A short overview of the files ----------------------------------------------------------- Initialization files: init.m (initializes the column and the PI controllers) init_mpc.m (initializes the single layer MPC made from scratch) init_mpc2.m (initializes the single layer MPC made by use of MPC Toolbox) init_mpc3.m (initializes the supervisory MPC made by use of MPC Toolbox) ----------------------------------------------------------- Column files: accum.m compute_flows.m compute_liquid.m compute_vapour.m genkaibel.m (main S-function file) gensec.m (column section) holdupchange.m indmat.m reboiler.m tank.m termo.m ----------------------------------------------------------- MPC files: genmat.m matrixstacker.m mpc_kaibel.m (MPC that is designed from scratch) observer.m (Observer used by the MPC that is designed from scratch) ----------------------------------------------------------- Simulink files: kaibel.mdl (Decentralized control) kaibel_mpc.mdl (Single layer MPC designed from scratch) kaibel_mpc2.mdl (Single layer MPC made by use of MPC Toolbox) kaibel_mpc3.mdl (Supervisory MPC made by use of MPC Toolbox) kaibel_openloop.mdl (Used for linearization) ----------------------------------------------------------- Other: kaibel-pic.jpg linred.m (Linearization and model reduction)