SAMPLE LETTER TO INVITE OPPONENTS (ABOUT 4 MONTHS BEFORE DEFENCE): Dear ..., My student .... is in progress of writing up his Ph.D. The working title is .... and it covers .... He will probably have most of his thesis written up within two months, and we plan his defence about four months from now. I am writing to ask if you could be willing to act as one of the "opponents" (external examiners). The work will involve reading the thesis, preparing a short written statement (about 1 page), and coming to Trondheim for the defence. We would also like to invite you to give a lecture, but we can get back to this later. UTENLANDSK: You will be paid about NOK 5000 (USD 700) plus we will cover travel and hotel up to NOK 10000. The appointment will have to be formally approved by the administration but I expect no difficulties in this respect. NORSK 2. OPPONENT: You will be paid about NOK 5000 (USD 700). We will also be able to pay travel and hotel expenses if it is not possible for you to cover this from your employer. The appointment will have to be formally approved by the administration but I expect no difficulties in this respect. I would be grateful if you could take the time to serve as an opponent. Please send me an email if you have any questions. I think there will be a number of things in the thesis that might interest you. I can provide you with a preliminary version of the thesis if you want to look more closely. I am looking forward to your reply. Best regards,