Re: column A (relative volatility of 1.5)

Date: Tue Jan 23 2001 - 13:42:52 CET

Dear Lorenzo Caminiti

For distillation of realtive ideal mixtures (similar components)
we have approximately that

ln a = dHvap/RTb dT/Tb

   a - relative volatility
   dHvap - heat of vaporization [J/mol]
   R = 8.31 J/J mol
   Tb - geometric mean boiling point for the two components
   dT - boiling point difference

Typical value according to Troutons rule:
   dHvap/RTb = 85 / 8.31 = 10.2

Example 1. Methanol (L) -Ethanol (H)
   TbL = 337.8K, dHvapL=35.2 kJ/mol
   TbH = 351.5K, dHvapH=40.7 kJ/mol
  Tb = sqrt(Tbl*TbH) = 344.6K, dHvap = 37.0 kJ/mol -> dHvap/RT = 12.90
   a = exp (dHvap/RTb dT/Tb) = exp (12.90 * 13.7/ 344.6) = exp(0.51) = 1.67
whereas the xperomental value is about 1.73

Example 2. Want to find a mixture with a = 1.5.
Assuming Troutons rule holds this means that we want the relative boiling
difference point to be approximately
     dT/Tb = ln(1.5) / 10.2 = 0.040
For example, if Tb=350K then the boiling point difference should be
dT = 0.040*350K = 13.9 K
(I have not tried to search for such components but there should be MANY

Best regards,
Sigurd Skogestad


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