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[344b] - 'Coarse' Stability/Bifurcation Analysis of Monte-Carlo Reaction Simulations

Presented at: [344] - Multi-Scale Approaches to Reaction Engineering
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 Author Information:

Dimitrios Maroudas
University of California-Santa Barbara
Department of Chemical Engineering
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5080
Phone: 805-893-7346
Fax: 805-893-4731
Yannis Kevrekidis (speaker)
Princeton University
Room A-207 Engineering Quadrangle
Princeton, NJ 08544
Phone: 609-258-2818
Fax: 609-258-0211
Saravanapriyan Sriraman
University of California
Department of Chemical Engineering
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Phone: 805-893-8151
Fax: 805-893-473`
Alexei Makeev
Moscow State University
Vorobjovy Gory V-234
Moscow, 119899
Phone: +7(095) 939-4079


Stochastic microscopic simulations, such as those employing the Monte Carlo method, are often the tool of choice in simulating the behavior of chemically reacting systems, and, in particular, of surface catalytic reactions. While such codes have been successful in analyzing and understanding the nonlinear behavior of mesoscopic and macroscopic quantities (local adsorbate coverages, overall reaction rates), they are not in principle capable of systematic stability/bifurcation analysis at a "coarse" engineering system level.

In this contribution we employ methods motivated by continuum numerical bifurcation theory, and, in particular, time-stepper based bifurcation algorithms, to perform what we will term "coarse", "system-level" analysis of Monte Carlo simulations of reacting systems. The word "coarse" is used since we will study quantities such as average concentrations (moments of distributions evolving through the MC simulation). The expression "system-level" comes from the nature of the tasks we will perform: parametric continuation of stationary states, stability and bifurcation analysis of the expected values of these moments with respect to both molecular and system-level parameters. For a certain class of problems, for which mesoscopic, closed evolution equations for the expected values conceptually exist but are not available in closed form, this approach may offer significant alternatives to direct MC simulations.

The basis of the approach consists of using a time-stepper for the expected values that is constructed not from an approximate mesoscopic equation, which are assumed unavailable in closed form, but through several microscopic computational realizations of a finite time trajectory (that is where the expression "time-stepper" comes from). We use this time stepper to perform two types of tasks:

(a) coarse stability and bifurcation analysis of surface catalytic reaction models based on microscopic MC simulations - these include models of CO oxidation and the NO+H2 reaction - exhibiting coarse steady-state multiplicity and oscillations, that is, turning points and Hopf bifurcations

(b) coarse integration, that is, evolution of the expected values on mesoscopic time scales using recently constructed projective integrators, as well as making use of many, short, parallel, appropriately initialized microscopic integrations.

Finally, we discuss the extension - to the analysis of the MC simulations - of algorithms based on the augmented continuum systems used for standard bifurcation analysis. Both continuum-based and direct microscopic implementations of such algorithms will be discussed. One of the items we will discuss is the possible detection (by the algorithm) of instances in which one level of mesoscopic closure becomes inaccurate, and another level of mesoscopic closure (e.g., one involving two-point correlation functions) may become necessary.

Overall, we believe that this class of algorithms, targeting unavailable in closed form mesoscopic descriptions, may prove a competitive computational alternative to direct simulation in the study of MC - and other, microscopic, such as MD and LB, or hybrid, like DSMC - simulations of reaction/transport processes.

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American Institute of Chemical Engineers
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Tel:  (212) 591-7338 Fax: (212) 591-8894


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