Readme file for the Kårstø project Kårstø special version 4.5 The versions for the Kårstø project will be labeled 4.5. First build June 2 nd. 2005. It is based on the version used on the FAT April 2005, with version number, build date March 2 nd. 2005 There will be no dmmi_install.exe on the top of the directory structure for Kårstø. To get the version for, go to directory Nimrod \dspice_install\DMMI\other versions\4.5\4.5.0\ and copy the version of dmmi_install.exe you find there to your computer. Extract the dmmi on your machine from this executable. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Modifications in version 4.5.0 build 1 2 nd . June 2005 This is updated since previous version, version High lightning funksjonalitet i sub modeller Grad av zoom i submodeller Allow tag names to include MID for ramp actions Reverse handled OK in Zoom snapshot Trajectory plots can handle double arrays With zoom button followed by CTRL+left (drag), the 'select' Disabling autofit for SCALED y_axis SaveCustomTrend and the possibillity to modify the TITLE Correcting wrong use of ASSERTE in calculate_fit 359 - Reverse option in XY-plot Increase size of vname in edit_box, Snøhvit crashed with a very long path fixing action=find on behalf of Gunar -------------------------------------------------------------------- Modifications in version 4.5.0 build 2 Monday 6th. June 2005 Improved handling of MID to give selection list of blocks in Filtered Call List -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------