Updated Instruction Overview

  1. Relationships should only be used within 1 sentence. Do not link labels between different sentences.

  2. Relationship 'Caused by (Forårsaket av)' is changed to Is observed with (Er observert med) because causality cannot be determined.

  3. Injection (injeksjon) and Infusion (infusjon) can be annoated using the Procedure category (Prosedyre) and injection site (innstikksted) can be annotated using the Anatomical location category (Anatomisk plassering)

    Click for labels
    • Procedure category (Prosedyre)
      • Injection (Injeksjon)
        • Intradermal injection (Intradermalt injeksjon)
        • Subcutaneous injection (Subkutant injeksjon)
        • Intramuscular injection (Intramuskulært injeksjon)
        • Intravenous injection (Intravenøst injeksjon)
        • Self-inflicted injection (SelvpÃ¥ført injeksjon)
      • Infusion (Infusjon)
        • Subcutaneous infusion (Subkutant infusjon)
        • Intraosseous infusion (Intraossøs infusjon)
        • Intravenous infusion (Intravenøst infusjon)
    • Anatomical location category (Anatomisk plassering)
      • Injection site (Innstikkssted)

    Before: After:

  4. The following categories for annotation have been changed:

    Old Category New Category Category Description
    Whole (Hel) Annotated note (Annotert notat) a label indicating a note has been annotated and used as a checklist of relevant content
    Sensitivity (Sensitiv) Identifier (Identifikator) protected health information
    Sign (Tegn) Observation (Observasjon) observable signs, such as patient signs or symptoms, lab results, and device-related observations
    Location (Plassering) Anatomical location (Anatomisk lokasjon) anatomical location
    Device (Enhet) Medical device (Medisinsk utstyr) different catheter types and parts
    Procedure (Prosedyre) procedures, interventions, activities, or procedural-related purposes
  5. Summary of entity attributes to provide more information for the following categories:

    Category or Subcategory Entity Attribute Options
    Annotated note (Annotert notat) • Has identifier (Har identifikator)
    • Has medical device malfunction (Har medisinsk utstyrsfeil)
    • Is catheter-related (Er kateterrelatert)
    • Is PVK-related (Er PVK relatert)
    • Is infection-related (Er infeksjonsrelatert)
    • Is infection-related (Er infeksjonsrelatert)
    • Is BSI-related (Er BSI relatert)
    • Is sepsis-related (Er sepsisrelatert)
    checkmark = yes
    Person (Person) Is name (Er navn) checkmark = yes
    Body temperature (Kroppstemperatur) Has body temperature range (Har kroppstemperaturområde) • Hyperthermia (Hypertermi)• Normal (Normal)• Hypothermia (Hypotermi)
    • Respiratory rate (Respirasjons frekvens)
    • Pulse (Puls)
    • Blood pressure (Blodtrykk)
    • C-reactive protein (CRP; C-reaktivt protein)
    Has severity level (Har alvorlighetsgrad) • High (Høy)
    • Normal (Normal)
    • Low (Lav)
    Conciousness level (Bevissthetsnivå) Has concious state of (Har bevisste tilstand av) • Alert (Våken)
    • Confusion (Forvirring)
    • Verbally responsive (Verbal respons)
    • Painfully responsive (Smerte respons)
    • Unresponsive (Bevisstløshet)
    Observation (Observasjon) Observation said by (Observasjon sagt av) • Health care provider (helsepersonell)
    • Patient (pasient)
    • Both (begge)
    Observation (Observasjon) Observation is diagnosis (Observasjon er diagnose) checkmark = yes
    Body part (Kroppsdel) Left or right (Venstre eller høyre) • Left (Venstre)
    • Right (Høyre)
    Body part (Kroppsdel) Front or back (Foran eller bak) • Front (Foran)
    • Back (Bak)
    Body part (Kroppsdel) Distance location (Avstand plassering) • Proximal (Proksimal)
    • Distal (Distal)
    • Medial (Medial)
    • Sideways (Sideveis)
    • Halfway (Halvveis)
    Medical device (Medisinsk utstyr) Is medical device failure (Er medisinsk utstyrsfeil) checkmark = yes
    Catheter (Kateter) Is bandage (Er bandasje) checkmark = yes
    Peripheral intravenous catheter (PVK) Has PIVC color (Har PVK farge) • Purple (Lilla)
    • Yellow (Gul)
    • Blue (Blå)
    • Pink (Rosa)
    • Green (Grønn)
    • White (Hvit)
    • Gray (Grå)
    • Brown (Brun)
    • Orange (Oransje)
    Procedure (Prosedyre) Is incorrect procedure action (Er feil prosedyre handling) checkmark = yes
    • Observation (Observasjon)
    • Anatomical location (Anatomisk plassering)
    • Medical device (Medisinsk utstyr)
    • Procedure (Prosedyre)
    Negation (Negasjon) checkmark = this is not


Of the 30 million patients who develop sepsis annually worldwide, over 5 million die. Sepsis a complex disease that can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death caused by a dysregulated host response to infection spread through the bloodstream. Bloodstream infections (BSIs) can enter the body through peripheral intravenous catheters (PVKs), which are the most commonly used invasive devices worldwide in hospitals. 80% of patients admitted to hospitals receive one or more PVKs.

Annotation is identifying and marking up text with labels to categorize different concepts. In addition to categorizing concepts, it is possible to link categories based on relationships. The annotated adverse event text samples from this study will be used to automatically identify risk factors and signs of PVK-related BSI to assist in preventing, identifying and treating sepsis.


  1. Log on to BRAT with your provided username and password in a Chrome browser.

    Click for example

  2. Annotate Norwegian anonymous synthetic adverse event notes:

How to Annotate with BRAT

Using the Brat rapid annotation tool (BRAT) it is possible to:

  • Add and delete annotations for categories.
    Click for example
  • Provide additional attribute information in the 'entity attributes' section if applicable.
    Click for example
  • Add and delete relationships (Add relationships by clicking 1 label and dragging the arrow to another label; Delete by double clicking the relationship).
    Click for example
  • Include notes in annotations.
    Click for example

General Annotation Rules

  1. Label all notes, even ones that seem irrelevant to PVK or sepsis.
    • We need to give the machine learning model good examples and bad examples so it can learn "what is pvk and sepsis relevant" vs "what is not relevant".
  2. Only annotate what is explicitly in the text, do not annotate inferences or speculations.
  3. Label each word or phrase with only 1 label.
    Click for example
    • Incorrect
    • Correct
  4. Include nearby words that describe the labels and add 'entity attributes' to give additional label information whenever possible.
    Click for example
  5. Annotate a category or subcategory each time it is mentioned.
  6. If a subcategory cannot be specified, chose the most general category level that describes the term or phrase.
  7. Use the 'entity attribute' "Negation (Negasjon)" to indicate the opposite of something, failure, or if "it is not" a sign, location, device, or procedure.
    Click for example
  8. Link relationships between categories when possible to assist the machine in learning what the label is referring to:
  9. Label type of catheter care separately from the catheter type and link them using the relationship "Procedure uses (Prosedyre bruker)". This makes it possible to identify type of care given to a specific kind of catheter.
    Click for labels and example
    • Procedure category (Prosedyre)
      • Catheter procedure (Kateter prosedyre)
        • Catheter replacment (Kateter bytting)
        • Catheter removal (Kateter fjerning)
        • Catheter insertion (Kateter innstikking)
        • Catheter self-removal (Kateter selvseponering)
        • Catheter discontinuation (Kateter seponering)
        • Catheter rinsing (Kateter skylling)
    • Medical device category (Medisinsk utstyr)
      • Catheter (Kateter)
        • Venous catheter (Venekateter)
        • Peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) (Perifert venekateter (PVK))
          • Central venous catheter (Sentralt venekateter)
          • Hemodialysis catheter (Hemodialysekateter)
          • Midline catheter (Mideline kateter)
          • Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) (Perifert innsatt sentalt kateter (PICC))
          • Hickman catheter (Hickman kateter)
          • Vascath catheter (VAS) (VAS-kateter (VAS))
        • Arterial catheter (Arteriekateter)
        • Urinary catheter (Blærekateter)
        • Epidural catheter (Epidural kateter)
        • Intraosseous cannula (Intraosseøs kanyle)
        • Subcutaneous catheter (Subkutant kateter)
    Before: After: