Read me file for 'perstorp_ss.m' ************************** June 20, 2011 Daniel Greiner Edvardsen ************************** Functions/files that must be included in the same folder to run the file: - perstorp_data.m - tempCalc3.m - 2008.mat - 2009.mat - 2010.mat 'perstorp_ss.m' calculates the hot and cold outlet temperatures for all possible splits for a heat exchanger network with three streams; on the upper stream there are two heat exchangers in series, on the middle stream there is one heat exchanger and on the lower stream there is also one heat exchanger. The conditions are taken from Perstorp in Sweden. The optimum is found (optimal split) that results in the maximum end temperature. The SOC split is also found and compared with the optimal split and the actual split at Perstorp.