This directory contains MATLAB files for the book: M U L T I V A R I A B L E F E E D B A C K C O N T R O L Analysis and Design by Sigurd Skogestad Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway and Ian Postlethwaite University of Leicester, UK Published by Wiley, 1996, 572 pages. Soft cover edition, ISBN 471-94330-4, Price: $60 (US), GBP 30 (UK). Hard cover edition, ISBN 471-94277-4, OUT OF PRINT. For more detailed information about the book, see ALL the files are combined into the file matlab_book.tar.gz (this contains the distillation column model in subdirectory cola; If you only want the distillation model then this is in cola/matlab_cola.tar.gz) and the files can then be recreated using gunzip -c matlab_book.tar.gz | tar xvf - -------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment: The combined tared and gziped file matlab.tar.gz was made by using the commands Note: the .gz is for unix; the .zip is for PC rm matlab_book.tar.gz rm rm cola/matlab_cola.tar.gz rm cola/ rm cola/paper/cola_paper.tar.gz rm cola/paper/ cd .. tar cvf matlab_book.tar matlab_m gzip matlab_book.tar zip matlab_m/* mv matlab_book.tar.gz matlab_m mv matlab_m cd matlab_m tar cvf matlab_cola.tar cola gzip matlab_cola.tar zip cola/* mv matlab_cola.tar.gz cola mv cola cd cola tar cvf cola_paper.tar paper gzip cola_paper.tar zip paper/* mv cola_paper.tar.gz paper mv paper end Comment.