, ZET/FA - L 540, D 67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany
email: NONE
phone/fax: NONE / 000496216052411
Page 23
Title: Combined Exergy and Pinch Approach to Process Analysis
Authors: M. Sorin, J.Paris
Affil.: Energy Div. Res. Lab., Canada
Contact: M. Sorin
Address: Energy Diversification Research Laboratory, CANMET 1615 Lionel-Boulet, P.O.Box 4800, Varennes J3X 1S6 Quebec, CANADA
phone/fax: NONE / 5146523991
Page 29
Title: Equipartition of Forces - Extension to Chemical Reactors
Authors: Erik Sauar, Signe Kjelstrup Ratkje , Kristian Lien
Affil.: NTNU, Norway
Contact: Erik Sauar
Address: Dept. Chem. Eng. NTNU, 7034 Trondheim, NORWAY
phone/fax: NONE / 73591676
Page 35
Title: Process synthesis for reaction systems with cooling via finding the Attainable Region
Authors: Willie Nicol, Diane Hildebrandt and David Glasser
Affil.: Univ. of Witwatersrand, South Africa
Contact: Willie Nicol
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Private Bag 3,WITS 2050, South Africa
phone/fax: +2711-7162402 / 27114031471
Page 41
Title: Towards Automatic Generation of Novel Reactor-Separator Networks with Multiple Multicomponents Feeds
Authors: Dusko Bikic, Peter Glavic
Affil.: Univ. of Maribor, Slovenia
Contact: Dusko Bikic
Address: University of Maribor, P.O. Box 224, Smetanova 17 SI, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
phone/fax: NONE / 38662227774
Page 47
Title: Synthesis of Optimal Reactor Networks Using Mathematical Programming and Simulated Annealing
Authors: J.C. Cordero, A.Davin,P. Floquet , L. Pibouleau , S. Domenech
Affil.: Inst Natl Polytec de Toulouse, France
Contact: J.C. Cordero
Address: Laboratoire de Genie Chimique, UMR CNRS 5503, ENSIGC-INP 18, Chemin de la Loge 31078 Toulouse Cedex, France
email: NONE
phone/fax: NONE / 0003362252318
Page 53
Title: A case study on synthesis in preliminary design
Authors: D Murray Laing and Eric S Fraga
Affil.: Univ. of Edinburgh, UK
Contact: Eric Fraga
Address: Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, University College London, Torrington Place,
phone/fax: 441714193817 / 00044 1713832348
Page 59
Title: Improved Sequential Stategy for the Synthesis of Near-Optimal Heat Exchanger Networks
Authors: Truls Gundersen, Petter Traedal, Abdolreza Hashemi-Ahmady
Affil.: NTNU, Norway
Contact: Truls Gundersen
Address: Telemark Institute of Technology, Kjolnes Ring 56, N-3914 Porsgrunn, NORWAY
phone/fax: NONE / 4735575001
Page 65
Title: A Comprehensive Global Optimization Approach for the Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Networks with No Stream Splits
Authors: J.M. Zamora,I.Grossmann
Affil.: Carnegie Mellon Univ. USA
Contact: Ignacio Grossmann
Address: Carnegie Mellon University, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, 15213 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
phone/fax: NONE / 4122687139
Page 71
Title: An Agent-Based Environment for Operational Design
Authors: Rafael Batres, Ming Liang Lu, Yuji Naka
Affil.: Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan
Contact: Rafael Batres
Address: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Resources Utilization, Naka Laboratory 226 Yokohama, Midori-ku, Nagatsuta 4259, JAPAN
phone/fax: +819245271 / 819245270
Page 77
Title: Sharable engineering knowledge databases for intelligent system applications
Authors: D. C. Miller, J. F. Davis, B. Chandrasekaran, J. R. Josephson and M. J. Elsass
Affil.: Ohio State Univ. USA
Contact: David Miller
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, The Ohio State University, 140 West 19th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210, USA
phone/fax: 1-614-292-4944 / 16142923769
Page 83
Title: Use of Intelligent Software Agents in an Industrial Pressure Relief and Blowdown Design Tool
Authors: A. Struthers
Affil.: ICI Engng. Tech., UK
Contact: Alistair Struthers
Address: ICI Engineering Technology, PO Box 8 The Heath, Runcorn Chesire, WA7 4QF, U.K.
phone/fax: 441928515601 / 441928515660423
Page 89
Title: iGES-An itelligent Graphical Engineering System
Authors: T. Wada, Y. Nakada, P. Morrow and M.L. Lu
Affil.: NKD Co. Ltd., Japan
Contact: Y. Nakada
Address: c/o CCS 6-41-10, Kameido, Koto-ku 136 Tokyo, JAPAN
phone/fax: NONE / 81356267793
Page 95
Title: TEO Program System for Optimizing the Daily Operation of Power Plants
Authors: P. Assenmacher, G. Berning, F.-J. Toelle
Affil.: Bayer AG, Germany
Contact: Franz-Josef Tolle
Address: Research Center, Bayer AG, ZF-TSysVT, D-51368 Leverkusen, Germany
phone/fax: +492143071346 / 000492143031142
Page 101
Title: Integrated Design of Responsive Chemical Manufacturing Facilities
Authors: D.A. Rowe, J.D. Perkins and S.P. Walsh
Affil.: Imperial College, UK
Contact: Steve Walsh
Address: Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7 2BY, UK
phone/fax: +441715946638. / 441715946606
Page 107
Title: Design of Autonomous Decentralized Multi-effect Systems
Authors: I. Koshijima, T. Akifumi, I. Kanda, K. Niida, T. Umeda
Affil.: Chiyoda Co., Japan
Contact: Kazuo Niida
Address: Chiba Institute of Technology, 2-17-3 Tudanuma, Narashino, Chiba, Japan
phone/fax: NONE / 81474780354
Page 113
Title: Operation support systems for new kinds of process operation work
Authors: Catharina Lindheim and Kristian M. Lien
Affil.: NTNU, Norway
Contact: Catharina Lindheim
Address: Dept. of Chemical Eng. NTNU, 7034 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY
phone/fax: +4773594553 / 4773594080
Page 119
Title: An Intelligent Parallel Control System Structure for Plants with Multiple Operating Regimes
Authors: A. Kordon, Y.O. Fuentes, B.A. Ogunnaike, P.S. Dhurjati
Affil.: E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., USA
Contact: Arthur K. Kordon
Address: The Dow Chemical Company, 2301 N. Brazosport Blvd., B-1217 Freeport 77541-3257, U.S.A.
phone/fax: +01409-238-5149 / 014092380244
Page 125
Title: Globally Optimal Robust Control for Systems with Time-Varying Nonlinear Perturbations
Authors: Jeremy G. VanAntwerp, Richard D. Braatz, Nikolaos V. Sahinidis
Affil.: Univ. of Illinois, USA
Contact: Richard Braatz
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, 600 South Mathews Avenue, Box C-3 Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA
phone/fax: +12173335073 / 12173335052
Page 131
Title: Robust control of an absorption heat pump system
Authors: Ahiriro Ohgata, Yuh Yamashita and Hirokazu Nishitani
Affil.: Nara Inst. of Science and Tech., Japan
Contact: Akihiro Ohgata
Address: Nara Institute of Science and Technology, 8916-5 Takayama, Ikoma Nara 630-01, Japan
phone/fax: +81-7437-2-5363 / 81743725369
Page 137
Title: Nonlinear Structure Identification of Chemical Processes
Authors: P.H. Menold, F. Allgower, R.K. Pearson
Affil.: ETH, Switzerland
Contact: Frank Allgower
Address: Institut fur Automatik, ETH Zentrum CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
phone/fax: +1-302-6958747 / 13026952645
Page 143
Title: Operability Considerations in Chemical Processes: A Switchability Analysis
Authors: T.T.L. Vu, P.A. Bahri, J.A. Romagnoli
Affil.: Univ. of Sydney, Australia
Contact: J. A. Romagnoli
Address: University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
phone/fax: (00612)3514794 / 006123512854
Page 149
Title: A Dynamical Supervisor Strategy for Multi-product Processes
Authors: Karlene Kosanovich, Michael J. Piovoso
Affil.: Univ. of South Carolina, USA
Contact: Karlene Kosanovich
Address: University of South Carolina, Dept. of Chem. Eng., 29208 Columbia SC, U.S.A.
phone/fax: NONE / 8037778265
Page 155
Title: Dual-mode adaptive control of nonlinear processes
Authors: F. Allgower and B.A. Ogunnaike
Affil.: ETH, Switzerland
Contact: Frank Allgower
Address: Institut fur Automatik, ETH Zentrum CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
phone/fax: +41-1-632-1211 / 0004116323557
Page 161
Title: Robust H_2 performance analysis for a high-purity distillation column
Authors: Fen Wu, Keat-Choon Goh, Steve Walsh
Affil.: Imperial College, UK
Contact: Fen Wu
Address: Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London SW7 2BY, United Kingdom
phone/fax: +44(171)5946617 / 441715946606
Page 167
Title: On the efficient simulation and anlysis of regenerative processes in cyclic operation
Authors: J. Unger, G.Kolios, G. Eigenberger
Affil.: Univ. Stuttgart, Germany
Contact: Gerhart Eigenberger
Address: Lehrstuhl und Institut für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik, Universität Stuttgart, Böblingerstraße 72, D-70199 Stuttgart, GERMANY
phone/fax: +497116412229 / 497116412242
Page 173
Title: Interactive, Dynamic Simulation Using Extrapolation Methods
Authors: Bjorn D. Tyreus
Affil.: DuPont Central Research & Development, USA
Contact: Bjorn D. Tyreus
Address: DuPont Central Research & Development , Experimental Station, P.O.Box 80101, DE 19880-0101 Wilmington
phone/fax: NONE / 3026952645
Page 181
Title: Estimation of uncertainty in dynamic simulation results
Authors: Helge Toervi, Terje Hertzberg
Affil.: NTNU, Norway
Contact: Helge T|rvi
Address: Dept of Chem.Eng., Norwegian University of Science and Technology, N-7034 Trondheim, Norway
phone/fax: +4773594691 / 4773594080
Page 187
Title: Development of an Object-Oriented Simulation System for Complex Solids Processes
Authors: Guenter Gruhn, Jan Rosenkranz, Joachim Werther, J.-Christian Toebermann
Affil.: Univ. Hamburg-Harburg, Germany
Contact: Jan Rosenkranz
Address: Dept. of Process and Plant Engineering, Technical University Hamburg, Harburg Denickestrasse 15, D-21071 Hamburg, GERMANY
phone/fax: +494077182693 / 494077182992
Page 193
Title: A Rigorous and Efficient Distillation Column Model for Engineering and Training Simulators
Authors: Ingunn Olsen, Guttorm Olav Endrestoel and Terje Sira
Affil.: Inst. of Energy Tech., Norway
Contact: Ingunn Olsen
Address: Institute for Energy Technology, P.O.Box 40 N-2007 Kjeller, Norway
phone/fax: +4763806210 / 4763811168
Page 199
Title: Use of Simulation in Rating and Design of Distillation Units
Authors: U.Eiden and S.Scholl
Affil.: BASF AG, Germany
Contact: Stephan Scholl
Address: BASF Aktiengesellschaft Engineering R&D, ZET/FA - L 540, D 67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany
phone/fax: NONE / 000496216052488
Page 205
Title: Tools for Computer Aided Analysis and Interpretation of Process Simulation Results
Authors: M.A.Gaubert, X.Joulia
Affil.: Inst Natl Polytec de Toulouse, France
Contact: Xavier Joulia
Address: Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (INPT), Equipe Analyse Fonctionnelle des Procedes 18, chemin de la Loge 31078 Toulouse Cedex, FRANCE
phone/fax: NONE / 3362252370
Page 211
Title: Separation of Nonideal Mixtures based on Mass/Heat Exchange Principles. The Entrainer Selection and Sequencing Problem.
Authors: S. Rahim Ismail, E.N. Pistikopoulos, K.P. Papalexandri
Affil.: Imperial College, UK
Contact: Soraya Rahim Ismail
Address: Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute, FORTH 6th km Harilaou Thermi Rd. ,P.O. BOX 361 570 01 Thermi Thessaloniki, GREECE
phone/fax: +441715946630 / +441715946606
Page 217
Title: MINLP-Optimization of Complex Column Configuration for Azeotropic Mixtures
Authors: Th. Frey, M. H. Bauer, J. Stichlmair
Affil.: Tech. Univ. Munchen, Germany
Contact: Thomas Frey
Address: Lehrstuhl A fuer Verfahrenstechnik, Arcisstr. 21, 80290 Muenchen, Germany
phone/fax: +498928916517 / 498928916510
Page 223
Title: A Physical Limitation Based Framework for Separations Synthesis
Authors: Lionel O'Young,Y.Natori,T.G. Pressly , Ka M. Ng
Affil.: Mitsubishi Chem., USA
Contact: Lionel O'Young
Address: Mitsubishi Chem. America, Inc., Process Techn. and Eng. Center, 99 W. Tasman Drive, San Jose
phone/fax: NONE / 4089548494
Page 231
Title: Heuristic-numeric Design of Separation Processes for Azeotropic Mixtures
Authors: Gerhard Schembecker, Karl Hans Simmrock
Affil.: Univ. Dortmund, Germany
Contact: Gerhard Schembecker
Address: University of Dortmund, Lehrstuhl fur Technische Chemie A, Fachbereich Chemietechnik, D-44221 Dotrmund, GERMANY
phone/fax: NONE / 492317552311
Page 237
Title: Complex Distillation Arrangements : Extending the Petluyk Ideas
Authors: Atle C. Christiansen, Sigurd Skogestad and Kristian Lien
Affil.: NTNU, Norway
Contact: Atle Christer Christiansen
Address: Dept. of Chemical Engineering NTNU, 7034 Trondheim, Norway
phone/fax: +4773593691 / 4773594080
Page 243
Title: Simulation Oriented Development of a New Heat Integrated Distillation Column and its Characteristics for Energy Saving
Authors: T. Takamatsu, M. Nakaiwa,T.Akiya, H. Noda,T.Nakanishi, K. Aso
Affil.: Kansai Univ. Japan
Contact: T. Takamatsu
Address: Kyoto University, 183 Iwakura-Hanazono, Sakyo, 606 Kyoto, JAPAN
phone/fax: NONE / 81757814684
Page 249
Title: Optimizing Control of Petlyuk Distillation: Understanding the Steady-State Behavior
Authors: Ivar J. Halvorsen and Sigurd Skogestad
Affil.: NTNU, Norway
Contact: Ivar J. Halvorsen
Address: SINTEF Reguleringsteknikk, N-7034 Trondheim, NORWAY
phone/fax: +4773594387 / 4773594399
Page 255
Title: A Graduate Course in Computer Integrated Process Operations
Authors: F.J. Doyle, J.F. Pekny, G.V. Reklaitis, V. Venkatasubramanian
Affil.: Purdue Univ. USA
Contact: Francis Doyle
Address: School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907-1283, USA
phone/fax: 3174949472 / 3174940805
Page 261
Title: An Undergraduate Course in Process Dynamics
Authors: B. Wayne Bequette
Affil.: Rensselaer Polytech. Inst., USA
Contact: B. Wayne Bequette
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 8th Street Troy, NY 12180-3590, U.S.A
phone/fax: 5182766683 / 5182764030
Page 267
Title: Control of systems with recycle by means of compensators
Authors: C.Scali, F.Ferrari
Affil.: Univ. of Pisa, Italy
Contact: Claudio Scali
Address: University of Pisa, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Via Diotisalvi, 2 - 56026 Pisa, Italy
phone/fax: NONE / 3950511266
Page 273
Title: Control Configuration Selection in Recycle Systems by Steady State Analysis
Authors: Daniele Semino, Giovanni Giuliani
Affil.: Univ. of Pisa, Italy
Contact: Daniele Semino
Address: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Via Diotisalvi 2, 56126 Pisa, Italy
phone/fax: +39-50-511238 / 3950511266
Page 279
Title: Effect of Recycle on the Plant Zero Dynamics
Authors: Elling W. Jacobsen
Affil.: Royal Inst. of Tech, Sweden
Contact: Elling Jacobsen
Address: S3 - Automatic Control , Royal Institute of Technology, KTH 100 44, Stockholm, Sweeden
phone/fax: NONE / 0004687907329
Page 285
Title: An Analysis of the Recycle Dynamics of a High Pressure Production Process
Authors: I.D.L. Bogle , D. Gobby , A.G. Zwahlen
Affil.: Univ. College London, UK
Contact: I.D.L. Bogle
Address: Dept. of Chem. and Biochem. Eng., University College London, Torrington Place WC1E 7JE London, U.K.
phone/fax: NONE / 000441713812348
Page 291
Title: Effect of recycle interactions on dynamics and control of complex plants
Authors: A.C.Dimian, A.J.Groenendijk, S.R.A.Kersten,P.D.Iedema
Affil.: Univ. of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Contact: A.C. Dimian
Address: University of Amsterdam, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, 1018 WV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
phone/fax: NONE / 31205255604
Page 305
Title: Pollution Prevention with Chemical Process Simulation : The Generalized Waste Reduction (WAR) Algorithm
Authors: Heriberto Cabezas, Jane C. Bare , Subir K. Mallick
Affil.: US Environmental Protection Agency, USA
Contact: Heriberto Cabezas
Address: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 26 W. Martin Luther King Dr., OH 45268 Cincinnati, U.S.A.
phone/fax: NONE / 5135697111
Page 311
Title: Computer Aided Identification of Chemical Reaction Hazards
Authors: C. Bruneton, C. Hoff and P. I. Barton
Affil.: MIT, USA
Contact: Christophe Bruneton
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Room 66-369 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
phone/fax: 016172536468 / 016172585042
Page 319
Title: Process Concept Studio: An experiment in Academic/Industrial Collaboration
Authors: G. E. Rotstein, S. Sorensen, V. T. Voudouris, E. Sorensen, A. Sanchez, N. Shah, S. Macchietto, R. A. Weiss
Affil.: Imperial College, UK
Contact: Guillermo Rotstein
Address: Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College, SW7 2BY London, U.K.
phone/fax: 171-5946632 / 1715946606
Page 325
Title: Development of Novel Multiphase Reactors Using a Systematic Design Framework
Authors: V.L. Mehta, A.C. Kokossis
Affil.: UMIST, UK
Contact: Antonis C. Kokossis
Address: Department of Process Integration, University of Manchester, Institute of Science
phone/fax: none / 441612367439
Page 331
Title: Design of Industrial Packing / Production Processes with Operational Uncertainties
Authors: Turaj Tahmassebi
Affil.: Unilever Research, UK
Contact: Turaj Tahmassebi
Address: Unilever Research Port Sunlight Laboratory, Quarry Road East, Bebington L63 3JW Wirral, U.K.
phone/fax: NONE / 4401514711800
Page 337
Title: Layout of process plants: A novel approach
Authors: M.C. Geogiadis, S. Macchietto
Affil.: Imperial College, UK
Contact: Sandro Macchietto
Address: Centre for process systems engineering, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BY, UK
phone/fax: +441715946609 / 441715946606
Page 343
Title: Optimization of a Production Process from the In vivo Response of a Diagnostical Drug
Authors: Svein Kvåle, Knut Dyrstad, Tove Jacobsen, Odd A. Asbjørnsen and Tore Omtveit
Affil.: Nycomed Imaging, Norway
Contact: Svein Kvåle
Address: Nycomed Imaging AS, P.O. Box 4220 Torshov, N-0401 Oslo, Norway
phone/fax: +4722891010 / 4722891200
Page 349
Title: The Optimal Design of Refrigerant Mixtures for a Two-Evaporator Refrigeration System
Authors: Nachiket Churi, Luke E. K. Achenie
Affil.: Univ. of Connecticut, USA
Contact: Luke Achenie
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, U-222 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269, USA
phone/fax: +18604862756 / 18604862959
Page 355
Title: Multicomponent Multiphase Film-like Systems: A Modelling Approach
Authors: E. Ya. Kenig
Affil.: Dortmund Univ. Germany
Contact: Eugeny Kenig
Address: Dortmund University, Chemical Engineering Department, Chair of Thermal Process Engineering, 44221 Dortmund, Germany
phone/fax: 492317552357 / 492317553035
Page 361
Title: Modelling and Control of a Food Extrusion Process
Authors: Justin Elsey, Jörg Riepenhausen, Ben McKay, Geoffrey W. Barton and Mark Willis
Affil.: Univ. of Sydney, Australia
Contact: Geoffrey Barton
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering (J01), The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
phone/fax: +6123512455 / 6123512854
Page 367
Title: Time Delay Neural Networks for the Classification of Flow Regimes
Authors: Yoshiyuki Yamashita
Affil.: Tohoku Univ. Japan
Contact: Yoshiyuki Yamashita
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-77, Japan
phone/fax: +81222177266 / 81222177293
Page 373
Title: Centralized and Decentralized Control of Retrofit Heat-Exchanger Networks
Authors: D. Uzturk, U. Akman
Affil.: Bogazici Univ. Turkey
Contact: Ugur Akman
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Bogazici University Bebek 80815, Istanbul - TURKEY
phone/fax: +90-212-2631540-1867 / 902122872460
Page 379
Title: On-line optimization and choice of optimization variables for control of heat exchanger networks.
Authors: B. Glemmestad, S. Skogestad and T. Gundersen
Affil.: Telemark Inst. of Tech., Norway
Contact: Bjorn Glemmestad
Address: Tel-Tek, Kjolnes Ring, N-3914 Porsgrunn, Norway
phone/fax: +4735574136 / 4735574010
Page 385
Title: Model Based Optimisation and Control of a Reactor System with Heterogeneous Catalyst
Authors: P. J. Carlberg, D. M. Feord
Affil.: Dow Chemical Co., USA
Contact: Philip Carlberg
Address: The Dow Chemical Company, 2301 N. Brazosport Blvd., B-1226 Freeport, Texas 77541-3257, USA
phone/fax: 001-409-238-7975 / 0014092380140
Page 391
Title: A case study in control structure selection for a chemical reactor
Authors: S.P.Walsh and S.D.Chenery and P.S.Owen and T.I.Malik
Affil.: Imperial College, UK
Contact: Stephen Walsh
Address: Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BY, England
phone/fax: +441715946638 / 441715946606
Page 397
Title: Study on Nonminimum Phase Behaviour and Optimal Operation
Authors: Annette Kuhlmann, David Bogle
Affil.: Univ. College London, UK
Contact: Annette Kuhlmann
Address: Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, University College London, Torrington Place, London WC1E 7JE, U.K.
phone/fax: +44-1714193037 / 441713832348
Page 403
Title: Input Selection for Disturbance Rejection under Manipulated Variable Constraints
Authors: Yi Cao, Diane Rossiter and David Owens
Affil.: Loughborough Univ. UK
Contact: Yi Cao
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, U.K.
phone/fax: 441509222531 / 441509223923
Page 409
Title: The Robust Performance Number: A new Tool for Control Structure Design
Authors: J.O. Trierweiler and S. Engell
Affil.: Univ. of Dortmund, Germany
Contact: Jorge O. Trierweiler
Address: University of Dormund, CT-AST (G2 525) D-44221 Dortmund, Germany
phone/fax: +492317555166 / 492317555129
Page 415
Title: Inclusion of Model Uncertainty in a Computational Framework for Dynamic Operability Assessment
Authors: R. Ross and C.L.E. Swartz
Affil.: Univ. of Cape Town, South Africa
Contact: Chris Swartz
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa
phone/fax: +27216502514 / +27216897579
Page 421
Title: Multilevel-hierarchical MINLP Synthesis of Process Flowsheets
Authors: Zdravko Kravanja, I.E. Grossmann
Affil.: Univ. of Maribor, Slovenia
Contact: Zdravko Kravanja
Address: University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chem. Eng., Smetanova 17, P.O. Box 219 62000 Maribor, Slovenia
phone/fax: NONE / 38662227774
Page 427
Title: LOGMIP: A Disjunctive 0-1 Nonlinear Optimizer for Process Systems Models
Authors: A. Vecchietti, I.Grossmann
Affil.: Carnegie Mellon Univ. USA
Contact: Ignacio Grossmann
Address: Carnegie Mellon University, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, 15213 Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
phone/fax: NONE / 4122687139
Page 433
Title: Testing a new parallel preconditioner on linear systems arising from flowsheeting simulation
Authors: Jorge R.Paloschi
Affil.: Imperial College, UK
Contact: Jorge Paloschi
Address: Imperial College, Centre for Process Systems Engineering, LONDON SW7 2BY , UK
phone/fax: +441715946639 / 441715946606
Page 439
Title: A Parallel Block Frontal Solver for Large Scale Process Simulation: Reordering Effects
Authors: J.U. Mallya, S.E. Zitney, S. Choudhary, M.A. Stadtherr
Affil.: Univ. of Notre Dame, USA
Contact: Mark A. Stadtherr
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA
phone/fax: +12196319318 / 12196318366
Page 445
Title: Global Optimization of MINLP Problems in Process Synthesis and Design
Authors: C.S. Adjiman, I.P. Androulakis and C.A. Floudas
Affil.: Princeton Univ. USA
Contact: Christodoulos Floudas
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey 08544-5263 , U.S.A.
phone/fax: 1-609-258-4595 / 16092580211
Page 451
Title: Mixed-Integer Dynamic Optimization
Authors: R.J. Allgor and P.I. Barton
Affil.: MIT, USA
Contact: Paul Barton
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Room 66-464, Cambridge MA 02139, USA
phone/fax: (617)253-6526 / 6172585042
Page 457
Title: Towards an Efficient Numerical Procedure for Mixed Integer Optimal Control
Authors: M.J. Mohideen, J.D. Perkins and E.N. Pistikopoulos
Affil.: Imperial College, UK
Contact: Stratos Pistikopoulos
Address: Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Chemical Engineering Department, Imperial College, London SW7 2BY, UK
phone/fax: +441715946620 / 441715946606
Page 463
Title: A Neural Network Strategy for Batch Process Optimization
Authors: Mohan Krothapally and Srinivas Palanki
Affil.: Florida State Univ. USA
Contact: Srinivas Palanki
Address: 2525 Pottsdamer Street, Department of Chemical Engineering, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Tallahassee, FL 32310-6046, U.S.A.
phone/fax: +0019044876163 / 0019044876150
Page 469
Title: Retrofit of Industrial Heat Exchanger networks: A Complete benchmark problem
Authors: Jan Sandvig Nielsen, Mogens Weel Hansen and Kim P. Kristensen
Affil.: dk-Teknik, Denmark
Contact: Jan Sandvig Nielsen
Address: dk-TEKNIK ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT, 15 Gladsaxe Mollevej, 2850 Soborg, DENMARK
email: sandvig@DK-TEKNIK.DK
phone/fax: NONE / NONE
Page 475
Title: Process Optimization By Simulated Annealing And NLP Procedures - Application to Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis
Authors: P. Floquet, G. Athier , G. Pibouleau , S. Domenech
Affil.: Inst Natl Polytec de Toulouse, France
Contact: P. Floquet
Address: Laboratoire de Genie Chimique, UMR CNRS 5503 ENSIGC INPT 18, Chemin de la Loge 31078, Toulouse Cedex, FRANCE
phone/fax: NONE / 3362252318
Page 481
Title: A General Formulation for the Synthesis of Combined Heat and Power Systems with Minimum Annual Cost
Authors: F.Wilkendorf, J.Corominas, A.Espuña and L.Puigjaner
Affil.: Univ. Polyt. de Catalunya, Spain
Contact: Frank Wilkendorf
Address: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, E.T.S.E.I.B., Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica, Diagonal 647 E-08028 Barcelona, Spain
phone/fax: +3434016733 / 3434017150
Page 487
Title: Different Strategies for Solving Bilinear Integer Non-Linear Programming Problems with Convex Transformations
Authors: I. Harjunkoski, R. Pörn, T. Westerlund, H. Skrifvars
Affil.: Åbo Akademi Univ., Finland
Contact: Iiro Harjunkoski
Address: Process Design Laboratory, Åbo Akademi University, Biskopsgatan 8, FIN-20500 Åbo, FINLAND
phone/fax: +358-21-2654553 / 358212654791
Page 493
Title: Implementation of novel processes in existing process networks: Evaluation of the Industrial Production of C_4 Chemicals by Optimization
Authors: G. Dijkema, E. Steenkamp, P.J.T. Verheijen
Affil.: Delft Univ. of Tech., Netherlands
Contact: Gerard P.J. Dijkema
Address: PO Box 5015, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
phone/fax: +31152784839 / 31152783422
Page 499
Title: Handling Implicit Model Formulations in MINLP Optimization
Authors: Santosh Noronha, Günter Gruhn and Zdravko Kravanja
Affil.: Technical Univ. Hamburg-Harburg, Germany
Contact: Santosh Noronha
Address: Denickestr. 15, D-21071 Hamburg, Germany
phone/fax: +494077182076 / 494077182992
Page 505
Title: Generation of Reduced Statistical Models for NLP and MINLP Optimization
Authors: Santosh Noronha and Günter Gruhn
Affil.: Technical Univ. Hamburg-Harburg, Germany
Contact: Santosh Noronha
Address: Denickestr. 15, D-21071 Hamburg, Germany
phone/fax: +494077182076 / 494077182992
Page 511
Title: Energy Savings in Methanol Synthesis: Use of Heat Integration Techniques and Simulation Tools.
Authors: François Maréchal, Georges Heyen, Boris Kalitventzeff
Affil.: Univ. of Liege, Belgium
Contact: François Maréchal
Address: LASSC, University of Liège Sart, Tilman B6a B, 4000 Liège, BELGIUM
phone/fax: +3243663525 / +3243663526
Page 517
Title: Retrofit of Complex and Energy Intensive Processes
Authors: Anita Kovac Kralj, Peter Glavic
Affil.: Univ. of Maribor, Slovenia
Contact: Anita Kovac Kralj
Address: University of Maribor, P.O. Box 224, Smetanova 17 SI-2000, Maribor, Slovenia
email: NONE
phone/fax: NONE / 00038662227774
Page 525
Title: Driving force distribution and exergy loss in the thermodynamic analysis of distillation columns
Authors: Roger J. Zemp, Sergio H.B. de Faria, Maria de L. Oliveira Maia
Affil.: Univ. Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
Contact: Roger Zemp
Address: DESQ - FEQ - Unicamp Caixa, Postal 6066 13081-970 Campinas SP, Brazil
phone/fax: +55192397621 / 55192327035
Page 529
Title: Comparative energy consumption in batch and continuous distillation
Authors: O. Oppenheimer and E. Sorensen
Affil.: Univ. College London, UK
Contact: Eva Sorensen
Address: Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, University College London, Torrington Place London WC1E 7JE, UK
phone/fax: +441714193802 / 441713832348
Page 535
Title: Experimental Investigation of Multiple Steady States and Parametric Sensitivity in Azeotropic Distillation
Authors: C.J. Wang, D.S.H. Wong, I-L. Chien, R.F. Shih, S.J. Wang, C.S. Tsai
Affil.: National Tsing Hua Univ. Taiwan
Contact: David Wong
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30043, Taiwan
phone/fax: 886-3-5721694 / 88635715408
Page 541
Title: Multiple steady states of distillation and its realisation
Authors: Valeri N. Kiva, Bella M.Alukhanova
Affil.: Karpov Inst. of Phys. Chem., Russia
Contact: Valeri Kiva
Address: Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Vorontsovo Pole St., 10 Moscow 103064, RUSSIA
phone/fax: (095)-917-3257 / 0959752450
Page 547
Title: Mixed integer optimization of combined solvent extraction and distillation processes
Authors: S. Glanz and J. Stichlmair
Affil.: Tech. Univ. München, Germany
Contact: Stephan Glanz
Address: Technische University of Munchen, 80290 Munchen, Germany
phone/fax: NONE / NONE
Page 553
Title: Short-cut Evaluation of Distillation Sequences
Authors: Megan Jobson
Affil.: UMIST, UK
Contact: Megan Jobson
Address: Department of Process Integration, UMIST, P O Box 88, Manchenster, M60 1QD, U.K.
phone/fax: +441612004381 / 441612367439
Page 559
Title: Modelling and control of an industrial azeotropic train
Authors: S.M. Tonelli, N.B. Brignole, E.A. Brignole
Affil.: Univ. Nacional del Sur, Argentina
Contact: Stella Tonelli
Address: Planta Piloto de Ingenieria Quimica, UNS-CONICET 12 de octubre 1842 8000 Bahia Blanca, ARGENTINA
phone/fax: NONE / 054091883764
Page 565
Title: Monitoring of a Distillation Column Using Modified Extended Kalman Filter and a Reduced Order Model
Authors: D.R. Yang, K.S. Lee
Affil.: Korea Univ. Korea
Contact: Dae Ryook Yang
Address: Dept. Chemical Engineering, Korea Univ. 1 Anam, Seongbuk, Seoul 136-701, Korea
phone/fax: +8229532216 / 8229532216
Page 571
Title: Process Design for Operability: A Styrene Polymerization Application
Authors: Louis P. Russo and B. Wayne Bequette
Affil.: Rensselaer Polyt. Inst., USA
Contact: B. Wayne Bequette
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 8th Street Troy, NY 12180-3590, USA
phone/fax: (518)276-6683 / 5182764030
Page 577
Title: Handling Infeasibilities in Predictive Control
Authors: Teresa Alvarez, Cesar de Prada
Affil.: Univ. de Valladolid, Spain
Contact: Teresa Alvarez
Address: Dpto Automatica, Facultad de Ciencias, 47011 Valladolid, SPAIN
phone/fax: +3483423159 / 3483423161
Page 583
Title: Hierarchical Modelling of Recipe Controllers - A Practical Approach
Authors: H. Brettschneider, U. Christmann, S. Hamann, H.-M. Hanisch, S. Fleck
Affil.: Univ. of Madgeburg, Germany
Contact: Hans-Michael Hanisch
Address: University of Magdeburg, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, PF 4120 39016 Magdeburg, Germany
phone/fax: +4939112747 / 4939112716
Page 589
Title: Developement of suitable optimal operating control strategy for large scale dryers
Authors: R. Maciel Filho,M.R.M. Wolf, L.G.S. Vasconcelos
Affil.: UNICAMP, Brazil
phone/fax: +55192398535 / 55192394717
Page 595
Title: Control Design for Nonlinear Process Models using Linear Robust Control Methods: An FCCU Example
Authors: K.C. Goh, F. Wu, S.P.K. Walsh
Affil.: Imperial College, UK
Contact: Keat-Choon Goh
Address: Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7 2BY, UK
phone/fax: +441715946606 / 441715946606
Page 601
Title: Control of a Pilot-Scale Karr Liquid-Liquid Extraction Column
Authors: A. Wachs, J. Benyamin, R. Semiat, D.R. Lewin
Affil.: Technion, Israel
Contact: Daniel Lewin
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Technion, IIT Haifa 32000, Israel
phone/fax: +972-4-8292006 / 97248230476
Page 607
Title: Application of Optimal Adaptive Control Based on Generalized Minimum Variance to a Packed Distillation Column
Authors: N.Caglayan , S.Karacan , H.Hapoglu, M.Alpbaz
Affil.: Anakara Univ. Turkey
Contact: Mustafa Alpbaz
Address: Ankara University, Faculty of Science Tandogan, 6100 Ankara, Turkey
phone/fax: NONE / 903122232395
Page 613
Title: Fuzzy Predictive Control of Highly Nonlinear pH process
Authors: Katarina Kavsek-Biasizzo, Igor Skrjanc, Drago Matko
Affil.: Univ. of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Contact: Katarina Kavsek-Biasizzo
Address: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Trzaska 25 1000 Ljubljana
phone/fax: NONE / 386611264631
Page 619
Title: Integrated Information Modelling Strategies For Safe Design In The Process Industries
Authors: L. P. McAlinden, P. J. Sitoh, P. W. Norman
Affil.: Univ. of Newcastle, UK
Contact: Leo McAlinden
Address: Engineering Design Centre, Armstrong Building, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom
phone/fax: +4401912228173 / 4401912616059
Page 625
Title: Application of The Intelligent Alarm System for The Plant Operation
Authors: Fumihiko Yamanaka, Takushi Nishiya
Affil.: Mitsubishi Chem. Corp., Japan
Contact: Fumihiko Yamanaka
Address: Mitsubishi Chemical Corp., Production Technology and Engineering Center, 3-10 Ushiodori Kurashiki 712 Okayama, JAPAN
phone/fax: NONE / 81864572027
Page 631
Title: Interactive Self-Modeling Chemical Reaction Systems Using Multivariate Data Analysis
Authors: D. Sans, R. Nomen, J. Sempere, O. Prinz
Affil.: Univ. Ramon Lull, Spain
Contact: David Sans
Address: University Ramon Llull, Institut Quimic de Sarria, Via Augusta 390 8017 Barcelona, SPAIN
phone/fax: NONE / 003432056665
Page 637
Title: Applying Artificial Neural Network Models to Control a Time Variant Chemical Plant
Authors: Srecko Milanic, Davorka Sel, Nadja Hvala, Stanko Strmcnik, Rihard Karba
Affil.: Univ. of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Contact: Srecko Milanic
Address: University of Ljubljana, Trzaska 25 1000 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
phone/fax: NONE / 386611264631
Page 643
Title: Adaptation Phase in Case-Based Reasoning System for Process Equipment Selection
Authors: T. Virkki-Hatakka ,A. Kraslawski, T. Koiranan , L. Nystrom
Affil.: Lappeenranta Univ. of Tech., Finland
Contact: A. Kraslawski
Address: Lappeenranta University of Technology, Dept. of Chem. Techn., POB 20 FIN 53851 Lappeenranta, FINLAND
phone/fax: NONE / 358536212199
Page 649
Title: Fault Diagnosis, Direct Graphs, and Fuzzy Logic
Authors: Enrique Eduardo Tarifa, Nicolás José Scenna
Affil.: Univ. Nacional de Jujuy, Argentina
Contact: Enrique Tarifa
Address: Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, Facultad de Ingenieria, Gorriti 237 4600, San Salvador de Jujuy
email: NONE
phone/fax: NONE / 0005488231553
Page 655
Title: Signed Digraph Based Multiple Fault Diagnosis
Authors: H. Vedam, V.Venkatasubramanian
Affil.: Purdue Univ. USA
Contact: Venkat Venkatasubramanian
Address: Laboratory for Intelligent Process Systems, School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University,W.Lafayette, IN 47907 - 1283, U.S.A.
phone/fax: 1-317-494-0734 / 13174940805
Page 661
Title: Fuzzy Rule Generation from Data for Operational Decision Support
Authors: Z. Wang, B.H. Chen, S.H. Yang, C. McGreavy, M.L. Lu
Affil.: Univ. of Leeds, UK
Contact: X.Z. Wang
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
phone/fax: 1132332427 / 1132332405
Page 667
Title: Process Industry Information Systems: Modeling Support Tools
Authors: G.S. Mannarino, G.P. Henning, H.P. Leone
Affil.: Univ.ersidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina
Contact: Gabriela Henning
Address: INTEC (CONICET - UNL) Guemes 3450 3000 - Santa Fe, Argentina
phone/fax: 5442559175 / 5442550944
Page 673
Title: Scheduling Of Batch Processes: An Industrial Application In Paint Industry
Authors: Seza Orcun, Atilla Dicioglu, I. Kuban Altinel, Oner Hortacsu
Affil.: Bogazici Univ. Turkey
Contact: Seza Orcun
Address: Bogazici University, Chemical Engineering Department, Bebek 80815 Istanbul, TURKEY
phone/fax: +902122631540ext.1894 / 902122872460
Page 679
Title: The maximum order tree method: A new approach for the optimal scheduling of product distribution lines
Authors: Antonis Kokossis, Sameer D. Mokashi
Affil.: UMIST, UK
Contact: Antonis C. Kokossis
Address: Department of Process Integration, University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, U.K.
phone/fax: none / 441612367439
Page 685
Title: A Hybrid Global Optimization Method for Design of Batch Processes
Authors: Xi-Gang Yuan, Zhong-Zhou Chen
Affil.: Tianjin Univ. China
Contact: Xi-gang Yuan
Address: Tianjin University, Chemical Engineering Research Center, 300072 Tianjin, CHINA
phone/fax: NONE / 00086227404757
Page 691
Title: Modeling of the Supervising Control System of a Multipurpose Batch Plant
Authors: Silvio Gonnet, Omar Chiotti
Affil.: INGAR, Argentina
Contact: Omar Chiotti
Address: INGAR - Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseno Avellaneda ,3657 3000 Santa Fe, ARGENTINA
phone/fax: NONE / 5442553439
Page 697
Title: Design and Synthesis of Batch Plants - MINLP Solution Based on a Stochastic Method
Authors: Q. Xia and S.Macchietto
Affil.: Imperial College, UK
Contact: Quanshi Xia
Address: Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7 2BY, UK
phone/fax: 441715946618 / 441715946606
Page 703
Title: Design of Multipurpose Plants Using the Resource-Task Network Unified Framework
Authors: A.P.F.D. Barbosa-Povoa and C.C. Pantelides
Affil.: Inst Nacl de Eng e Tecn Ind (INETI), Portugal
Contact: Ana Paula Barbosa-Povoa
Address: INETI-DMS, Azinhaga dos Lameiros a Est. do Paco do Lumiar, 1699 Lisboa Codex, Portugal
phone/fax: +35117164211 / 35117167016
Page 709
Title: Local thermodynamic models used in Sensitivity estimation of dynamic systems
Authors: S.Storen and T.Hertzberg
Affil.: NTNU, Norway
Contact: Sverre Storen
Address: Dept. Chem. Eng. NTNU, 7034 TRONDHEIM, Norway
phone/fax: +4773594113 / +4773594080
Page 715
Title: Dynamic Simulation of an Absorption Heat Transformer Incorporated with an Evaporation Plant
Authors: A. Granfors, B.Nilsson, A.Jernqvist, Gharib Aly
Affil.: Univ. of Lund, Sweden
Contact: Gharib Aly
Address: University of Lund, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, P.O. Box 124 S-221 Lund, SWEEDEN
phone/fax: NONE / 46462224526
Page 721
Title: Simplifying hypotheses in computer-aided modelling: a singular perturbation approach
Authors: M.Weiss and H.A. Preisig
Affil.: Tech. Univ. of Eindhoven, Netherlands
Contact: Martin Weiss
Address: System and Control Group, Faculty of Applied Physics, Technical University of Eindhoven, P.O.Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
phone/fax: +31402472334 / 31402437170
Page 727
Title: Dynamic Optimization of Differential-Algebraic Systems Through the Dynamic Simulator DYNSIM
Authors: Rafiqul Gani, A. Grancharova
Affil.: Technical Univ. of Denmark, Denmark
Contact: Rafiqul Gani
Address: Technical University of Denamark, Dept. Chemical Engineering, DK-2800 Lyngby, DENMARK
phone/fax: NONE / 0004545882258
Page 733
Title: Phase Equilibrium Dominant Parameter Matrix of Multicomponent Distillation Trains
Authors: H.P. Gros, L.E. Urlic, E.A. Brignole
Contact: Hernan Gros
Address: Plapiqui, UNS/CONICET, CC 717 8000 Bahia Blanca, Argentina
phone/fax: na / 5491883764
Page 739
Title: Dynamic modeling, sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation of industrial yeast fermenters
Authors: Cenk Pertev, M.Turker, R.Berber
Affil.: Univ. of Ankara, Turkey
Contact: Ridvan Berber
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Ankara, Tandogan, 06100 Anakara, Turkey
phone/fax: na / 903122232395
Page 745
Title: Design of Virtual-Labo-System for Metabolic Engineering:Development of Biochemical Engineering System Analyzing Tool-Kit (BEST-KIT)
Authors: Masahiro Okamoto, Yoshimitsu Morita, Daisuke Tominaga,Kouji Tanaka, Noriaki Kinoshita, Jun-ichi Ueno, Yuichi Miura,Yukihiro Maki, Yukihiro Eguchi
Affil.: Kyushu Inst. of Tech., Japan
Contact: Masahiro Okamoto
Address: Kyushu Institute of Technology 680-4, Kawazu 820 Iizuka City, JAPAN
phone/fax: NONE / 81948297801
Page 751
Title: Hybrid Modelling of Biochemical Processes: a comparison with the conventional approach
Authors: S. Feyo de Azevedo, B. Dahm, F. R. Oliveira
Affil.: Univ. do Porto, Portugal
Contact: Sebastiao Feyo de Azevedo
Address: Departamento de Engenharia Quimica, Faculdade da Universidade do Porto Rua dos Bragas, 4099 Porto Codex, PORTUGAL
phone/fax: +35122041694 / 35122000808
Page 757
Title: Modelling of interconnected reactor systems described by nonlinear PDE's
Authors: M. Kubicek, P. Pinkas, J. Jirat, D. Snita and M. Marek
Affil.: Prague Inst. of Chem. Tech., Czech republic
Contact: Milan Kubicek
Address: Prague Institute of Chemical Technology, 166 28, Prague 6, Czech Republic
phone/fax: 4223113738 / 00000000000000
Page 763
Title: Dynamic mathematical model of deep bed filtration process
Authors: S. Osmak, D. Gosak, M. Glasnovic
Affil.: Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Food & Cosmetic Industry Res. Inst., Croatia
Contact: Snjezana Osmak
Address: Pliva d. d. Prilaz Baruna, Flilipovica 25 10 000 ZAGREB, CROATIA
email: NONE
phone/fax: +3851181636 / 0003851576690
Page 769
Title: An Open Software Architecture for Batch Process Simulation
Authors: Martin Fritz and Sebastian Engell
Affil.: Univ. of Dortmund, Germany
Contact: Martin Fritz
Address: Process Control Group, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of Dortmund, D-44221 Dortmund, Germany
phone/fax: +492319700349 / 492317555129
Page 775
Title: Reactor and Process Synthesis
Authors: David Glasser, Diane Hildebrandt
Affil.: Univ. of Witwatersrand, South Africa
Contact: David Glasser
Address: School of Process and Materials Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3 Wits 2050, South Africa
phone/fax: +2711-716-2418 / 27114031471
Page 785
Title: A Case Study for Reactor Network Synthesis: The Vinyl Chloride Process
Authors: Ajay Lakshmanan and Lorenz T. Biegler
Affil.: Carnegie Mellon Univ. USA
Contact: Ajay Lakshmanan
Address: Chem. Eng. Dept., Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
phone/fax: +4122685213 / 4122687139
Page 791
Title: Global Optimisation of Nonconvex MINLPs
Authors: E.M.B. Smith and C.C. Pantelides
Affil.: Imperial College, UK
Contact: Constantinos Pantelides
Address: Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London SW7 2BY, United Kingdom
phone/fax: +441715946622 / 441715946606
Page 797
Title: Multi-Scale Modeling, Estimation and Control of Processing Systems
Authors: George Stephanopoulos, Matthew Dyer and Orhan Karsligil
Affil.: MIT, USA
Contact: George Stephanopoulos
Address: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA 02139 Cambridge, U.S.A.
phone/fax: 6172539695 / 6172521651
Page 805
Title: A New Concept for Modular Modeling and Simulation in Chemical Engineering
Authors: E. E. Dieterich and G. Eigenberger
Affil.: Univ. Stuttgart, Germany
Contact: Erwin Dieterich
Address: Reaktionstechnik, Gebäude E41, D 51368 Leverkusen, GERMANY
phone/fax: NONE / NONE
Page 811
Title: Fully adaptive model size reduction for multicomponent separation problems
Authors: Rudiger v. Watzdorf and Wolfgang Marquardt
Affil.: Aachen Univ. of Tech., Germany
Contact: Ruediger von Watzdorf
Address: Lehrstuhl fur Prozesstechnik, RWTH Aachen Turmstrasse 46 52064 Aachen, Germany
phone/fax: +49/241/804671 / 492418888326
Page 817
Title: Dynamic Multiple-Phase Flash Simulation: Global stability Analysis versus Quick Phase Determination
Authors: D. Mueller, W. Marquardt
Affil.: Aachen Univ. of Tech., Germany
Contact: Dirk Mueller
Address: Lehrstuhl fuer Prozesstechnik, RWTH Aachen, Turmstrasse 46 52056 Aachen, Germany
phone/fax: +49/241/804773 / 492418888326
Page 823
Title: The Formal Representation of Process System Modelling Assumptions and their Implications
Authors: K.M. Hangos, I.T. Cameron
Affil.: Comp. & Aut. Res. Inst., Hungary
Contact: Ian Cameron
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane QLD 4072, AUSTRALIA
phone/fax: +6173354175 / 61733654199
Page 829
Title: Structural and symbolic techniques for automatic characterization of differential-algebraic equations
Authors: V.V. Murata, E.C. Biscaia
Affil.: Univ. Federal de Uberlandia, Brazil
Contact: V.V. Murata
Address: Departamento de Engenharia Quimica, Bl. K Campus Santa Monica, Universidade Federal de Uberlandia CP 593, Uberlandia MG CEP 38400 089, BRAZIL
phone/fax: NONE / 000550342394188
Page 835
Title: A formal graphical based process modeling methodology
Authors: Tormod Drengstig, Stein O. Wasbo and Bjarne A. Foss
Affil.: NTNU, Norway
Contact: Tormod Drengstig
Address: Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, N-7034 Trondheim, Norway
phone/fax: +4773594348 / 4773594399
Page 841
Title: Application of the Modeling and Simulation Environment - ProMoT/Diva to the Modeling of Distillation Processes
Authors: F. Tränkle, A. Gerstlauer, M. Zeitz, E.-D. Gilles
Affil.: Univ. Stuttgart, Germany
Contact: Frank Traenkle
Address: Frank Traenkle Institut fuer Systemdynamik und Regelungstechnik, Universitaet Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 9 70550 Stuttgart, Germany
phone/fax: +49711685-6569 / 497116856371
Page 847
Title: Specialized Programming Methods in the Model Predictive Control of Large Scale Systems
Authors: S. Bose, P. Dave, F.J. Doyle, J.F. Pekny
Affil.: Purdue Univ. USA
Contact: Francis Doyle
Address: School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette IN 47907-1283, USA
phone/fax: 3174949472 / 3174940805
Page 853
Title: Interior Point SQP Strategies for Structured Process Optimization Problems
Authors: J. Albuquerque, V. Gopal, G. Staus, L. T. Biegler, B. E. Ydstie
Affil.: Carnegie Mellon Univ. USA
Contact: L. Biegler
Address: Chemical Engineering Dept., Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA 15213, U.S.A.
phone/fax: na / 4122687139
Page 861
Title: Linear Parameter Varying Model Predictive Control for Steam Generator Level Control
Authors: Mayuresh V. Kothare, Bernard Mettler, Manfred Morari, Pascale Bendotti, Clement-Marc Falinower
Affil.: ETH, Switzerland
Contact: Manfred Morari
Address: Automatic Control Laboratory, The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Physikstrasse 3, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
phone/fax: +4116327626 / 4116321211
Page 867
Title: Performance Analysis of On-line Batch Optimization Systems
Authors: C. Loeblein, J.D. Perkins, B. Srinivasan, D. Bonvin
Affil.: Imperial College, UK
Contact: Christian Loeblein
Address: Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7 2BY, England
phone/fax: +44-171-5946630 / 441715946606
Page 873
Title: Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Batch Processes with Asymptotically Perfect Tracking
Authors: Kwang Soon Lee and Jay H. Lee
Affil.: Sogang Univ. Korea
Contact: Kwang S Lee
Address: Department of Chem. Eng., Sogang Univ., Shisoo - 1, Mapogu, Seoul 121-742, Korea.
phone/fax: 82-2-705-8477 / 82232720319
Page 881
Title: An interpolating model predictive control strategy with application to a waste treatment plant
Authors: S.J. Qin, V. M. Martinez, B. A. Foss
Affil.: Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA
Contact: S. Joe Qin
Address: Dept. of Chemical Engn., The University of Texas at Austin, TX 78712, USA
phone/fax: 512-471-4417 / 5124717060
Page 887
Title: Real-Time Optimisation of a Cat Cracker Unit
Authors: Stig Strand, Lars Haakon Veland
Affil.: Statoil Res. Centre, Norway
Contact: Stig Strand
Address: Statoil Research Centre, Postuttak, N-7005 Trondheim
phone/fax: +4773584759 / 4773584345
Page 893
Title: Model Predictive Control of a Crude Oil Distillation Column
Authors: Morten Hovd, Rune Michaelsen, Tomas Montin
Affil.: Fantoft Prosess, Norway
Contact: Morten Hovd
Address: Fantoft Prosess, Teknostallen, N-7030 Trondheim, Norway
phone/fax: +4773540211 / 4773943861
Page 899
Title: A two-tier methodology for synthesis of operating procedures
Authors: Hua Sheng Li, Ming Liang Lu, Y. Naka
Affil.: Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan
Contact: Hua Sheng Li
Address: Process System Engineering Division, Research Lab. of Resources Utilization, Tokyo Institute of Tech., 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226, Japan
phone/fax: +81459245271 / 81459245270
Page 905
Title: Integrating knowledge-based and mathematical programming approaches for process safety verification
Authors: N. Shah, V. Venkatasubramanian, R. Srinivasan, V.D. Dimitriadis
Affil.: Imperial College, UK
Contact: Nilay Shah
Address: Centre for Process Systems Engineering ,Roderic Hill Building Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine Prince, Consort Road Kensington, London SW7 2BY, UK
phone/fax: +441715946604 / 441715946606
Page 911
Title: Dynamic Modelling Helps Relief Valve Study during Live ICI Project
Authors: S.N. Collins, M. Falgowski, T.I.Malik
Affil.: ICI Engng. Tech., UK
Contact: Tahir Iftikhar Malik
Address: ICI Engineering Technology, P.O. Box 8, The Heath, Runcorn WA7 4QF, U.K.
email: NONE
phone/fax: NONE / 000441928515660
Page 917
Title: An Expert System for Automated Hazard Analysis based on Multimodel Approach
Authors: J.C. Suh, B. Lee, I.K. Kang, E.S. Yoon
Affil.: Seoul National Univ. Korea
Contact: Jung Chul Suh
Address: Department of chemical engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea
email: NONE
phone/fax: +8228732605 / 0008228840530
Page 923
Title: A Prototype for Integrating Automatic Fault Tree/Event Tree/HAZOP Analysis
Authors: Dong-Hsiung Kuo, Ding-Shang Hsu, Chuei-Tin Chang
Affil.: Natinall Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan
Contact: Chuei-Tin Chang
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan 70101
phone/fax: 88662753698 / 88662344496
Page 929
Title: A Hybrid ANN-ES System for Dynamic Fault Diagnosis of Hydrocracking Process
Authors: J.Zhao, B.Chen, S.Jingzhu
Affil.: Tsinghua Univ. China
Contact: Bingzhen Chen
Address: Tsinghua University, Department of Chemical Engineering, 100084 Beijing, China
phone/fax: NONE / 861062562768
Page 935
Title: A Hybrid Framework for Large Scale Process Fault Diagnosis
Authors: Dinkar Mylaraswamy and Venkat Venkatasubramanian
Affil.: Purdue Univ. USA
Contact: Venkat Venkatasubramanian
Address: Laboratory for Intelligent Process Systems, School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, W.Lafayette, IN 47907 - 1283, U.S.A.
phone/fax: 1-317-494-0734 / 13174940805
Page 941
Title: Intelligent Fault Diagnosis Based on Weighted Symptom Tree Model and Fault Propagation Trends
Authors: Young Seok Oh, Jong Han Yoon, Dongsoo Nam, Chonghun Han, En Sup Yoon
Affil.: Seoul National Univ. Korea
Contact: Young Seok Oh
Address: Department of chemical engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, 151-742, South Korea
phone/fax: +8228732605 / 8228840530
Page 947
Title: Modeling and Control of a Chemical Waste Water Treatment Plant
Authors: R.M. Miller, K. Itoyama, A. Uda, H. Takada and N. Bhat
Affil.: Mitsubishi Chem. Corp., Japan
Contact: Randy Miller
Address: Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, Development and Engineering Research Center, Mizushima Plant, 3-10 Ushiodori, Kurashiki 712, JAPAN
phone/fax: +81864572971 / 81864572027
Page 953
Title: Life cycle oriented process synthesis at conceptual planning phase
Authors: N. Ishii, T. Fuchino, M. Muraki
Affil.: JGC Corp., Japan
Contact: Nobuaki Ishii
Address: JGC Corporation, Industrial Systems Department 14-1, Bessho 1-chome, Minami-ku 232 Yokohama, Japan
phone/fax: NONE / 81457217725
Page 957
Title: Reaction Path Synthesis for Environmental Impact Minimization
Authors: A. Buxton, A.G. Livingston and E.N. Pistikopoulos
Affil.: Imperial College, UK
Contact: Stratos Pistikopoulos
Address: Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BY, UK
phone/fax: +441715946620 / 441715946606
Page 965
Title: Chemical Process Route Selection Bases on Assessment of Inherent Environmental Hazard
Authors: S. R. Cave and D. W. Edwards
Affil.: Loughborough Univ. UK
Contact: Sion Cave
Address: Dept of Chemical Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, LE11 3TU, UK
phone/fax: +441509222515 / 441509223923
Page 971
Title: Rationalizing the water use in the batch procss industry
Authors: Maria Almato, Eduard Sanmarti, Antonio Espuna, Luis Puigjaner
Affil.: Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Contact: Maria Almato
Address: Chemical Engineering Department, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, ETSEIB Av. Diagonal 647, Pavello G 2a Planta E-08028 BARCELONA, SPAIN
phone/fax: +3434016733 / 3434017150
Page 977
Title: Optimisation of pollution control operations in industrial sites considering decay capabilities of the receptors
Authors: A. Kiperstok and P.N. Sharratt
Affil.: UMIST, UK
Contact: A. Kiperstok
Address: UMIST-Dept. of Chem. Eng. Environmental Technology Centre, P.O. Box 88 Manchester, M60 1QD, UK
phone/fax: nonegiven / 441612004399
Page 983
Title: Reactive Distillation Column Design with Vapor/Liquid/Liquid Equilibria
Authors: Zeynep H. Gumus and Amy R. Ciric
Affil.: Univ. of Cincinnati, USA
Contact: Amy Ciric
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, ML 171 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH 45221-0171, USA
phone/fax: (513)556-2763 / 5135563473
Page 989
Title: Nonlinear Dyamics of Reactive Distillation Processes for the Production of Fuel Ethers
Authors: K.D. Mohl, A. Kienle, E.D. Gilles, P. Rapmund, K. Sundmacher, U. Hoffmann
Affil.: Univ. Stuttgart, Germany
Contact: Achim Kienle
Address: A. Kienle Institut fuer Systemdynamik und Regelungstechnik, Universitaet Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 9 70550 Stuttgart F.R.G., GERMANY
phone/fax: ++49-711-685-6293 / 497116856371
Page 995
Title: Predicting Multiple Steady States in Distillation: Singularity Analysis and Reactive Systems
Authors: T.E. Guttinger and M. Morari
Affil.: ETH, Switzerland
Contact: Thomas Guettinger
Address: Automatic Control Laboratory, ETL I15 ETH Zentrum CH-8092 Zuerich, Switzerland
phone/fax: +4116323704 / 4116321211
Page 1001
Title: A Singularity Theory Approach to the Study of Reactive Distillation
Authors: V. Gehrke, W. Marquardt
Affil.: Aachen Univ. of Tech., Germany
Contact: Volker Gehrke
Address: Lehrstuhl fuer Prozetechnik, RWTH Aachen Tempergraben 55, D-52056 Aachen, GERMANY
phone/fax: +49241807017 / 492418888326
Page 1007
Title: Modelling and Simulation of the Chemical Reaction Heat Pump System Adopting the Reactive Distillation Process
Authors: Hae Kwon Jeong, Yonsoo Chung, Hyung Keun Song , Won Hee Park
Affil.: Korea Inst. of Science and Tech., Korea
Contact: Yonsoo Chung
Address: Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Division of Chemical Engineering, 39-1 Hawolkok-dong, Sungbuk-gu 136-791 Seoul, KOREA
phone/fax: NONE / 8229585209
Page 1013
Title: Design Targets of Separator and Reactor-Separator Systems using Conceptual Programming
Authors: Antonis Kokossis, Piyush B. Shah
Affil.: UMIST, UK
Contact: Antonis Kokossis
Address: Department of Process Integration, University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, U.K.
phone/fax: nonegiven / 441612367439
Page 1019
Title: Optimization Accounting for Property Prediction Uncertainty in Polymer Design
Authors: Costas D. Maranas
Affil.: Pennsylvania State Univ. USA
Contact: Costas Maranas
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 112A Fenske Laboratory University Park, PA 16802-4400, USA
phone/fax: 001-814-863-9958 / 0018148657846
Page 1025
Title: Inferential Estimation of Polymer Quality Using Stacked Neural Networks
Authors: J. Zhang, E. B. Martin, A. J. Morris, C. Kiparissides
Affil.: Univ. of Newcastle, UK
Contact: Jie Zhang
Address: Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, U.K.
phone/fax: +44-191-2226000 / 441912225292
Page 1031
Title: Simultaneous optimization of mixing patterns and feed distribution in LPDE autoclave reactors
Authors: E.B.Sund and K.M.Lien
Affil.: NTNU, Norway
Contact: Eirik B.Sund
Address: Dept. Chem. Eng. NTNU, 7034 TRONDHEIM, Norway
phone/fax: +4773594492 / 4773594080
Page 1037
Title: Hierarchical time-optimal control of a continuous copolymerization reactor during start-up or grade change operation using genetic algorithms
Authors: Moo Ho Lee, Chonghun Han, Kun Soo Chang
Affil.: Pohang Univ. of Science and Tech., Korea
Contact: Han Chonghun
Address: Chonghun Han Automation Research Center, POSTECH Pohang, 790-784, Korea
phone/fax: +825622792279 / 825622792699
Page 1043
Title: Experimental Study of the Nonlinear Geometric Control of a Batch Emulsion Polymerization Reactor
Authors: C.Gentric, F.Pla, J.P.Corriou
Affil.: Univ. of Nancy, France
Contact: J.P. Corriou
Address: Laboratoire des Sciences du Genie Chimique, CNRS-ENSIC 1, rue Grandville, BP 451 54001 Nancy, France
phone/fax: na / NONE
Page 1049
Title: Modeling and Control of Tubular Solution Polymerization Reactors
Authors: M. P. Vega, E. L. Lima and J. C. Pinto
Affil.: Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Contact: José Carlos Pinto
Address: Programa de Engenharia Química, COPPE Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Cidade Universitária, CP:68502 Rio de Janeiro, 21945-970 RJ, Brazil
phone/fax: +55215902241 / 55215907135
Page 1055
Title: Robust Scheduling with Processing Time Uncertainty
Authors: S.J. Honkomp, L. Mockus, G.V. Reklaitis
Affil.: Purdue Univ. USA
Contact: Steven Honkomp
Address: School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University Chemical Engineering Building, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1283, USA
phone/fax: 3174940368 / 3174940805
Page 1061
Title: RTN-based Rolling Horizon Algorithms for Medium Term Scheduling of Multipurpose Plants
Authors: A.D. Dimitriadis, N. Shah and C.C. Pantelides
Affil.: Imperial College, UK
Contact: Nilay Shah
Address: Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London SW7 2BY, UK
phone/fax: ++44-171-594-6621 / 441715946606
Page 1067
Title: Rescheduling Algorithms in Case of Unit Failure for Batch Process Management
Authors: Il Moon , Daeho Ko
Affil.: Yonsei Univ. Korea
Contact: Il Moon
Address: Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul 120-749, Korea
phone/fax: +8223612761 / 8223126401
Page 1073
Title: Ethylene Plant Scheduling System Based on a MINLP Formulation
Authors: I.B. Tjoa, Y. Ota, H. Matsuo adn Y. Natori
Affil.: Mitsubishi Chem. Corp., Japan
Contact: I.B. Tjoa
Address: Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, Production Technology and Engineering Center, Mizushima Plant 3-10, Ushiodori Kurashiki, Okayama 712, Japan
phone/fax: (086)4572807 / 0864572027
Page 1079
Title: Continuous Time Representation for Multi-stage Plant Scheduling: Formulation and Case Study
Authors: Turaj Tahmassebi
Affil.: Unilever Res., UK
Contact: Turaj Tahmassebi
Address: Unilever Research Port Sunlight Laboratory, Quarry Road East, Bebington L63 3JW Wirral, U.K.
phone/fax: NONE / 4401514711800
Page 1087
Title: Application of Repetitive SA Method to Scheduling Problems of Chemical Processes
Authors: Yoshihiro Murakami, Hironobu Uchiyama, Shinji Hasebe and Iori Hashimoto
Affil.: Kansai Univ. Japan
Contact: Yoshihiro Murakami
Address: Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Kansai University, 3-3-35 Yamatecho Suit City 564, Japan
phone/fax: +81-6-368-0943 / 8163888785
Page 1093
Title: A Practical Method of Removing ill-conditioning in Industrial Constrained Predictive Control
Authors: Ajio Ishikawa, M.Ohshima, M.Tanigaki
Affil.: Kyoto Univ. Japan
Contact: Masahiro Ohshima
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-01, JAPAN
phone/fax: +81-75-753-5586 / 81757535588
Page 1099
Title: Model based analysis and control of a cementation process
Authors: K.Stole-Hansen, D.A.Wregget, D.Gowanlock and P.E.Thwaites
Affil.: Falconbridge, Norway/Canada
Contact: Kjell Stole-Hansen
Address: Norwegian Univ. of Science and Tech., Dept. of Eng. Cybernetics, N-7034 Trondheim
phone/fax: NONE / 00017052357794
Page 1105
Title: A Modeling and Simulation Study on a Naphtha Reforming Unit with a Catalyst Circulation and Regeneration System
Authors: J.W. Lee, Y.C. Ko, Y.K. Jung, K.S. Lee, E.S. Yoon
Affil.: Ssangyong Oil Refining Co., Korea
Contact: J.W. Lee
Address: Ssangyong Oil Refining Co., Ltd, R&D Center 20-9 Sanam-Ri Onsan-Myun Ulju-GU, Ulsan-Si, Kyoung Nam 689-890, South Korea
phone/fax: NONE / 82522391097
Page 1111
Title: Real Time Simulation of a VCM Plant
Authors: Petter Lundstrom, Terje Sira, Tor Ausen
Affil.: Kongsberg Norcontrol Systems, Norway
Contact: Petter Lundstrom
Address: Kongsberg Simrad AS IS Group, P.O. Box 1089 Bekkajordet, N-3194 Horten, Norway
phone/fax: 33032346 / 033049750
Page 1117
Title: Application of Wavelet Analysis to Fault Detection in Oil Refinery
Authors: Masaharu Daiguji, Osami Kudo , Tetsuya Wada
Affil.: Japan Energy Co., Japan
Contact: Masaharu Daiguji
Address: Japan Energy Co., Plant Eng. Dept. 10, 1 Toranomon 2, chome Minato-ku 105 Tokyo, JAPAN
phone/fax: NONE / 81355736803
Page 1123
Title: Statistical Data Analysis of a Chemical Plant
Authors: A. Santen, G.L.M. Koot , L.C. Zullo
Affil.: Shell, Netherlands
Contact: A. Santen
Address: SHELL International Oil products, B.V. P.O. Box 38000, 1030 BN Amsterdam, The Netherlands
phone/fax: NONE / 31206304035
Page 1131
Title: Optimization of an Industrial Three Phase Distillation Column Train with Experimental Verification
Authors: R. Schneider, G. Wozny, G. Fieg
Affil.: Tech. Univ. Berlin, Germany
Contact: Dpl.-Ing. R. Schneider
Address: Technische Universitat Berlin, Sekr. KWT 9 Strasse des 17. Juni 135, D-10623 Berlin, GERMANY
email: Schneider@DYNAMIK.FB10.TU-Berlin.DE
phone/fax: NONE / 493031426915
Page 1137
Title: Industrial Optimization of a Wood Chip Refining Process Based on Fuzzy Relational Models
Authors: Yu Qian, X.P.Zhang, P.J.C.Tessier
Affil.: South China Univ. of Tech., China
Contact: Yu Qian
Address: Chemical Engineering Research Center, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
phone/fax: +862087112046 / 862087112093
Page 1145
Title: Subspace Identification Based Inferential Control of a Continuous Pulp Digester
Authors: Raja Amirthalingam and Jay H. Lee
Affil.: Auburn Univ. USA
Contact: Jay H Lee
Address: 230 Ross Hall, Department of Chemical Engineering, Auburn AL 36849
phone/fax: 334-844-2060 / 3348442063
Page 1151
Title: The false nearest neighbors algorithm: An overview
Authors: Carl Rhodes, Manfred Morari
Affil.: ETH, Switzerland
Contact: Carl Rhodes
Address: Institut fuer Automatik, ETH-Z/ETL I13 CH-8092 Zurich, SWITZERLAND
phone/fax: +4116323731 / 4116321211
Page 1157
Title: Nonlinear Modelling of LPG %C5 content of Catalytic Reformer Debutaniser Column
Authors: Atsuhi Aoyama, Stephen P. K. Walsh
Affil.: Imperial College, UK
Contact: Atushi Aoyama
Address: Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London SW7 2BY, United Kingdom
phone/fax: +1715946604 / 1715946606
Page 1163
Title: Systems Modelling Using Genetic Programming
Authors: M.J. Willis, H.G. Hiden, M.P. Hinchliffe, B. McKay, G.W. Barton
Affil.: Univ. of Newcastle, UK
Contact: Mark Willis
Address: Symbolic Optimisation Research Group, Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK
phone/fax: +441912227242 / 441912225292
Page 1169
Title: Multiscale Rectification of Random Errors without Fundamental Process Models
Authors: Bhavik R. Bakshi, Prakhar Bansal and Mohamed Nounou
Affil.: Ohio State Univ. USA
Contact: Bhavik Bakshi
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, The Ohio State University, 140 West 19th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210, U.S.A.
phone/fax: 1-614-292-4904 / 16142923769
Page 1175
Title: Confidence Bounds for Neural Network Representations
Authors: R. Shao, E. B. Martin, J. Zhang, A. J. Morris
Affil.: Univ. of Newcastle, UK
Contact: Julian Morris
Address: Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU., U.K.
phone/fax: 441912227342 / 441912225292
Page 1181
Title: Performance Evaluation of Catalytic Processes
Authors: Lars J. Christiansen, Nina Bruniche-Olsen, Jack H. Carstensen, Michael Schroder
Affil.: Haldar Topsøe A/S, Denmark
Contact: Lars J. Christiansen
Address: Haldor Topsoe A/S, Nymollevej 55 DK-2800, DENMARK
phone/fax: NONE / 0004545878494
Page 1187
Title: On-Line Data-Reconciliation and Optimization : Refinery Applications
Authors: M. Chiari, G.Bussani , M.G. Grottoli , S. Pierucci
Affil.: Politecnico distillation Milano, Italy
Contact: M. Chiari
Address: Kinetcs Technology International S.p.A., Via Ripamonti 133 20141 Milan, ITALY
phone/fax: NONE / 39257453334
Page 1193
Title: Optimal periodic scheduling of multipurpose plants in the continuous time domain
Authors: G. Schilling and C.C. Pantelides
Affil.: Imperial College, UK
Contact: Constantinos Pantelides
Address: Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7 2BY, United Kingdom
phone/fax: +441715946605 / 441715946606
Page 1199
Title: Rule-Based Reactive Rescheduling System for Multi-Purpose Batch Processes
Authors: Minseok Kim and In-Beum Lee
Affil.: Pohang Univ. of Science and Tech., Korea
Contact: In-Beum Lee
Address: Dept. of Chem. Eng., Automation Research Center, Pohang University of Science and Technology, San 31 Hyoja-Dong Pohang Kyungbuk 790-784, KOREA
phone/fax: +82-562-279-2274 / 825622792699
Page 1205
Title: Obtaining Realistic Production Plans for a Batch Production Facility
Authors: Matt Bassett, Joseph F. Pekny, Gintaras V. Reklaitis
Affil.: Purdue Univ. USA
Contact: Matt Bassett
Address: Purdue University, School of Chemical Engineering, CHME Building West Lafayette, IN 47907, U.S.A.
phone/fax: (317)494-2181 / 3174296294
Page 1211
Title: A Multiple-View Batch Plant Information Model
Authors: Jo Simensen, Charlotta Johnsson, Karl-Erik Arzen
Affil.: NTNU, Norway
Contact: Jo Simensen
Address: Department of Engineering Cybernetics, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, N-7043 Trondheim, NORWAY
phone/fax: +4773591426 / 4773594399
Page 1217
Title: A cyclic operating policy for batch distillation - Theory and practice
Authors: E. Sorensen and M. Prenzler
Affil.: Univ. College London, UK
Contact: Eva Sorensen
Address: Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, University College London, Torrington Place London, WC1E 7JE, UK
phone/fax: +441714193802 / 441713832348
Page 1223
Title: Optimal Operation Policy for Multi-Effect Batch Distillation System
Authors: Shinji Hasebe, Masaru Noda and Iori Hashimoto
Affil.: Kyoto Univ. Japan
Contact: Shinji Hasebe
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-01, JAPAN
phone/fax: +81-75-753-5567 / 81757529639
Page 1229
Title: Adaptive and Predictive Control Strategies for Batch Distillation: Development and Experimental Testing
Authors: A.M.F. Fileti, J.A.F.R. Pereira
Affil.: UNICAMP, Brazil
Contact: Ana Maria Fileti
Address: Ana Maria Frattini Fileti, DESQ/FEQ/UNICAMP, CP 6066, 13081-970 - CAMPINAS - SP, BRAZIL
phone/fax: +55192397621 / 55192394714
Page 1235
Title: Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling and Control of a Batch Process Involving Simultaneous Reaction and Distillation
Authors: J. A. Wilson and E. C. Martinez
Affil.: Univ. of Nottingham, UK
Contact: Ernesto Martinez
Address: Dept. of Chem.Eng., The University of Nottingham, U.K.
phone/fax: +441159514173 / 000441159514181
Page 1241
Title: Modelling and Optimisation of an Industrial Batch Process for the Production of Dioctyl Phthalate
Authors: T. Ishikawa, Y. Natori, L. Liberis and C.C. Pantelides
Affil.: Mitsubishi Chem. Co., Japan
Contact: Constantinos Pantelides
Address: Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London SW7 2BY, United Kingdom
phone/fax: +44-171-594-6605 / 441715946606