LETTER AT THE TIME OF SENDING OUT PRELIMINARY VERSION OF THESIS (3 months before defence) Dear committee members, I thank you again for being willing to serve in the Ph.D. committee for the evaluation of the thesis of ............. (The committe still needs to be formally approved by the University but I foresee no problems). I am sending you under separate cover a copy of the preliminary version of the thesis. I would like the two opponents (.... and ....) to prepare a short letter (about 1 page), where the conclusion is whether or not you find the thesis "worth defending". If possible, I would like to have this document by ..... (at least 7 weeks before defence). The defence will take place on .. ....... There is still a possibility to make modifications in the thesis, e.g. related to errors, missing references and unclear statements. If you have any such suggestions then I would be happy if you could send me these along with your letter. Note that the final version of the thesis must be printed at least one month before the defence. I will get back to you with more practical details about the defence later.