Distillation column model

From: Timo Montonen (monty@ae.tut.fi)
Date: Wed Aug 28 1996 - 12:06:30 CEST

        Dear Prof. Sigurd Skogestad,

Concerning the distillation process models (both the model with 82 states
and reduced model with 5 states + 2 inputs + 2 outputs) presented in Your
book "Multivariable Feedback Control" I would like to ask You the following:

It's quite obvious what the outputs and inputs are, but ...

   1) What are the states in the reduced model and in which order ?
   2) What are the units and ranges of inputs, outputs and states ?
   3) How is the scaling of variables (from the 82 states model to the
      reduced model) performed ?

As MATLAB Mu toolbox is not available for me it's quite hard to follow
what happens in Your MATLAB script Tab12_3.m.

I would very much appreciate if You had time to answer my questions.

Looking forward to Your reply,

        Research Assistant Mr. Timo Montonen
        Automation and Control Institute (ACI)
        Automation Department
        Tampere University of Technology
        Tampere, Finland

        Email address: monty@ae.tut.fi


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