------------------------------------------------------ Plotting the results from the Fortran program ------------------------------------------------------ First you need to run compile and run the Fortran program (ammonia). To plot the response of stepping down the temperature, start matlab and write: clear all datasim figure(2) Tr = TTsim(30,:); % outlet of reactor plot(tsim,Tr); axis([0 150 300 540]); xlabel('Time [min]') ylabel('Reactor outlet temperature, To [C]') print -deps steps_sis % axis([180 250 420 540]); % print -deps oscill_sis %Then plot snapshots of the oscillating temperature profile t0m= 103; t0 = t0m*60/10; % Each point is 10 sec. apart %%%% Sustained oscillations plots bl = linspace(0.1,3,30); figure(1) % t0 = t0 + 6*7; figure(11) % This chacks another period subplot(3,2,1); plot(bl,TTsim(:,t0)); % This is the "initial" profile (at t=0 sec) grid axis([0 3 250 550]) xlabel('Bed length, [-]') ylabel('Temperature, [C]') text(0.1,510,'a) t=0 sec') subplot(3,2,3); plot(bl,TTsim(:,t0+7)); grid axis([0 3 250 550]) xlabel('Bed length, [-]') ylabel('Temperature, [C]') text(0.1,510,'b) t=70 sec') subplot(3,2,5); plot(bl,TTsim(:,t0+2*7)); grid axis([0 3 250 550]) xlabel('Bed length, [-]') ylabel('Temperature, [C]') text(0.1,510,'c) t=140 sec') subplot(3,2,2); plot(bl,TTsim(:,t0+3*7)); grid axis([0 3 250 550]) xlabel('Bed length, [-]') ylabel('Temperature, [C]') text(0.1,510,'d) t=210 sec') subplot(3,2,4); plot(bl,TTsim(:,t0+4*7)); grid axis([0 3 250 550]) xlabel('Bed length, [-]') ylabel('Temperature, [C]') text(0.1,510,'e) t=280 sec') subplot(3,2,6); plot(bl,TTsim(:,t0+5*7)); grid axis([0 3 250 550]) xlabel('Bed length, [-]') ylabel('Temperature, [C]') text(0.1,510,'f) t=350 sec') print -deps waves_sis