acclaration RGA

From: Alfonso Serrano <>
Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 19:04:29 CEST

Dear Professor Skogestad:

I am completing my MSc dissertation in the area of RGA and I
would be grateful if you could give me an acclaration about the
theorem wich relates RGA and RHP zeros, which I took from your
paper in Automatica "Simple frequency-dependent tools for control
system analysis, structure and design".

According to the paper, this theorem applies to "transfer matrix
with stable elements and no zeros or poles at s=0".

Are these zeros transfer zeros, zeros of individual transfer functions
or both?. In other words, will be the theorem applicable for a
system with zeros at the origin for some individual transfer
functions, but no transmission zeros in the origin?

Thank you very much in advance.

Alfonso Serrano Duque.
term address: Lambert and Fairfield Hall. Room A6-3.
              Granby Row. M60 7LH. Manchester. UK
              00 44 1619333492
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      00 34 947217483
Received on Tue Sep 12 18:05:07 2000

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