Distillation model

From: rusli huandra (r0h9169@pop.tamu.edu)
Date: Sun Apr 27 1997 - 23:55:14 CEST

Dear Dr. Skogestad,

I don't have much experience in distillation process, but I have some
interest in it, so I choose a model from the book as my study project. I
have questions about the scaling used in the model. Please allow me to
quote parts of the sentences:
"The model is scaled such that a magnitude of 1 corresponds to the
following; .01 mole fraction units for each output (yd and xb), the
nominal feed flowrate for the tow inputs( L and V) and a 20% change for
each disturbance (feed rate F and feed composition zf)....."
My understanding is:
If I want to use the nominal feed flowrate for the two inputs, I have to
put magnitude one in both inputs blocks in the simulator (simulink). And
I want to include 20% change for each disturbance, I have to put
magnitude one into the disturbance blocks. So, if I put magnitude one
into the inputs blocks and disturbances blocks, should I expect the
outputs to be magnitude one also?
Can I put magnitude two in the inputs blocks? If I do that, does it mean
I put two times the nominal inputs to the plants?

These questions sound silly, and I hoped I hadn't bothered you with
these questions. Thank you very much.

rusli huandra

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