--------------------------- FINAL INVITATION (1-2 weeks before defence) Subject: Dr.ing. defence Dear committee members, The day of the Ph.D. defence ("disputas") of ..... is approaching quickly, and I would like to give you a briefing on the schedule of events. Committee members: 1st opponent: 2nd opponent: Internal member and administrator: There is no formal dress code (no special gowns or academic hats), but most committee members wear a business suit or something similar. The defence takes place in the Main Building (closest to the city) in ........ (go up the stairs). I propose we meet ..... " I also invite you for dinner the evening before (....), if you are available, The schedule for the day is as follows: 10.15-11.00: Lecture on given subject by candidate 11.00: Committee meets to: 1. Evaluate lecture. 2. Preliminary discusson of thesis. The administrator may have prepared a draft based on the brief written statements from the committee members, but the committee is of course free to modify this. 12.00: Lunch 13.15-about 16.00: Thesis defence -The candidate first gives an overview of the thesis (max 45 min.) - Then 1st opponent takes the floor to give his/her assessment of the work (about 10 min): * Place the work in a broader perspective * Point out the major contributions * Compare the level with Ph.D. degree in his/her country * Other evaluations After this the candidate is given the opportunity to comment/reply and the 1st opponent asks the candiidate more general questions about the work (a kind of dialogue) (another 10-30 min). - We may then have a break (5 min). - Then the 2nd opponent gives his/her general impressions and ask some general questions (similar to above). If he /she comes from industry or has somehow a different background, then the 2nd opponent should concentrate on areas closer to his/her expertise. Otherwise, there is no real difference between the two opponents or in the way they act during the defence. - The internal committee member may in some cases give his/her general impressions, but this is not required - After this the committee as a whole is given the oppurtunity to ask any specific questions that were missed earlier (5-50 min). (or more if it is necessary, there is no set maximum time). - Finally the audience is allowed to ask questions (usually noone asks). about 16.00-17.30: Committee meets to evaluate thesis (Final Report) For practical reasons we may have to sign the report "in blanco" (i.e. without everything being filled in). We also need to sign the thesis itself. about 19.30: Thesis dinner at ..... Committee members invited EVALUATION OF GIVEN LECTURE Some relevant issues: 1. Selection of material (scope) 2. Structure/order of presentation 3. Understanding 4. Presentation itself including use of visual aids. EVALUATION OF THESIS Some relevant issues: 1. Short description of contents/scope 2. Contributions 3. Possible strong points and weaknesses 4. Comments on performance during defence As mentioned earlier, the international members of the committee are asked to evaluate the thesis compared to doctoral thesise in their own country. I welcome you all to Trondheim. Best regards,