TMM4175 Polymer Composites

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Material Library

There are many possible solutions and options for a custom Pythonic material library. The basic idea is to be able to store and later on read a set of materials as an alternative to copy and paste the dictionary into the code.

A data structure to store all materials could for example be another dictionary or a list. Since there is no obvious need for having an associated array, a list will work just fine.

Copy the following into a python file:

In [1]:


materials.append( {"name": "E-glass/Epoxy", "units": "MPa-mm-Mg", "type": "UD", "fiber": "E-glass",
     "Vf": 0.55, "rho": 2000E-12,
     "description": "Typical UD E-glass/Epoxy from TMM4175",  
     "E1": 40000, "E2": 10000, "E3": 10000, 
     "v12": 0.3, "v13": 0.3, "v23": 0.4, 
     "G12": 3800, "G13": 3800, "G23": 3400, 
     "a1": 7e-06, "a2": 2.2e-05, "a3": 2.2e-05, 
     "XT": 1000, "YT": 40, "ZT": 40,
     "XC": 700, "YC": 120, "ZC": 120,
     "S12": 70, "S13": 70, "S23": 40,
     "f12":-0.5, "f13":-0.5, "f23":-0.5} )

materials.append( {"name": "S-glass/Epoxy", "units": "MPa-mm-Mg", "type": "UD", "fiber": "S-glass",
     "Vf": 0.55, "rho": 2000E-12,
     "description": "Typical UD S-glass/Epoxy from TMM4175",  
     "E1": 48000, "E2": 11000, "E3": 11000, 
     "v12": 0.3, "v13": 0.3, "v23": 0.4, 
     "G12": 4200, "G13": 4200, "G23": 3600, 
     "a1": 4e-06, "a2": 2.0e-05, "a3": 2.0e-05, 
     "XT": 1300, "YT": 40, "ZT": 40,
     "XC": 800, "YC": 140, "ZC": 140,
     "S12": 70, "S13": 70, "S23": 40,
     "f12":-0.5, "f13":-0.5, "f23":-0.5} )

materials.append( {"name": "Kevlar-49/Epoxy", "units": "MPa-mm-Mg", "type": "UD", "fiber": "Kevlar-49",
     "Vf": 0.55, "rho": 1400E-12,
     "description": "Typical UD Kevlar-49/Epoxy from TMM4175",  
     "E1": 73000, "E2": 5000, "E3": 5000, 
     "v12": 0.35, "v13": 0.35, "v23": 0.45, 
     "G12": 2200, "G13": 2200, "G23": 1700, 
     "a1": -1e-06, "a2": 5.0e-05, "a3": 5.0e-05, 
     "XT": 1400, "YT": 20, "ZT": 20,
     "XC": 300, "YC": 120, "ZC": 120,
     "S12": 40, "S13": 40, "S23": 20,
     "f12":-0.5, "f13":-0.5, "f23":-0.5} )

materials.append( {"name": "Carbon/Epoxy(a)", "units": "MPa-mm-Mg", "type": "UD", "fiber": "Carbon",
     "Vf": 0.55, "rho": 1600E-12,
     "description": "Typical low modulus carbon/Epoxy from TMM4175",  
     "E1": 130000, "E2": 10000, "E3": 10000, 
     "v12": 0.28, "v13": 0.28, "v23": 0.5, 
     "G12": 4500, "G13": 4500, "G23": 3500, 
     "a1": -0.5e-06, "a2": 3.0e-05, "a3": 3.0e-05, 
     "XT": 1800, "YT": 40, "ZT": 40,
     "XC": 1200, "YC": 180, "ZC": 180,
     "S12": 70, "S13": 70, "S23": 40,
     "f12":-0.5, "f13":-0.5, "f23":-0.5} )

materials.append( {"name": "Carbon/Epoxy(b)", "units": "MPa-mm-Mg", "type": "UD", "fiber": "Carbon",
     "Vf": 0.55, "rho": 1700E-12,
     "description": "Typical high modulus carbon/Epoxy from TMM4175",  
     "E1": 330000, "E2": 8000, "E3": 8000, 
     "v12": 0.28, "v13": 0.28, "v23": 0.5, 
     "G12": 4000, "G13": 4000, "G23": 2700, 
     "a1": -0.7e-06, "a2": 3.0e-05, "a3": 3.0e-05, 
     "XT": 1000, "YT": 40, "ZT": 40,
     "XC": 800, "YC": 100, "ZC": 100,
     "S12": 70, "S13": 70, "S23": 40,
     "f12":-0.5, "f13":-0.5, "f23":-0.5} )

def get(matname):
    for m in materials:
        if m['name']==matname:
            return m
    return False

def printlist():
    for m in materials:
def newMaterial(**kwargs):
    for key in kwargs:
    return m

Then, in your notebook:

In [2]:
import matlib

Listing of all materials:

In [3]:

A specific material by name:

In [4]:
m1 = matlib.get('Carbon/Epoxy(a)')

{'name': 'Carbon/Epoxy(a)', 'units': 'MPa-mm-Mg', 'type': 'UD', 'fiber': 'Carbon', 'Vf': 0.55, 'rho': 1.6e-09, 'description': 'Typical low modulus carbon/Epoxy from TMM4175', 'E1': 130000, 'E2': 10000, 'E3': 10000, 'v12': 0.28, 'v13': 0.28, 'v23': 0.5, 'G12': 4500, 'G13': 4500, 'G23': 3500, 'a1': -5e-07, 'a2': 3e-05, 'a3': 3e-05, 'XT': 1800, 'YT': 40, 'ZT': 40, 'XC': 1200, 'YC': 180, 'ZC': 180, 'S12': 70, 'S13': 70, 'S23': 40, 'f12': -0.5, 'f13': -0.5, 'f23': -0.5}

Comparing properties, for example longitudinal modulus:

In [5]:
for m in matlib.materials:
    print(m['name'], m['E1'])
E-glass/Epoxy 40000
S-glass/Epoxy 48000
Kevlar-49/Epoxy 73000
Carbon/Epoxy(a) 130000
Carbon/Epoxy(b) 330000

Writing the list of materials to a file using json:

In [6]:
import json

with open('TMM4175Matlib.txt', 'w') as file:

The file written above contains now the data structure matlib.materials which is the list of materials. It can be read into a new variable using json:

In [7]:
with open('TMM4175Matlib.txt', "r") as file:
    read_materials = json.load(file)


In [8]:
for m in read_materials:

Disclaimer:This site is about polymer composites, designed for educational purposes. Consumption and use of any sort & kind is solely at your own risk.
Fair use: I spent some time making all the pages, and even the figures and illustrations are my own creations. Obviously, you may steal whatever you find useful here, but please show decency and give some acknowledgment if or when copying. Thanks! Contact me:

Copyright 2021, All right reserved, I guess.