August 13, 2024
Sigurd Skogestad
Sigurd Skogestad
Norwegian citizen. Born: 14 Aug. 1955 in Flekkefjord, Norway.
- 1978: M.S. ( in Chemical Engineering at University
of Trondheim, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Thesis:
“Characterization of reaction conditions for cracking of heavy oil
fractions” (Thesis advisor: Terje Hertzberg).
- 1987: Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at California Institute of Technology
(Caltech). Thesis: “Studies on Robust Control of Distillation Columns”
(Thesis advisor: Manfred Morari).
- Innstilling awarded for the degree
(that is, the result
was communicated to the Norwegian King), 1979.
- Fullbright Fellowship (travel grant)
awarded for graduate studies at Caltech, 1983.
- Utdanningsstipend awarded from Univ. of Trondheim for graduate
studies at Caltech, Sept. 1983 – Feb. 1987.
- Elected member to The Norwegian Academy of Technical Sciences (NTVA),
- Ted Peterson Best Paper Award by the CAST division of AIChE (The
American Institute of Chemical Engineers), 1989.
- George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award by the Control System Society
of IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers), 1990 (for
journal paper no. 14).
- Elected member to Det Kongelige Norske Vitenskapers Selskab, 1991.
- O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award by the American Automatic Control
Council, 1992 (for conference paper no. 28).
- Honorary knight of the �Golden Feedback Loop�, NTNU, Trondheim (1994).
- Book "Multivariable Feedback Control" (Wiley, 1996) selected
first runner-up for International Federation of Automatic Control award for
best textbook of the last 3 years (IFAC World Congress, Beijing, 1999).
- Outstanding Service Award of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC World Congress, Prague, 2005).
- Best paper award for paper published in 2004 in Computers and chemical engineering (2006). (For paper: S. Skogestad,
“Control structure design for complete chemical plants”,
Computers and Chemical Engineering, 28 (1-2), 219-234 (2004).)
- Member of IFAC Technical Board, 2008-2014.
- Elected member of
Process Automation Hall of Fame,
, Delaware, USA, 23 May 2011
- Elected Fellow of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), 2012.
- Elected Fellow of International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 2014.
- Elected member to The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, 2015.
- Honorary member of Norwegian Society of Automatic Control (Norsk Forening for Automatisering), 2015.
- Best paper award at the ESCAPE 2019 Symposium (Eindhoven, June 2019)
- Computing in chemical engineering award from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (Orlando, 12 Nov. 2019)
- Editor of Automatica (1996-2002).
- Member Advisory Panel: Chem. Eng. Sci. (from 2002).
- Member Editorial Board: Comput. Chem. Engng. (from 2002).
- Member Editorial Advisory Board: Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. (2005-2009).
- Associate Editor: Journal of Control Science and Engineering (new web journal; from 2006)
- Designated editor: Control Engineering Practice (from 2006),
- Member Editorial Board: Chem. Eng. and Processing (2001-2007).
- Associate Editor: European Journal of Control (from 2009)
- Editor (reviews): Journal of Process Control (from 2010)
- 1979: Military Service at Norwegian Defence Research Center (FFI). Projects
involved batteries and fuel cells.
- 1980–83: Research engineer at Norsk Hydro's Research Center in Porsgrunn,
Department of Chemical Engineering. Projects involved process
modelling, simulations and thermodynamics. Appointed
Group leader of the
Process Modelling and Simulation Group in 1983.
- 1983–87: Ph. D. student and Research Assistant at California Institute
of Technology
- 1987– present : Professor in Chemical Engineering at NTH (after 1997:
name changed to NTNU).
- 1994–95: Visiting Professor at University of California, Berkeley
(Departments of Chemical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering).
- 2001–02: Visiting Professor at University of California, Santa Barbara
(5 months).
- Jan. 1999 – July 2009: Head of Department of Chemical Engineering, NTNU.
- Author of 3 books. (1) S. Skogestad and I. Postlethwaite, “Multivariable feedback
control - analysis and design,” Wiley (1996); 2nd Edition (2005).
(2) S. Skogestad, “Prosessteknikk” (In Norwegian), Tapir
Publishers (2000). Second edition (2003). Third Edition (2009)
(3) S. Skogestad, “Chemical end energy process engineering”, CRC Press (2009).
- About 200 international journal publications.
- About 300 publications at international conferences
- H-index (ISI): 46 (2019)
- Citations (ISI): 8053 (2019)
- Publications (ISI): 335 (2019)
- H-index (Google scholar): 67 (2019)
- Total no. of citations (Google scholar): 27405 (2019)
- No. of citations to book by Skogestad and Postlethwaite, Multivariable Feedback control, Wiley (1996, 2005) (Google scholar): 8538 (2019)
See separate
publication list
for details.
- “Analysis and Control of Distillation Columns”,
CHISA '87, Praha, Sept 1987.
- “Towards integrating design and control: Use of
frequency-dependent tools for controllability analysis”,
Process Systems Engineering (PSE) '91 Canada, Aug. 1991.
- “Controllability assessment as a tool for control
structure selection”, Invited lecture at IMA Workshop on Control
system design for advanced engineering systems: Complexity, uncertainty,
information and organization, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications,
Minneapolis, 13 Oct. 1992
- “Dynamics and Control of Distillation Columns - A Critical Survey”,
IFAC-symposium DYCORD+'92, Maryland, Apr. 1992
- “Robust multivariable control using
methods – Analysis, design and Industrial Applications”,
Invited short course at 1993 European Control Conference
(with I. Postlethwaite), July 1993.
- “Interactions between process design and control”,
CHISA'93, Praha, Aug.-Sept., 1993.
- “Input-Output Controllability Analysis”,
Reglermöte, Västerås, Sweden, Oct. 1994.
- “Dynamics and control of distillation columns - A tutorial
Symposium Distillation and Absorbtion 97, Maastricht, Netherlands,
Sept. 1997.
- S. Skogestad,
“Plantwide control”
Invited talk at Tutzing Symposium, Germany, 11 March 1998
- S. Skogestad,
“Control structure design and plantwide control - The search for the
self-optimizing control structure”
Invited talk at 1998 Process Systems Engineering Seminar Series,
Imperial College, London, 22 May 1998
- “Self-optimizing control: the missing link between steady-state
optimization and control”,
Process Systems Enginneering (PSE) 2000, Keystone, Colorado, July 2000.
- “Plantwide control - towards a systematic procedure”,
European Symposium on computer-aided process engineering (ESCAPE'12), The Hague, Netherlands, May 2002.
- “Feedback control theory: An overview and connections to biochemical systems theory”,
7th Intl. Symp. on Biochemical systems theory. Averoy, Norway, 17-20 June 2002
- “Control structure design: What should we control, measure and manipulate?”,
First African Control Conference, Cape Town, South Africa,
03-05 December 2003.
- "Feedback: the simple and best solution",
Invited interactive Web-CAST lecture (American Institute of Chemical Engineers' Division for Computing and Systems Technology),
09 February 2006.
- “The dos and don'ts of distillation column control”,
Symposium Distillation and Absorbtion 2006, London, UK,
Sept. 2006.
- “Self-optimizing Control: Simple Implementation of Optimal Operation”,
27th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, 18-20 March 2008, Heeze, Netherlands.
- “Feedback: Still the best and simplest solution”,
4th IEEE conference of industrial electronics and applications (ICIEA), 25-27 May 2009, Xi'an, China.
- "A systematic approach to plantwide control". Invited plenary talk at ICCAS, Seoul, 28 Oct 2011.
- "Optimal PI-Control and Verification of the SIMC Tuning Rule", Invited plenary talk at IFAC Conference PID'12, Brescia, Italy, March 2012.
- "Economic plantwide control". Invited plenary talk at AMIDIQ, San Jose del Cabo, Mexico, 01 May 2013
- "Optimality of PID control for process control applications", Invited plenary lecture at the 5th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes (ADCONIP 2014), Hiroshima, Japan, May 2014.
- 03 June 2015. Invited keynote semiplenary at PSE-ESCAPE in Copenhagen.
- "Economic plantwide control", Invited plenary lecture at Chinese Process Control Conference, Nanchang, China, 01 Aug. 2015
- 02 Dec. 2015, Invited lecture at ETH, Zurich (ICB series): "Devising control structures for complete chemical plants - From art to science"
- 20 June 2016. Invited talk on plantwide control at FIPSE-3 (Georgakis) Rhodos, Greece.
- 19 Jan. 2017. Invited talk at DNVA, Oslo (The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters) on "self-optimizing control".
- 09-10 February 2017. Invited talks (PID and plantwide) at "XV Simposio CEA de Ingeniera de Control: Control Total de Planta", University of Salamanca, Spain.
- 29 May 2017. Invited plenary on plantwide control at AdCONIP 2017 (6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes), Tapei, Taiwan.
- 07 June 2017. Invited plenary on plantwide control at the 21st International Conference on Process Control, Strbsk� Pleso, High Tatras, Slovak Republic.
- June 2018. Paper selected for keynote presentation. 28th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Graz
- July 2018 Keynote speaker, 1st International workshop on Advanced Methods for Control and Estimation of Dynamic systems, Shanghai, China
- July 2018 Keynote speaker, CUHK Shenzhen-TBSI International Workshop on Machine-learning for Industrial Intelligence, Shenzhen, China.
- Oct. 2018 Plenary speaker, IEEE 22nd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, Sinaia, Romania.
- Jan. 2019 Plenary speaker, Process Systems Engineering (PSE) Asia, Bangkok
- Seo. 2019 Plenary speaker, RICCCE 21 (21st Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering), Constanta, Romania
- 13 Oct. 2021. Plenary speaker at the Mexican Control Conference, CNCA 2021 (virtual)
- 27 Oct. 2021. Plenary speaker at the Brazilian Chemical Engineering Conference, COBEQ 2021 (virtual)
- 08 Dec. 2021. Plenary speaker at the Control Conference of Africa (CCA), Magaliesburg, South Africa (virtual)
- 13 June 2022: Plenary talk on "Putting optimization into the control layer using the magic of feedback control", at ESCAPE-32 conference, Toulouse, France [slides]
- 17 Aug. 2022: Plenary talk on "Advanced regulatory control - a new beginnning" at IFAC Symposium on Control, Optimization and Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing (MMM 2022), Montreal. Canada
- Chair of the PhD ( committee for the Faculty of Chemistry and
Chemical Technology NTH (1989-1993)
- Chair of the University committee for engineering PhD ( (1995 - 1999)
- Founding chair of the Nordic Process Control Working group (1994-1998)
- Board member of Norwegian Academy of Technical Sciences (NTVA) (1992- 1999)
- Head of NTNU/SINTEF's strong point center in process systems
engineering (PROST) (1994 - ),
- Chair of NTHs fund (1996 - 2002)
- Board member of Professorforum NTH (1991-1993), Chair of Professorforum NTNU (1997-2001),
- Board member at the Faculty of chemistry and biology NTNU (1996-1999),
- Member of the Norwegian research council expert network
- Member of the Jury for Norsk Hydro's Birkeland Award, 1999-2002
- Chair of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) coordinating committee on Process and Power Systems (CC6) and member of the IFAC Technical Board, 2008-2014
- Member European Union control council (EUCA) (2007-2013)
- Chair of National Committee for following up International Evaluation of Chemistry Research in Norway (2009-2010)
- Chair of Nordic Process Control Workshop, Trondheim-Bodo, January 2015 (about 70 participants)
- Chair of National Organizing Committee, 11th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS-CAB 2016), Trondheim, Norway, 06-08 June 2016 (about 300 particiants).
- Director of SUBPRO from 2015 and onwards. This is a center for research-based innovation subsea production and processing at NTNU funded by the Research Council and Industry. Budget is about 35 million NOK per year (2015-2023).
- International Program Committee (IPC) Chair for 3rd IFAC Conference of Automatic control in offshore oil and gas production, May/June 2018, esbjerg, Debmark.
- Member/Fellow (2012) of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE),
The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE),
Norwegian Chemical Society (NKS),
Norwegian Society of Professional Engineers (Tekna),
Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF).
- Chairman of Organizing Committee for NTVA Seminar on Chemical Engineering 40
years in Norway, Trondheim, Aug. 1989.
- Chairman of international program committee for symposium PSE-ESCAPE'97,
Trondheim, Norway, May 1997.
- Member of international program committee and/or session chairman
for a large number of international conferences.
- Member of European Federation of Chemical Engineers working group on Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering (1990 - )
- Member of European Federation of Chemical Engineers working group on Distillation and Absorbtion (1998 - )
- Member of evaluation committees professorship:
Telemark College (1990), Luleå Technical University, Automatic control (1997), Lund University, Automatic control (1999).
- External Examiner at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on three
occasions: March 1988, April 1989 and March 1991.
- Reviewer for:
Canadian J. of Chem. Eng.,
Chem. Eng. Res. Des. (UK),
Chem. Eng. Sci., ,
Comp. and Chem. Engng.,
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,
Int. J. of Control,
Int. J. of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing,
Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control,
IEEE Trans. of Autom. Control,
National Science Foundation (US),
J. of Process Control,
Systems and Control Letters.
- Teaching:
See separate
- Advisor for about 110 Diploma (Master) students
- Advisor for about 30 graduated Ph.D. students
- External examiner at PhD defences (until 2008)
- Kurt Erik Häggblom, "Consistent control structure modeling with
application to distillation control", Åbo Akademi, Finland, Dec. 1988.
- Charlotte Stub Nielsen, "Multivariable identification and control of an
experimental distillation column with heat pump", DTH, Denmark, May 1990.
- Anders Karlström, "Modelling of packed bed distillation columns", CTH,
Sweden, April 1991.
- John Delich, "The role of excess manipulated variables within control
system development", Univ. of Sydney, Australia, Sept. 1992 (written statement
- Ronaldo G. Correa, "Control design of heterogeneous azeotropic distillation
plants", DTH, Denmark, Oct. 1992.
- Stephen Walsh, “Integrated design of chemical waste water treatment
systems”, Imperial College, UK, July 1993.
- Ghassan A. Murad, “Robust multivariable control of industrial
processes: A discrete-time multi-objective approach”, University of
Leicester, UK, Oct. 1995.
- Johan Pensar, “Parametric methods for optimaland robust control”,
Åbo Akademi University, Finland, Feb. 1996.
- Yi Cao, “Control structure selection for chemical processes
using input-output controllability analysis”, University of Execeter,
UK, March 1996.
- Jobert Ludlage, “Controllability analysis of industrial
processes”, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, November
- Samara D. Chenery, “Process controllability analysis using linear
and nonlinear optimisation”, Imperial College, London, Jan. 1998
- Thomas E. Guttinger, “Multiple steady states in azeotropic and
reactive distillation”, ETH, Zurich, June 1998.
- Jens Erik Hansen, “Plant wide dynamic simulation and control of
chemical processes”, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, June
- Mads E. Hangstrup, “Strategies for industrial multivariable
control - with application to power plant control”,
Aalborg University, Denmark, Feb 1999.
- Thomas S. Brinsmead, “Limits of controlled performance: Closing the gap
via optimisation”, Univ. of Newcastle, Australia, Dec. 1999 (written statement only).
- Sander Groenendijk, “Plantwide controllability and structural optimization
of plants with recycle”, University of Amsterdam, March 2000.
- Torben Ravn Andersen, “Operating design and operation of process integrated distillation”,
Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, November 2002.
- Shehzaad Koachali, “Development of process synthesis tools for reaction and separation networks”,
University of Witsvatersrand, South Africa, June 2003 (written statement only).
- Birgitta Kristiansson, “PID controllers design and evaluation”, Chalmers University of Technlology,
Sweden, August 2003.
- Simon T. Holland, “Column profile maps: A tool for the design and analysis of complex distillation systems”,
University of Witsvatersrand, South Africa, November 2005 (written statement only).
- Ola Sl�tteke, “Modeling and Control of the Paper Machine Drying Section”, Lund University of Technlology,
Sweden, January 2006.
- N.V.S.N. Murthy Konda, “Plant-wide control of industrial processes using
rigorous simulation and heuristics”, National University of Singapore, 2006 (written statement only).
- Nipen M. Shah, “Targeting and multi-objective optimisation of gas-phase
refrigeration processes for LNG”, Monash University, Australia, 2008
(written statement only)
- Karin Eriksson, “Towards improved control of TMP refining processes”,
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, June 2009.
- Satyajit K. Wattamwar, “Identification of low order models for large scale processes,”, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands, 08 February 2010.
- Martin Kragelund, “Optimal fuel strategy for portfolio profit maximization”, Aalborg University, Denmark, 17 February 2010.
- Jin Guang Yu, “Modelling and optimization of building HVAC systems”,
Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Nov. 2011 (written statement only)
- Per-Ola Larsson, “Optimization of Lower-Level Controllers and High-Level Polymer Grade Changes”, Lund University, Sweden, 11 November 2011
- Examiner at PhD defences at NTNU:
1) Dag Ljungquist,"Online estimation in nonlinear state-space models with
application to catalytic cracking", Div. of Eng. Cybernetics, 1990.
2) Peter Singstad, "Modeling and multivariable control of high pressure
autoclave reactors for polymerization of ethene", Div. of Eng. Cybernetics,
3) Erling Aa. Johannessen, “Synthesis of dissipative output feedback
controllers: Application to mechanical systems”, Div. of Eng. Cybernetics,
April 1997.
4) Bente H. Sannæs, “Solids movement and concentration profiles in
column slurry reactors”, Dept. of Chemical Enginerring, May 1997.
5) Knut Bakke, “Experimental and theoretical study of reflux
condensation”, Dept. of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Dec. 1997.
6) Olav Slupphaug, “On robust constrained nonlinear control and hybrid
control: BMI- and MPC-based state-feedback schemes", Dept. of Eng.
Cybernetics, Dec. 1998.
7) Gelein M. de Koeijer, “Energy efficient operation of distillation columns
and a reactor applying irreversible thermodynamics”, May 2002.
8) Steinar Kol�s, “Estimation in nonlinear constrained systems with severe
disturbances”, Oct. 2008.
+ more missing ...
Complete CV with publications: