19 July 2012 (Skogestad): Icopied over the files from the CD, but not evertything in directory D-Spice OPC Server could be copied. Also all in Kartso_DPS could not be copied. NB! UANSETT SKAL DSPICE VÆRE BÅNDLAGT FOR ALL TID. DETTE INKLUDRERER BEGGE DISSE TO DIRECTORIES! 09 July 2012 (Batalov): This CD contains files which were used in work with master thesis about model predictive control of compressor systems. It contains following: 1. Configuration files for OPC Server. 2. D-spice model of the Statpipe compression system with different operational points. 3. Septic MPC application. The procedure for how to start using them is described below. Here it is assumed that normal procedure for install of D-spice at the NTNU is done first. Then following must be done: D-Spice: 1. Go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc. Open it in notepad and add this lines at the bottom: dmmi 16200/tcp dcad 16300/tcp dspice 16100/tcp dsdb 16400/tcp mclmond 16700/tcp xkeys 16900/tcp 2. Copy the Karsto_DPS folder to C:\Fantoft. 3. Run DSPICE_setting_karsto.reg from C:\Fantoft\Karsto_DPS\ to change the registry keys. 3. In Dashboard, open the Karsto_Master_dsp.xml file which you will find in C:\Fantoft\Karsto_DPS\dspice. 4. Push Start. OPC Server: 1. Install OPC Server. 2. Copy configuration files from "D-spice OPC Server" folder to corresponding folders on the hard drive. Septic MPC: 1. Copy Septic folder to for example C:\septic 2. In shortcut "SEPTIC" from C:\septic\StatpipeCompressorsMPC change: 2.1 Target: C:\septic\bin\QtSeptic.exe StatpipeCompressorsMPCDSPICE.cnfg 2.2 Start in: C:\septic\StatpipeCompressorsMPC 3. Start SEPTIC.