"Optimalization of process steps in a production line of contrast agents including charcoal flitration, water and 2- methoxyethanol removal. Increased throughput in the process steps through maximized reactor utilization and optimal regulation". Several process steps in a production line have to play together to maximize the throughput in the line through regulation of reactor volum, optmal distillation, filtration, concentration and regulation of energy input. The work will include modelling of the process steps using excisting process parameters and process information. Concering the secrecy, if we are able to keep the actual names of the product involved out there should not be any problem with that. We need anyway a secrecy agreement with the actual student concerning information we give him/her concerning our process. This will also include the right to exclude information from the master work which we like to be kept secret. Hilsen Dick (Didrik Malthe Sørensen)