Posted on it's learning on 21 Oct. 2008 Title: Process control minicourse (week 43) I welcome you to the "process control minicourse" which is a one-week crash course as part of TKP4105 Separation Technology. The minicourse is included because process control is important for everyone - either in the lab or for process operation. I will give a 5-hour integrated course with mainly lectures and some exercises. Tuesday 21 Oct. 1215-1500 (K5) Wednesday 22 Oct. 1215-1400 (K5) There will also be a demonstration of controller tuning on the last day. You can find more information and literature here: I recommend that you print the files ark0.pdf and ark1-4.pdf and bring to the lectures. Welcome! -Sigurd Skogestad ------------ 2007: Posted on it's learning on 20 Sep. 2007 Title: Process control minicourse (week 39) I welcome you to the "process control minicourse" which is a one-week crash course as part of TKP4105 Separation Technology. The minicourse is included because process control is important for everyone - either in the lab or for process operation. I will give a 5-hour integrated course with mainly lectures and some exercises. Tuesday 25. Sep. 1015-1300 (K5) Thursday 27 Sep. 1015-1200 (K5) Hopefully there will also be a demonstration of controller tuning on the last day. You can find more information and literature here: I recommend that you print the file ark1-4.pdf and bring to the lecture on Tuesday. At the same location you also find the exercise (exercise.doc) that you should do the following week (week 40). There will be no exercise in week 39 because I will use everything for lectures. Welcome! -Sigurd Skogestad -- 2006: Hei studenter i 3. klasse Jeg ønsker dere velkommen til "lynkurs i prosessregulering" som inngår i faget TKP4105 Separasjonsteknikk. Lynkurset gis fordi prosessregulering er noe alle får bruk - enten på lab eller i drift av prosessanlegg. Forelesninger integrert med øvingsgjennomgang i K5 vil foregå Mandag 23. okt. 2006 kl. 12-14 Onsdag 25. okt. 2006 kl. 10-13 På følgende side finner dere mer informasjon inkl. pensumlitteratur: Det kan være lurt å printe ut filen ark1-4.pdf og ta med på forelesningen! Velkommen! -Hilsen Sigurd Skogestad