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What's YOUR number? And how can you remember it?
Use this web page to find words that match your numbers..

Words that match numbers are called "pseudonumes".  If you just landed here from the internet, and don't yet know what pseudonumes or pseudonumerals are, or how to spell words as numbers, go first to the home page for Pseudonumerology. ®

Number Index for the Peewee Web Pseudonumer®
Click on the number to see the words that pseudospell it.
 0    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

(Larger pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer)
000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013
0000 0010 0012 0013 0014 0015 0017 0020 0021 0022 0024
00000 00101 00120 00121 00122 00124 00130 00137 00140

Arabic numerals:  

This Peewee Web Pseudonumer ® contains about 4,000 pseudonumes for 1- and 2-digit numbers.  It is used for "pseudonuming" numbers - making pseudonume phrases that match them.  The Peewee Pseudonumer is ideal for pseudonuming short numbers like 4-digit PIN codes.  It also works for numbers up to about 8 digits long.  (The Ponderous Pseudonumer, not available online, works better for pseduonuming numbers up to about 12-15 digits long.)  For numbers larger than 12-15 digits, it is hard to make a good pseudonume phrase, so a pseudonume phantasmagoria should be made instead.

Pseudonuming numbers is creative and fun for anyone who enjoys word games, such as Scrabble or crossword puzzles.  You must break your long-digit number into parts and make a phrase that matches them, by look through the Peewee Pseudonumer.  There are many ways to make pseudonume phrases, but here is a simple formula for numbers up to about eight digits long:

Consider an 8-digit number – 8 5 4 1 2 0 6 9.  To use this formula:
Start with the last two digits69.  Among the pseudonumes that you find in the Peewee Pseudonumer, the nouns Jeep,  sheep,  ship,  shop  would each make clear mental images, so you write these down. 
Then try the first two digits85.  For this number you find suitable verbs such as fill (a),  flee (a),  fly (a),  follow (a),  fuel (a)
Now you have several possibilities: fuel a Jeep,  flee a sheep,  follow a ship,  fill a shop.  Write down the ones you prefer.
Now, to use the middle four digits - 41 and 20,  find suitable adjectives to modify your noun.
Your final phrase might be fuel a horrid noisy Jeep,  or flee a rude nosy sheep,  or follow a right nice ship,  or fill a weird news-shop.

To move through the long list of pseudonumes in the Peewee Web Pseudonumer, use the Number Index (and the Page Up and Page Down buttons on your keyboard.)

The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
0 ace
0 ahas
0 as (a)
0 ass
0 assay (a)
0 awes
0 ays
0 ease (a)
0 easy
0 essay
0 ewe’s
0 ewes
0 eye’s
0 eyes
0 ha-has
0 has (a)
0 haze
0 hazy
0 he’s
0 highs
0 his
0 hiss
0 hissy
0 hoe’s
0 hoes
0 hose (a)
0 house
0 hows
0 hues
0 hussy
0 ice
0 icy
0 is
0 ooze
0 owes (a)
0 saw (a)
0 say (a)
0 sea
0 seaway
0 see (a)
0 sew (a)
0 sigh
0 Sioux
0 so
0 sow
0 soy
0 sue (a)
0 sway (a)
0 use (a)
0 was (a)
0 ways
0 weighs (a)
0 wheeze
0 wheezy
0 whizz
0 who's
0 whose
0 whys
0 wise
0 woes
0 woos
0 woozy
0 wows
0 yahoos
0 yeahs
0 yes
0 yo-yo’s
0 yo-yos
0 zoo  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
1 ad
1 add (a)
1 adieu
1 ado
1 ahead
1 aid (a)
1 aide
1 at (a)
1 ate (a)
1 audio
1 auto
1 await (a)
1 awed (a)
1 day
1 dew
1 dewy
1 die
1 do (a)
1 doe
1 dough
1 doughy
1 due
1 duo
1 dye (a)
1 eat (a)
1 eddy
1 eight
1 eighty
1 eta
1 eyed
1 had (a)
1 Haiti
1 hat
1 hate (a)
1 haughty
1 he would
1 he’d
1 head
1 heady
1 heat (a)
1 heath
1 heed (a)
1 height
1 hewed (a)
1 heyday
1 hid (a)
1 hide (a)
1 hit (a)
1 hod
1 hoed
1 hood
1 hoot (a)
1 hot
1 how to
1 hut
1 I would
1 I’d
1 idea
1 iota
1 oat
1 oath
1 oaty
1 odd
1 ode
1 ought
1 out
1 owed (a)
1 tau
1 tea
1 tee
1 Thai
1 thaw (a)
1 thigh
1 ti
1 tie (a)
1 toe
1 too
1 tow (a)
1 toy
1 wad (a)
1 wade (a)
1 wadi
1 wait (a)
1 way-out
1 we would
1 we’d
1 wed (a)
1 weed (a)
1 weedy
1 weighed
1 weight
1 weighty
1 wet (a)
1 what (a)
1 wheat
1 wheaty
1 whet (a)
1 whit
1 white
1 wide
1 widow
1 wight
1 wit
1 with (a)
1 witty
1 wood
1 woody
1 wooed (a)
1 would
1 yacht
1 yahooed
1 yet
1 you would
1 you’d
1 youth
1 yo-yoed  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
2 aeon
2 an
2 an’ (and)
2 anew
2 Anne
2 annoy (a)
2 any
2 anyway
2 A-one
2 awing
2 ennui
2 eyeing
2 gnaw (a)
2 gnu
2 hang (a)
2 haying
2 hen
2 henna
2 hewing (a)
2 hewn
2 hoeing
2 hone (a)
2 honey
2 hung (a)
2 hyena
2 in (a)
2 inn
2 ion
2 knee
2 knew (a)
2 know (a)
2 know-how
2 nay
2 neigh
2 neo
2 new
2 nigh
2 no
2 Noah
2 now
2 noway
2 on (a)
2 one
2 owing (a)
2 own (a)
2 wain
2 wan
2 wane
2 wean (a)
2 weighing
2 wen
2 when
2 whine
2 whinny
2 whiny
2 win (a)
2 wine
2 winey
2 wing
2 winnow (a)
2 wino
2 won (a)
2 wooing (a)
2 yahooing
2 yang
2 yawn
2 yen
2 young
2 yo-yoing  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
3 aim (a)
3 AM
3 am (a)
3 ammo
3 Amy
3 awe’m
3 emu
3 eye’m
3 ham
3 hammy
3 hem (a)
3 heme
3 hew’m
3 him
3 hoe’m
3 home
3 homey
3 hum (a)
3 hummy
3 I am (a)
3 Ma
3 maillot
3 maw
3 May
3 may (a)
3 Maya
3 mayo
3 mayo-y
3 me
3 meow
3 meowy
3 mew
3 mewy
3 moo
3 mooy
3 moue
3 mow (a)
3 mu
3 my
3 ohm
3 oh my!
3 owe’m
3 weigh’m
3 wham (a)
3 whammy
3 whim
3 whom
3 womb
3 woo’m
3 wow’m
3 yam
3 yammy
3 yummy  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
4 aerie
4 air
4 airway
4 airy
4 are
4 area
4 aria
4 array
4 arrow
4 arroyo
4 aura
4 aware
4 awer
4 awry
4 ear
4 eerie
4 era
4 err
4 ewer
4 eyer
4 eyrie
4 hair
4 hairy
4 hare
4 harrow
4 harry
4 hary
4 hayer
4 haywire
4 hear (a)
4 heir
4 her
4 here
4 hero
4 hewer
4 higher
4 hire (a)
4 hoary
4 hoer
4 hour
4 hurrah
4 hurry (a)
4 ire
4 oar
4 ore
4 our
4 ower
4 raw
4 ray
4 rhea
4 roe
4 row (a)
4 rue
4 rya
4 rye
4 war
4 ware
4 wary
4 we are (a)
4 we’re (a)
4 wear (a)
4 weary
4 weer
4 weigher
4 weir
4 were
4 where
4 wherry
4 whirr
4 whirry
4 whore
4 whorey
4 wire (a)
4 wiry
4 wooer
4 wore (a)
4 worry
4 wry
4 yahooer
4 yarrow
4 year
4 you're (a)
4 your
4 yo-yoer  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
5 ail
5 aisle
5 ale
5 all
5 Allah
5 allay
5 alley
5 allow (a)
5 alloy
5 ally
5 aloe
5 aloha
5 awhile
5 awl
5 eel
5 hail (a)
5 hale (a)
5 hall
5 hallo
5 hallow
5 halo
5 haul (a)
5 he’ll
5 heal (a)
5 heel
5 hell
5 hello
5 hill
5 hilly
5 hole
5 holey
5 hollow
5 holly
5 holy
5 howl
5 howly
5 hula
5 hull (a)
5 I’ll
5 ill
5 isle
5 law
5 lay (a)
5 lea
5 lee
5 lei
5 lie
5 lieu
5 low
5 lye
5 oil (a)
5 oily
5 olé
5 owl
5 wail
5 wale
5 wall
5 wallow
5 waylay (a)
5 we’ll
5 weal
5 well
5 well-
5 whale
5 wheal
5 wheel
5 wheely
5 while
5 who'll
5 whole
5 wholly
5 wile
5 will
5 willow
5 willowy
5 wily
5 wool
5 wooly
5 yawl
5 yell
5 yellow
5 you’ll
5 yowl
5 yule  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
6 age
6 ash
6 ashy
6 Asia
6 awash
6 chaw
6 chew (a)
6 chewy
6 Chihuahua
6 chow
6 ciao
6 each
6 edge
6 edgy
6 etch (a)
6 gee
6 GI
6 hash
6 hatch (a)
6 hedge
6 hitch (a)
6 hooch
6 huge
6 hush (a)
6 hutch
6 -ish
6 issue (a)
6 itch (a)
6 itchy
6 jaw
6 jay
6 Jew
6 Joe
6 joy
6 ouch
6 shah
6 she
6 shoe
6 shoo (a)
6 show (a)
6 showy
6 shy
6 wage (a)
6 wash (a)
6 washy
6 watch (a)
6 wedge (a)
6 wee-ish
6 which
6 whoosh
6 wish (a)
6 witch
6 witchy  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
7 ache
7 achy
7 ago
7 ague
7 aqua
7 awake (a)
7 awoke (a)
7 caw
7 coo
7 coup
7 cow
7 coy
7 cue (a)
7 echo
7 echoy
7 eco
7 egg
7 eggy
7 ego
7 eke (a)
7 gay
7 go
7 goo
7 gooey
7 Goya
7 guy
7 hack (a)
7 hag
7 Hague
7 haiku
7 hake
7 hawk
7 heck
7 hick
7 hickey
7 hike (a)
7 hoagy
7 hock (a)
7 hocky
7 hog
7 hoke
7 hokey
7 hook
7 hookah
7 hug (a)
7 huggy
7 icky
7 key
7 kiwi
7 oak
7 OK
7 quay
7 queue
7 wacky
7 wag (a)
7 waggy
7 wake (a)
7 walk (a)
7 weak
7 week
7 whack (a)
7 wick
7 wig
7 wok
7 woke (a)
7 yacky
7 yak
7 yoga
7 yogi
7 yoke
7 yolk
7 yolky
7 yucca
7 yuck
7 yucky
7 yuk  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
8 avow
8 Eve
8 eve
8 fa
8 fay
8 fee
8 few
8 fey
8 foe
8 half (a)
8 halve
8 have (a)
8 heave (a)
8 heavy
8 hi-fi
8 hive
8 hoof
8 huff
8 huffy
8 I have (a)
8 I've (a)
8 if (a)
8 iffy
8 ivy
8 oaf
8 oafy
8 of (a)
8 off (a)
8 ova
8 phi
8 phooey
8 UV
8 via (a)
8 vie
8 view (a)
8 vow
8 waif
8 waive (a)
8 wave (a)
8 wavy
8 we have (a)
8 we've  (a)
8 weave (a)
8 whiff (a)
8 wife
8 woof
8 woofy
8 wove (a)
8 you’ve (a)  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
9 abbey
9 aheap
9 ape (a)
9 bah
9 bay
9 bayou
9 be (a)
9 beau
9 bee
9 boa
9 boo
9 bough
9 boy
9 buoy
9 buy (a)
9 by
9 bye
9 byeway
9 baa
9 ebb
9 epee
9 hap
9 happy
9 heap (a)
9 hip
9 hippie
9 hippo
9 hob
9 hobby
9 hobo
9 hop
9 hope
9 hoppy
9 hub
9 hype
9 hypo
9 obey (a)
9 oboe
9 paw (a)
9 pay (a)
9 payee
9 pea
9 peewee
9 pew
9 pewy
9 pi
9 pie
9 powwow
9 up (a)
9 web
9 weep
9 weepy
9 whip (a)
9 whoop
9 wipe (a)
9 yap
9 yappy
9 yip
9 yup
9 yuppie  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
00 ace’s
00 aces (a)
00 ass’s
00 assay’s
00 assays
00 asses
00 assess (a)
00 assize
00 C.I.S.
00 cease
00 eases
00 essay’s
00 essays
00 haze’s
00 hazes
00 hisses
00 hose’s
00 hoses (a)
00 house’s
00 houses (a)
00 hussies
00 hussy’s
00 ice’s
00 ices (a)
00 oasis
00 ooze’s
00 oozes (a)
00 sass
00 sassy
00 sauce
00 saucy
00 saws (a)
00 say-so
00 says
00 sea’s
00 seas
00 seaway’s
00 seaways
00 sees (a)
00 seesaw
00 seesaw-y
00 seize
00 sighs
00 sis
00 sissy
00 size (a)
00 so-so
00 SOS
00 souse
00 sues (a)
00 sways
00 Swiss
00 uses (a)
00 wheezes
00 whizzes
00 Zeus
00 zoo’s
00 zoos  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
01 accede
01 aced (a)
01 acid
01 aside
01 assayed (a)
01 asset
01 C.O.D.
01 cede
01 cite (a)
01 city
01 eased (a)
01 east
01 essayed
01 haste
01 hasty
01 hazed
01 heist
01 hissed
01 hoist (a)
01 hosed (a)
01 host (a)
01 housed (a)
01 iced (a)
01 oozed
01 oust
01 pseudo
01 sad
01 said
01 sat
01 sate
01 sauté (a)
01 sawed (a)
01 scythe
01 seat (a)
01 seed (a)
01 seedy
01 seethe
01 set (a)
01 settee
01 sewed (a)
01 side
01 sighed
01 sight
01 sit
01 site
01 sod
01 soddy
01 soda
01 soda-y
01 soot
01 soothe (a)
01 sooty
01 sot
01 sought (a)
01 south
01 sowed (a)
01 Soweto
01 stay
01 stew
01 stow (a)
01 sty
01 sued (a)
01 suéde
01 suet
01 suit (a)
01 suite
01 swat (a)
01 swath
01 swathe
01 swayed
01 sweat
01 sweaty
01 Swede
01 sweet
01 used (a)
01 waist
01 waste (a)
01 wayside
01 weest
01 west
01 wheezed
01 whist
01 whizzed
01 yeast
01 yeasty
01 zeta
01 zit  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
02 acing
02 assaying
02 assign (a)
02 easing
02 essaying
02 Essene
02 hasten
02 hazing
02 hissing
02 hosanna
02 hosing (a)
02 housing (a)
02 icing (a)
02 oozing
02 ozone
02 sane
02 sang (a)
02 sauna
02 sawing (a)
02 sawn (a)
02 saying (a)
02 scene
02 scion
02 seeing (a)
02 seen (a)
02 senna
02 sewing (a)
02 sewn (a)
02 Siene
02 sighing
02 sign
02 sin
02 Sinai
02 sinew
02 sinewy
02 sing (a)
02 snow
02 snowy
02 soigné
02 son
02 song
02 sonny
02 soon
02 sowing (a)
02 sown (a)
02 suing (a)
02 sun
02 sunny
02 swain
02 swan
02 swaying (a)
02 swine
02 swing (a)
02 swung (a)
02 using (a)
02 wheezing
02 whizzing
02 zany
02 Zen
02 zing
02 zingy
02 zinnia
02 Zion
02 zone
02 Zuni  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
03 ace'm
03 assay’m
03 assume (a)
03 asthma
03 awesome
03 ease’m
03 has’m
03 haze’m
03 hose’m
03 house’m
03 ice’m
03 -ism
03 owes’m
03 psalm
03 SAM
03 same
03 Samoa
03 saw’m
03 seam
03 seamy
03 see’m
03 seem
03 sem
03 semi
03 semi-
03 sew’m
03 Siam
03 some
03 sue’m
03 sum
03 sumo
03 swam (a)
03 swami
03 swim (a)
03 swum (a)
03 use’m
03 zoom  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
04 acer
04 assayer
04 Assyria
04 cirri
04 czar
04 easer
04 easier
04 essayer
04 hazer
04 hazier
04 hisser
04 hoser
04 hosiery
04 hussar
04 icer
04 icier
04 oozer
04 Sahara
04 sari
04 sawer
04 sawyer
04 sear (a)
04 seer
04 sera
04 sere
04 sewer
04 sierra
04 sigher
04 soar
04 soiree
04 sore
04 sorrow
04 sorry
04 sour (a)
04 sower
04 suer
04 surrey
04 swayer
04 swear
04 swore
04 Syria
04 user
04 wheezer
04 wheezier
04 whizzer
04 wiser
04 woozier
04 Zaire
04 zero
04 Zorro  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
05 assail (a)
05 azalea
05 cell
05 cilia
05 easel
05 easily
05 hassle (a)
05 hazel
05 hazily
05 hustle (a)
05 icily
05 sail (a)
05 sale
05 sallow
05 sally
05 Saul
05 seal (a)
05 sell (a)
05 Seoul
05 sill
05 silly
05 silo
05 slaw
05 slay (a)
05 sleigh
05 slew (a)
05 sloe
05 slough
05 slow
05 slue
05 sly
05 soil (a)
05 sol
05 Sol
05 sole
05 solo
05 soul
05 sully
05 swallow (a)
05 swell (a)
05 swill
05 wassail
05 weasel
05 weasely
05 whistle (a)
05 wisely
05 woozily
05 zeal
05 Zulu  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
06 ass-ish
06 assuage
06 easyish
06 eschew
06 hazyish
06 hissyish
06 house-ish
06 ice age
06 icyish
06 ooze-ish
06 sachet
06 sage
06 sash
06 sashay
06 sedge
06 sewage
06 siege
06 sow-ish
06 such
06 swash
06 swatch
06 Swatch
06 swish (a)
06 swishy
06 switch (a)
06 wheezyish
06 wise-ish
06 woozyish  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
07 ask (a)
07 askew
07 Asoka
07 ceca
07 hassock
07 husk (a)
07 husky
07 ice hockey
07 Isaac
07 Osaka
07 psych
07 psyche
07 psycho
07 sac
07 sack (a)
07 sag
07 saga
07 saggy
07 sago
07 sake
07 scow
07 sec'y
07 seek (a)
07 segue
07 sequoia
07 sic
07 sick
07 Sihk
07 skew
07 ski
07 sky
07 soak (a)
07 sock
07 soggy
07 squaw
07 suck (a)
07 swag
07 swig (a)
07 whisk
07 whiskey  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
08 ease off
08 he’s off
08 hose off
08 housewife
08 housewife-y
08 ossify
08 safe
08 salve
08 save (a)
08 savvy
08 saw off
08 sci-fi
08 see off
08 sieve
08 sofa
08 Sofia
08 suave  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
09 Aesop
09 asp
09 asp-y
09 CB
09 CPA
09 ease up
09 ESP
09 espy
09 hasp
09 haze up
09 hyssop
09 ice up
09 sap
09 sappy
09 seep
09 sepia
09 sew up
09 sip (a)
09 soap (a)
09 soapy
09 sob
09 sob-y
09 sop
09 SOP
09 soppy
09 soup
09 soupy
09 spa
09 spay (a)
09 spew (a)
09 spy (a)
09 sub
09 subway
09 swab (a)
09 swap (a)
09 sweep (a)
09 swipe (a)
09 swob
09 use up
09 wasp
09 wasp-y
09 WASP-y
09 wise up
09 wisp
09 wispy
09 zap (a)
09 zebu
09 zip
09 zippy  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
10 ad’s
10 adds (a)
10 adduce (a)
10 adieus
10 adios
10 ads
10 aide’s
10 aides
10 aids (a)
10 AIDS’
10 audio’s
10 audios
10 auto’s
10 autos
10 awaits (a)
10 dais
10 daisy
10 day’s
10 days
10 daze (a)
10 de-ice (a)
10 deuce
10 dice (a)
10 dicey
10 dizzy
10 DOS
10 dos
10 dose
10 dossier
10 douse (a)
10 dowse (a)
10 doze
10 doze-y
10 dues
10 duo’s
10 duos
10 eats (a)
10 eddies
10 eddy’s
10 educe
10 eighties
10 eighty’s
10 eta’s
10 etas
10 ethos
10 Haiti’s
10 hate’s
10 hates (a)
10 head’s
10 heads
10 heat’s
10 heath’s
10 heaths
10 heats (a)
10 heeds (a)
10 hiatus
10 hide’s
10 hideous
10 hides (a)
10 hit’s
10 hits (a)
10 hods
10 hood’s
10 hoods
10 hoot’s
10 hoots
10 hothouse
10 hut’s
10 huts
10 idea’s
10 ideas
10 ides
10 idiocy
10 iodize (a)
10 iotas
10 oath’s
10 oaths
10 oats
10 oats’
10 odds
10 ode’s
10 odes
10 Odessa
10 odious
10 Odyssey
10 outhouse
10 outhouse-y
10 tau’s
10 taus
10 tea’s
10 teas
10 tease (a)
10 tee’s
10 tees
10 Thai’s
10 Thais
10 thaws (a)
10 these
10 thigh’s
10 thighs
10 those
10 thus
10 tie’s
10 ties (a)
10 tis
10 toe’s
10 toes
10 too easy
10 toss (a)
10 tows (a)
10 toy’s
10 toys
10 twice
10 wad’s
10 wades
10 wadi’s
10 wadis
10 wads (a)
10 waits
10 watts
10 weds (a)
10 weed’s
10 weeds (a)
10 weight’s
10 weights
10 wets (a)
10 wheat’s
10 wheats
10 whets (a)
10 White House
10 white’s
10 whites
10 whits
10 widow’s
10 widows
10 wight’s
10 wights
10 wit’s
10 wits
10 wood’s
10 woods
10 woodsy
10 yacht’s
10 yachts
10 Yeats
10 Yeats’
10 youths
10 youths’
10 whit’s  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
11 added (a)
11 aided (a)
11 audit (a)
11 awaited (a)
11 dad
11 dada
11 daddy
11 dado
11 data
11 date (a)
11 D-Day
11 dead
11 death
11 debt
11 deed
11 did (a)
11 dido
11 die out
11 died
11 diet
11 diety
11 diode
11 ditto
11 ditty
11 do-do
11 dot (a)
11 dote
11 dotty
11 doubt (a)
11 dowdy
11 dud
11 dude
11 duet
11 duty
11 dyed (a)
11 edit (a)
11 hated (a)
11 headed (a)
11 heated (a)
11 heeded (a)
11 hideout
11 hooded (a)
11 hooted (a)
11 hothead
11 idiot
11 iodide
11 oddity
11 outhit (a)
11 outwait (a)
11 outwit (a)
11 tad
11 Tahiti
11 tat
11 tattoo (a)
11 tattoo-y
11 taught (a)
11 taut
11 teat
11 Teddy
11 teed
11 teeth
11 that
11 thawed (a)
11 theta
11 thought (a)
11 thud
11 tide
11 tidy
11 tied (a)
11 tight
11 tit
11 tit-y
11 tithe
11 toad
11 toady
11 toddy
11 to-do
11 toed (a)
11 toot (a)
11 tooth
11 toothy
11 tot
11 tote (a)
11 tout
11 towed (a)
11 towhead
11 toyed (a)
11 tutu
11 tweet
11 tweet-y
11 twit
11 twit-y
11 wadded (a)
11 waded (a)
11 waited (a)
11 wedded (a)
11 weeded (a)
11 wetted (a)
11 whetted (a)
11 white heat
11 wide-eyed
11 widowhood
11 without
11 witted
11 wooded  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
12 adding (a)
12 Aden
12 aiding (a)
12 Athena
12 atone
12 attain (a)
12 attune
12 awaiting (a)
12 Dan
12 Dane
12 dawn
12 dean
12 den
12 deny (a)
12 din
12 dine
12 ding
12 ding-y
12 dinghy
12 DNA
12 doing (a)
12 Don
12 don (a)
12 done
12 dong (a)
12 down (a)
12 downy
12 dun
12 dune
12 dune-y
12 dung
12 dung-y
12 dyeing (a)
12 dying (a)
12 eaten (a)
12 eating (a)
12 eighteen
12 ethane
12 Etna
12 hating (a)
12 heading (a)
12 head-on
12 heathen
12 heating (a)
12 heeding (a)
12 heighten (a)
12 hiding (a)
12 hitting (a)
12 hooting
12 hoyden
12 iodine
12 oaten
12 Odin
12 outing
12 Taiwan
12 tan
12 tang
12 tangy
12 tawny
12 teeing
12 teen
12 teeny
12 ten
12 than
12 thawing (a)
12 then
12 thin
12 thing
12 thong
12 tin
12 tine
12 tinny
12 tiny
12 toeing (a)
12 ton
12 tone
12 tongue (a)
12 tony
12 towing (a)
12 town
12 toying (a)
12 tun
12 tuna
12 tune (a)
12 twain
12 twang (a)
12 twangy
12 twine
12 tying (a)
12 wadding (a)
12 wading (a)
12 waiting
12 wedding
12 weeding (a)
12 weighten
12 wetting (a)
12 wheaten
12 whetting (a)
12 whiten (a)
12 whiting
12 widen (a)
12 within
12 wooden  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
13 Adam
13 add’m
13 aid'm
13 ate’m
13 A®
13 atom
13 autumn
13 await’m
13 awed’m
13 dam (a)
13 dame
13 damn (a)
13 deem
13 demi-
13 demo
13 dim
13 dime
13 dome
13 doom (a)
13 dumb
13 dummy
13 eat’m
13 Edam
13 had’m
13 hate’m
13 head’m
13 heat’m
13 heed’m
13 hid’m
13 hide’m
13 hit’m
13 idem
13 idiom
13 item
13 odium
13 owed’m
13 tam
13 tame (a)
13 team
13 teem
13 them
13 theme
13 thumb
13 thyme
13 tie’m
13 time (a)
13 Tom
13 tom
13 tomb
13 tome
13 tow’m
13 tummy
13 wed’m
13 weed’m
13 wet’m
13 with’m  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
14 adder
14 adhere
14 adore (a)
14 aider
14 attar
14 attire (a)
14 Audrey
14 author (a)
14 awaiter
14 dairy
14 dare (a)
14 dear
14 deer
14 dewier
14 diarrhea
14 diary
14 dire
14 doer
14 door
14 dory
14 doughier
14 dour
14 dower
14 dowry
14 draw (a)
14 drew (a)
14 dry (a)
14 dyer
14 eater
14 eatery
14 either
14 ether
14 hater
14 hatter
14 haughtier
14 hauteur
14 header
14 heater
14 heather
14 heeder
14 hider
14 hitter
14 hooter
14 hot air
14 hotter
14 hydra
14 odder
14 odor
14 otter
14 outer
14 tar
14 tar-y
14 tare
14 taro
14 tarot
14 tarry
14 tear
14 teary
14 teer
14 terry
14 thawer
14 their
14 theory
14 there
14 Thor
14 thorough
14 three
14 threw (a)
14 throe
14 through (a)
14 throw (a)
14 thruway
14 tiara
14 tier
14 tire (a)
14 toer
14 Torah
14 tore (a)
14 Tory
14 tour (a)
14 tower
14 toyer
14 tray
14 tree
14 trey
14 trio
14 troy
14 try (a)
14 ture
14 tyro
14 udder
14 utter (a)
14 wadder
14 waiter
14 water
14 watery
14 weather (a)
14 wedder
14 weeder
14 weedier
14 weightier
14 wetter
14 whether
14 whetter
14 whiter
14 whither
14 wider
14 widower
14 wither
14 withery
14 wittier
14 woodier  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
15 addle (a)
15 atelier
15 atoll
15 Attila
15 dahlia
15 daily
15 dale
15 Dali
15 dally
15 deal (a)
15 delay (a)
15 deli
15 dial (a)
15 dill
15 dilly
15 doily
15 dole (a)
15 doll
15 dolly
15 dowel
15 Doyle
15 dual
15 duel (a)
15 dull
15 dully
15 duly
15 dwell
15 ethyl
15 haughtily
15 hotel
15 hotly
15 huddle
15 ideal
15 ideally
15 idle
15 idly
15 idol
15 idyll
15 Italy
15 outlaw
15 outlay
15 outyell (a)
15 tail
15 tale
15 tali
15 tall
15 tallow
15 tally
15 teal
15 tell (a)
15 telly
15 thole
15 tile
15 till
15 toil
15 tole
15 toll (a)
15 tool
15 towel
15 tulle
15 twill
15 waddle (a)
15 wattle
15 wheedle (a)
15 white lie
15 whitewall
15 whittle (a)
15 widely
15 yodel (a)  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
16 adage
16 adagio
16 attach (a)
16 attaché
16 dash (a)
16 dewyish
16 dish
16 ditch
16 DJ
16 Dodge
16 dodge (a)
16 dodge-y
16 douche
16 doughyish
16 duchy
16 Dutch
16 haughtyish
16 hot-ish
16 odd-ish
16 outage
16 t'ai chi
16 teach (a)
16 thatch (a)
16 tissue
16 touch (a)
16 touché
16 touchy
16 twitch (a)
16 wattage
16 weedyish
16 weightyish
16 wet-ish
16 white-ish
16 whitewash
16 wittyish
16 woodyish
16 Yiddish
16 youth-ish  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
17 ad hoc
17 attack (a)
17 attic
17 Dacca
17 dacha
17 decay (a)
17 deck (a)
17 decoy
17 Degas
17 Dhaka
17 dick
17 dickey
17 dig (a)
17 dike
17 doc
17 dock
17 dog
17 doggy
17 dogie
17 duck (a)
17 ducky
17 dug (a)
17 duke
17 ethic
17 haddock
17 headache
17 high-tech
17 outgo
17 outtake
17 outwalk (a)
17 tack
17 tacky
17 taco
17 tag (a)
17 taiga
17 take (a)
17 talk (a)
17 teak
17 tech
17 thick
17 thug
17 thwack
17 tic
17 tick (a)
17 toga
17 Togo
17 toke (a)
17 Tokyo
17 took (a)
17 toque
17 tuck (a)
17 tug
17 tweak (a)
17 twig
17 twiggy
17 tyke
17 wide-awake  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
18 ahead of
18 daffy
18 Dave
18 deaf
18 defy (a)
18 diefy
18 diva
18 dive
18 divvy
18 doff (a)
18 dove
18 edify
18 taffy
18 thief
18 thieve
18 tiff
18 toffee
18 tofu
18 tough
18 TV  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
19 add up (a)
19 adobe
19 ate up
19 atop
19 attaboy
19 dab (a)
19 dap
19 daub
19 debut
19 deep
19 depot
19 dip (a)
19 do up
19 dope
19 dopey
19 dopy
19 dub
19 dupe
19 dweeb
19 eat up
19 Ethiopia
19 head up
19 heat up
19 tab
19 tabby
19 taboo
19 Taipei
19 tap
19 tape
19 taupe
19 tepee
19 tibia
19 tie-up (a)
19 tip (a)
19 top
19 toupee
19 tub
19 tuba
19 tubby
19 tube
19 type
19 typo
19 Utopia
19 wait up
19 would-be  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
20 Aeneas
20 Aeneas’
20 aeon’s
20 aeons
20 anise
20 Anne’s
20 annoys (a)
20 anus
20 ennuis
20 ensue
20 gnaws (a)
20 gneiss
20 gnu’s
20 gnus
20 hangs (a)
20 heinous
20 hen’s
20 hence
20 henna’s
20 hennas
20 hens
20 hones (a)
20 honey’s
20 honeys (a)
20 hyena’s
20 hyenas
20 in-house
20 inn’s
20 inns
20 ion’s
20 ionize (a)
20 ions
20 knee’s
20 knees
20 Nassau
20 naysay
20 neighs
20 Ness
20 news
20 newsy
20 nice
20 Nice
20 niece
20 Nisei
20 Noah’s
20 noes
20 noise
20 noisy
20 noose
20 nose
20 nosy
20 once
20 onus
20 ounce
20 owns (a)
20 uneasy
20 unwise
20 wains
20 wanes
20 weans (a)
20 wens
20 whence
20 whines
20 whinnies
20 wince
20 wines
20 wing’s
20 wings
20 winnows
20 wino’s
20 winos
20 wins (a)
20 yawn’s
20 yawns  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
21 ain't
21 and (a)
21 annoyed
21 annuity
21 anode
21 ant-y
21 ante
21 anti-
21 aunt
21 end (a)
21 endow
21 endue
21 gnat
21 gnat-y
21 gnawed (a)
21 hand (a)
21 handy
21 hangout
21 haunt (a)
21 hennad
21 Hind
21 hind
21 hint
21 honed (a)
21 honeyed (a)
21 hornet
21 hornet-y
21 hound (a)
21 hunt (a)
21 India
21 innate
21 into (a)
21 Inuit
21 knead (a)
21 knight
21 knit (a)
21 knot (a)
21 knotty
21 naiad
21 natty
21 naught
21 naughty
21 neat
21 neath (a)
21 need (a)
21 needy
21 neighed
21 net (a)
21 newt
21 night
21 nightie
21 nit
21 nod
21 node
21 not (a)
21 note
21 nth
21 nude
21 nut
21 nutty
21 onto (a)
21 owned (a)
21 undo (a)
21 undue
21 unit
21 unite (a)
21 unity
21 untie (a)
21 unto (a)
21 unwed
21 waned
21 want (a)
21 weaned (a)
21 wend
21 went
21 whined
21 whinnied
21 wind (a)
21 window
21 windy
21 wined (a)
21 winged
21 winnowed
21 won't
21 wont
21 wound (a)
21 yawned  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
22 anion
22 annoying
22 anon
22 anyone
22 awning
22 gnawing (a)
22 gnawn
22 hang on (a)
22 hanging (a)
22 hennaing
22 honing (a)
22 inane
22 inning
22 knowing (a)
22 known (a)
22 nanny
22 neighing
22 neon
22 nine
22 ninny
22 no one
22 none
22 noon
22 noun
22 no-win
22 nun
22 onion
22 owning (a)
22 union
22 unknowing
22 unknown
22 unwon
22 waning
22 weaning (a)
22 whining
22 whinnying
22 winging
22 wining
22 winning (a)
22 winnowing
22 yawning  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
23 Anaheim
23 anemia
23 annoy'm
23 annum
23 enema
23 enemy
23 gnaw'm
23 gnome
23 hang’m
23 hone’m
23 knew’m
23 know’m
23 name (a)
23 numb (a)
23 owing’m
23 own’m
23 wean’m
23 win’m
23 wine'm
23 wooing’m  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
24 annoyer
24 anywhere
24 gnawer
24 hangar
24 hanger
24 hennaer
24 honer
24 honor (a)
24 honoree
24 inhere
24 inner
24 inure
24 naira
24 narrow
24 near
24 Nehru
24 neigher
24 Nero
24 newer
24 nigher
24 nor
24 Norway
24 nowhere
24 owner
24 unaware
24 unwary
24 wanner
24 weaner
24 whiner
24 whinier
24 whinnier
24 wiener
24 winer
24 winery
24 winger
24 winner
24 winnower
24 yawner  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
25 anal
25 anally
25 anneal
25 annual
25 annually
25 annul
25 inhale
25 in-law
25 inlay (a)
25 kneel
25 knell
25 knoll
25 nail (a)
25 newel
25 newly
25 nil
25 Nile
25 Noel
25 null
25 only
25 unholy
25 unwell
25 wanly
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
26 annoyish
26 enjoy (a)
26 notch
26 notch-y
26 nudge
26 unhitch (a)
26 wench
26 whinyish
26 winch (a)
26 youngish  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
27 ankh
27 eunuch
27 hank
27 hankie
27 Hanukkah
27 honk (a)
27 honky
27 hunk
27 hunk-y
27 Inca
27 ink (a)
27 inky
27 Ionic
27 knack
27 knock (a)
27 nag
27 naggy
27 neck
27 nick (a)
27 nook
27 nuke (a)
27 oink
27 oink-y
27 unhook (a)
27 unique
27 wink
27 Yank
27 yank (a)
27 Yankee  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
28 enough
28 envoy
28 envy (a)
28 info
28 inveigh
28 knave
28 knife (a)
28 naive
28 Navajo
28 nave
28 navy
28 nephew
28 nevi
28 new-wave
28 nova
28 unify (a)  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
29 hang up
29 hangup
29 hone up
29 honeybee
29 hung up
29 knob
29 knobby
29 nab (a)
29 nap
29 nape
29 nappe
29 nappy
29 neap
29 nib
29 nip (a)
29 nippy
29 nub
29 nubby
29 one-up (a)
29 own up
29 unhappy
29 wannabe  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
30 aims
30 amass (a)
30 amaze (a)
30 amiss
30 ammo’s
30 ammos
30 amuse (a)
30 Amy’s
30 emcee
30 emu’s
30 emus
30 ham’s
30 hams
30 hem’s
30 heme’s
30 hemes
30 hems
30 home’s
30 homes
30 hum’s
30 hums (a)
30 maillots
30 Ma’s
30 Mace
30 mace
30 maize
30 mass
30 maw’s
30 maws
30 May’s
30 Maya’s
30 Mayas
30 Mays
30 maze
30 meows
30 mesa
30 mess (a)
30 Messiah
30 messy
30 mews
30 mice
30 miss (a)
30 moos
30 moose
30 mosey
30 moss
30 mossy
30 moues
30 mouse
30 mousse
30 mousy
30 mows
30 muse
30 Muse
30 muss (a)
30 mussy
30 ohms
30 whammies
30 whams (a)
30 whims
30 whimsy
30 womb’s
30 wombs
30 yam’s
30 yams
30 YMCA  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
31 aimed
31 amid (a)
31 amity
31 emit (a)
31 emote
31 hammed
31 hemmed (a)
31 homed
31 homemade
31 humid
31 hummed (a)
31 mad
31 made (a)
31 mahout
31 maid
31 maillot
31 mat
31 mate
31 maté
31 math
31 matte
31 May Day
31 mead
31 meadow
31 meat
31 meaty
31 Medea
31 media
31 meet (a)
31 mete
31 mewed
31 mid
31 midday
31 middy
31 midi
31 might
31 mighty
31 mite
31 mitt
31 moat
31 mod
31 mode
31 mood
31 moody
31 mooed
31 moot
31 mote
31 moth
31 moth-y
31 motto
31 mouth
31 mouthy
31 mowed (a)
31 mud
31 muddy
31 mute
31 mutt
31 myth
31 omit (a)
31 whammed  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
32 aiming
32 amen
32 amino
32 Amman
32 ammonia
32 amnio
32 among (a)
32 hamming
32 he-man
32 hemming
32 homing
32 hominy
32 human
32 humane
32 humming
32 immune
32 main
32 Maine
32 man (a)
32 mane
32 mania
32 manna
32 many
32 Mayan
32 mean
32 men
32 menu
32 meowing
32 mine
32 mini-
32 minnow
32 moan
32 moan-y
32 money
32 mono
32 mooing
32 moon
32 moon-y
32 moonie
32 mowing (a)
32 myna
32 Oman
32 omen
32 whamming
32 woman
32 women
32 Yemen
32 yeoman  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
33 aim'm
33 hem'm
33 hum'm
33 ma’am
33 maim (a)
33 mamma
33 mayhem
33 me, my
33 memo
33 Miami
33 mime
33 mom
33 mommy
33 mow'm
33 mum
33 mummy
33 muumuu
33 my-oh-my
33 wham'm  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
34 aimer
34 amour
34 emery
34 emir
34 hammer (a)
34 hammier
34 hemmer
34 homer
34 homier
34 humeri
34 hummer
34 humor (a)
34 immure
34 mare
34 maria
34 marrow
34 marry (a)
34 mayor
34 merry
34 mire
34 miry
34 mohair
34 moiré
34 mooer
34 Moor
34 moor
34 moray
34 more
34 morrow
34 mower
34 myrrh
34 whammer
34 yammer
34 yummier  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
35 E-mail
35 home meal
35 home milieu
35 homely
35 homily
35 mail (a)
35 male
35 Mali
35 mall
35 mallow
35 maul (a)
35 meal
35 mealy
35 melee
35 mellow
35 mewl
35 mil
35 Milano
35 mile
35 milieu
35 mill (a)
35 moil
35 mole
35 mole-y
35 mule
35 muley
35 mull  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
36 Amish
36 ham-ish
36 homage
36 homeyish
36 hummyish
36 image
36 macho
36 Magi
36 mash (a)
36 match (a)
36 mesh
36 midge
36 midge-y
36 moocha
36 much
36 mush
36 mushy
36 yummyish  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
37 amigo
37 amok
37 amuck
37 hammock
37 hummocky
37 imago
37 Macao
37 macaw
37 Mach
37 make (a)
37 McCoy
37 Mecca
37 meek
37 mega
37 mica
37 mike
37 mocha
37 mock (a)
37 Mohawk
37 muck
37 mucky
37 mug (a)
37 muggy
37 omega
37 umiak  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
38 Mafia
38 mauve
38 miff
38 Mohave
38 move (a)
38 movie
38 muff  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
39 amoeba
39 ham up
39 hem up
39 hemp
39 homeboy
39 hump
39 hump-y
39 imbue
39 imp
39 map (a)
39 maybe
39 mob (a)
39 mop
39 mope
39 mope-y
39 myopia
39 ump (a)
39 wimp
39 wimpy  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
40 aerie’s
40 aeries
40 air’s
40 airs
40 airway’s
40 airways
40 area’s
40 areas
40 arias
40 Aries
40 Aries’
40 arise
40 arose
40 arouse (a)
40 arras
40 array’s
40 arrays
40 arrow’s
40 arrows
40 arroyo’s
40 arroyos
40 arse
40 aura’s
40 auras
40 awer’s
40 awers
40 ear’s
40 ears
40 era’s
40 eras
40 erase (a)
40 Eros
40 Eros’
40 errs
40 ewer’s
40 ewers
40 eyrie’s
40 eyries
40 hair’s
40 hairs
40 harass (a)
40 hare’s
40 hares
40 harries (a)
40 harrows
40 hears (a)
40 hearsay
40 hearse
40 heir’s
40 heiress
40 heirs
40 heresy
40 heros
40 hers
40 hires (a)
40 hoarse
40 Horace
40 horse
40 horsy
40 hour’s
40 hours
40 hurrah’s
40 hurrahs
40 hurries
40 iris
40 oar’s
40 oars
40 ore’s
40 ores
40 orris
40 ours
40 race (a)
40 racy
40 raise (a)
40 ray’s
40 rays
40 raze (a)
40 resow
40 reuse (a)
40 rhea’s
40 rheas
40 rice (a)
40 rise
40 roe’s
40 roes
40 rose
40 rosy
40 rouse
40 row house
40 row’s
40 rows (a)
40 rues
40 ruse
40 rya’s
40 ryas
40 rye’s
40 ryes
40 war’s
40 ware’s
40 warehouse
40 wares
40 wars
40 Warsaw
40 wearies
40 wears (a)
40 weirs
40 whereas
40 wherries
40 whirrs
40 wire’s
40 wires (a)
40 wooer’s
40 wooers
40 worries (a)
40 worse
40 yarrows
40 year’s
40 years
40 yours  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
41 aerate (a)
41 airhead
41 airhead-y
41 aorta
41 arid
41 aright (a)
41 arrayed
41 arrowhead
41 art
41 arty
41 aureate
41 award (a)
41 eared
41 earth
41 earthy
41 erode (a)
41 errata
41 erred
41 hairdo
41 hard
41 hardy
41 harried
41 harrowed
41 hart
41 heard (a)
41 heart
41 hearth
41 hearty
41 herd
41 herewith
41 hired (a)
41 hoard (a)
41 horde
41 horrid
41 hurried (a)
41 hurt (a)
41 irate
41 orate
41 radii
41 radio
41 raid (a)
41 rat
41 rate (a)
41 ratty
41 rawhide
41 read (a)
41 ready
41 red
41 redo (a)
41 redye (a)
41 reed
41 reedy
41 reheat (a)
41 retie (a)
41 rid
41 ride (a)
41 right (a)
41 riot
41 riot-y
41 rite
41 road
41 rod
41 rode (a)
41 rodeo
41 rood
41 root
41 rot (a)
41 rote
41 rout (a)
41 route
41 rowdy
41 rowed (a)
41 ruddy
41 rude
41 rued
41 rut
41 Urdu
41 ward
41 warhead
41 warred
41 wart
41 warty
41 wayward
41 wearied
41 weird
41 weirdo
41 whereat
41 wherewith
41 whirred
41 wired (a)
41 word
41 wordy
41 worried
41 wort
41 worth (a)
41 worthy
41 wraith
41 wrath
41 wreath
41 wreathe
41 writ
41 write (a)
41 writhe
41 wrote (a)
41 wroth
41 wrought
41 yard
41 yurt  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
42 airing (a)
42 arena
42 arraign (a)
42 arraying
42 Aryan
42 earn (a)
42 earring
42 Ernie
42 erring
42 harangue
42 harrying
42 hearing (a)
42 herein
42 hernia
42 heroin
42 heroine
42 heron
42 herring
42 hiring (a)
42 horn
42 horny
42 hurrying
42 Iran
42 iron
42 irony
42 Orion
42 rain (a)
42 rainy
42 rang (a)
42 rayon
42 rehang (a)
42 rehung (a)
42 reign
42 rein
42 renew (a)
42 Reno
42 Rhine
42 Rhone
42 ring (a)
42 roan
42 rowing (a)
42 ruin (a)
42 ruing
42 run (a)
42 runaway
42 rune
42 rung
42 runny
42 runway
42 urine
42 urn
42 warn (a)
42 warren
42 warring
42 wearing (a)
42 wherein
42 whirring
42 wiring (a)
42 worn
42 worrying
42 wren
42 wring (a)
42 wrong
42 wrung (a)
42 yarn
42 yearn
42 harrowing  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
43 arm
43 army
43 aroma
43 array'm
43 arum
43 harem
43 harm (a)
43 hear’m
43 hire’m
43 hurry’m
43 RAM
43 ram (a)
43 ream
43 rem
43 R.E.M.
43 rheum
43 rheumy
43 rhyme
43 rim
43 rime
43 rimy
43 roam
43 ROM
43 Rome
43 room
43 roomy
43 row’m
43 rum
43 rummy
43 uremia
43 warm
43 wire’m
43 worm
43 wormy
43 worry’m
44 airier  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
44 arrayer
44 arrear
44 aurora
44 Aurora
44 eerier
44 errer
44 error
44 hairier
44 harrier
44 harrower
44 hearer
44 hirer
44 hoarier
44 horror
44 hurrier
44 rare
44 rawer
44 rear
44 rehire (a)
44 rewire (a)
44 roar
44 rower
44 ruer
44 warier
44 warrer
44 warrior
44 wearer
44 wearier
44 whirrer
44 wirer
44 wirier
44 worrier
44 wrier  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
45 aerial
45 aerially
45 airily
45 areal
45 aural
45 aurally
45 aureole
45 awhirl
45 earl
45 early
45 eerily
45 hourly
45 hurl (a)
45 oral
45 orally
45 oriel
45 oriole
45 rail
45 rally
45 real
45 really
45 reel
45 relay (a)
45 rely
45 rial
45 rile (a)
45 rill
45 roil
45 role
45 roll (a)
45 rowel
45 royal
45 royally
45 rule (a)
45 warily
45 wearily
45 whirl (a)
45 whorl
45 wirily
45 wryly  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
46 arch
46 archway
46 aware-ish
46 eerie-ish
46 Eurasia
46 hairyish
46 harsh
46 hoaryish
46 huarache
46 Irish
46 orgy
46 rage
46 rajah
46 rash
46 ratio
46 reach (a)
46 rehash
46 reissue
46 retch
46 rewash (a)
46 rich
46 ridge
46 ridgy
46 roach
46 roachy
46 rouge
46 rush (a)
46 Russia
46 urge (a)
46 war-ish
46 waryish
46 wearyish
46 whirryish
46 whorish
46 wiryish
46 worryish
46 wretch  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
47 arc
47 argot
47 argue (a)
47 ark
47 earache
47 earwig
47 erg
47 ergo
47 eureka
47 hark
47 heroic
47 Irak
47 irk (a)
47 rack
47 rag
47 raggy
47 rake (a)
47 reawake
47 rec
47 reecho
47 reek
47 reggae
47 Reich
47 rick
47 rig
47 rock (a)
47 rocky
47 rogue
47 rook
47 rookie
47 rug
47 uric
47 Uruguay
47 work
47 wrack
47 wreak
47 wreck (a)  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
48 arrive
48 hereof
48 horrify (a)
48 hurry off
48 raffia
48 rave
48 reef
48 reef-y
48 ref
48 rev
48 Rev.
48 review (a)
48 revue (a)
48 rife
48 riff
48 rive
48 roof (a)
48 rough
48 rough-hew
48 rove
48 row off
48 ruff
48 we’re off
48 wear off
48 wear off
48 wharf
48 whereof
48 year off  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
49 Arab
49 Arabia
49 Aruba
49 Europe
49 harp
49 Harpy
49 herb
49 herb-y
49 hereby
49 orb
49 rabbi
49 rap (a)
49 rape
49 reap (a)
49 rehab
49 rep
49 repay (a)
49 rib
49 rib-y
49 RIP
49 rip (a)
49 ripe
49 rob (a)
49 robe
49 rope
49 ropey
49 ruby
49 rupee
49 rupiah
49 warp (a)
49 warpy
49 whereby
49 wire up
49 wrap  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
50 Aeolus
50 Aeolus’
50 ails
50 alas
50 ale’s
50 ales
50 alias
50 Alice
50 Allah’s
50 allays
50 alley’s
50 alleys
50 allies
50 allies’
50 allows (a)
50 alloy’s
50 alloys
50 aloe’s
50 aloes
50 alohas
50 also (a)
50 always
50 awl’s
50 awls
50 else
50 hail’s
50 hails
50 hales (a)
50 hallows
50 halls
50 halo’s
50 halos
50 hauls (a)
50 heals
50 heel’s
50 heels
50 hell’s
50 hellos (a)
50 hells
50 hill’s
50 hills
50 hole’s
50 holes
50 hollies
50 hollow’s
50 hollows (a)
50 holly’s
50 howl’s
50 howls
50 hula’s
50 hulas
50 hull’s
50 hulls (a)
50 isle’s
50 isles
50 lace (a)
50 lacy
50 Laos
50 lass
50 lassie
50 lasso (a)
50 law’s
50 laws
50 lays (a)
50 laze
50 lazy
50 leas
50 lease (a)
50 lees
50 leis
50 less
50 lessee
50 lice
50 lice-y
50 lies
50 loci
50 loose
50 lose (a)
50 loss
50 Louis
50 louse
50 lousy
50 lows
50 lye’s
50 lyes
50 oil’s
50 oils (a)
50 owl’s
50 owls
50 wail’s
50 wails
50 wale’s
50 wales
50 wall’s
50 wallows
50 walls (a)
50 waylays (a)
50 weals
50 well’s
50 wells
50 whale’s
50 whales
50 wheals
50 wheel’s
50 wheels (a)
50 whiles
50 wiles
50 willies
50 willow’s
50 willows
50 wool’s
50 wools
50 yawls
50 yell’s
50 Yellow Sea
50 yells (a)
50 yowl’s
50 yowls  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
51 ailed
51 alight
51 alit
51 allayed
51 all-day
51 allied
51 all-out
51 allot
51 allowed (a)
51 alloyed
51 allude
51 aloud
51 although
51 alto
51 elate (a)
51 elide
51 Eliot
51 elite
51 elude (a)
51 hailed (a)
51 haled
51 halite
51 hallowed
51 halt (a)
51 hauled (a)
51 healed
51 health
51 healthy
51 heeled
51 helot
51 hilt
51 hold (a)
51 holed
51 holiday
51 hollowed
51 Hollywood
51 Hollywood-y
51 howled
51 hulled (a)
51 Iliad
51 islet
51 lad
51 lade
51 lady
51 laid (a)
51 laity
51 late
51 lath
51 lathe
51 laud (a)
51 layette
51 layout
51 lead (a)
51 LED
51 led
51 let
51 lewd
51 lid
51 lied
51 light (a)
51 lithe
51 load (a)
51 loathe
51 lode
51 loot (a)
51 lot
51 lotto
51 loud
51 lout
51 lowed
51 lute
51 oiled (a)
51 old
51 oldie
51 wailed
51 waled
51 walled
51 wallet
51 wallowed
51 waylaid (a)
51 wealth
51 wealthy
51 weld (a)
51 wellhead
51 welt
51 whaled
51 wheeled
51 whiled
51 whole-wheat
51 whole-wheaty
51 wield (a)
51 wild
51 wiled
51 wilt (a)
51 wilt-y
51 yelled
51 yield (a)
51 yowled  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
52 ailing
52 alien
52 align
52 allaying
52 allowing
52 alloying
52 allying
52 alone
52 along
52 elan
52 eolian
52 hailing (a)
52 haling
52 Halloween
52 Halloween-y
52 hallowing
52 hauling (a)
52 healing
52 heeling
52 Helen
52 hellion
52 holing
52 hollowing
52 howling
52 hulling (a)
52 lain
52 lane
52 lawn
52 laying (a)
52 lean
52 lien
52 line (a)
52 lion
52 llano
52 loan (a)
52 loin
52 lone
52 long
52 loon
52 loony
52 lowing
52 lung
52 lung-y
52 lying
52 oiling (a)
52 wailing
52 waling
52 walling
52 Walloon
52 wallowing
52 waylaying
52 well-nigh
52 whaling
52 wheeling
52 whiling
52 wiling
52 willing
52 woolen
52 yelling
52 yowling  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
53 Alamo
53 allay'm
53 allow'm
53 alum
53 elm
53 elm-y
53 hail’m
53 hale’m
53 haul'm
53 heal’m
53 helium
53 helm
53 hull'm
53 ileum
53 ilium
53 lam
53 lamb
53 lame
53 lamé
53 lay'm
53 Lima
53 limb
53 limb-y
53 lime
53 limey
53 limn
53 limo
53 llama
53 loam
53 loamy
53 loom
53 oil'm
53 waylay'm
53 whelm
53 whilom  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
54 allayer
54 allier
54 allower
54 alloyer
54 allure
54 all-year
54 hailer
54 haler
54 hallower
54 hauler
54 healer
54 heeler
54 hillier
54 holer
54 holier
54 hollower
54 howler
54 huller
54 lair
54 lawyer
54 layer
54 leer
54 leery
54 liar
54 lira
54 lore
54 lorry
54 lower
54 lure (a)
54 lyre
54 oiler
54 wailer
54 waller
54 wallower
54 waylayer
54 whaler
54 wheeler
54 whiler
54 wiler
54 wilier
54 willowier
54 woolier
54 yeller
54 yellower
54 yowler  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
55 allele
55 alleluia
55 hallelujah
55 lily
55 lisle
55 loll
55 loll-y
55 lowly
55 loyal
55 loyally
55 lull
55 oil well
55 yellow halo
55 yellow hell  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
56 ale-ish
56 algae
56 allege
56 elegy
56 eulogy
56 hellish
56 hillyish
56 holeyish
56 hollow-ish
56 howlyish
56 lash (a)
56 latch (a)
56 leach (a)
56 leash (a)
56 ledge
56 ledge-y
56 leech
56 leechy
56 liege
56 litchi
56 lodge (a)
56 loge
56 loggia
56 low-ish
56 lush
56 oilyish
56 owlish
56 Welsh
56 whole-ish
56 wilyish
56 woolyish
56 yellowish
56 yowlyish  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
57 alack
57 alga
57 alike
57 elk
57 hillock
57 hillock-y
57 hollyhock
57 hulk
57 hulky
57 ilk
57 lac
57 lack (a)
57 lackey
57 lag (a)
57 lake
57 lake-y
57 league
57 leak (a)
57 leaky
57 leek
57 leg
57 leggy
57 lick (a)
57 like (a)
57 loch
57 lock
57 loco
57 log
57 logo
57 logy
57 look
57 low-key
57 luck
57 lucky
57 lug (a)
57 Luke
57 whelk  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
58 alewife
58 alfa
58 alive
58 aloof
58 alpha
58 elf
58 haul off
58 helve
58 laugh
58 laugh-y
58 lava
58 lave
58 lay off
58 layoff
58 leaf
58 leafy
58 leave (a)
58 levee
58 levy
58 life
58 live
58 loaf
58 love (a)
58 luff
58 olive
58 well-off
58 wolf  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
59 alb
59 alibi
59 alp
59 alp-y
59 elbow
59 elbow-y
59 elope
59 haul up
59 help (a)
59 hole up
59 howl up
59 hula hoop
59 lab
59 lap
59 Lapp
59 lay up
59 leap
59 lib
59 Libya
59 lip
59 lippy
59 lob
59 lobby
59 lobe
59 loop (a)
59 loopy
59 lop
59 lope
59 LP
59 lube (a)
59 wallaby
59 wallop
59 yelp  Back to the Number Index
59 yelp-y  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
60 aegis
60 age’s
60 ages
60 ashes
60 ashes’
60 Asia’s
60 chaise
60 chase (a)
60 chassis
60 cheese
60 cheesy
60 chess
60 chews
60 Chihuahua’s
60 Chihuahuas
60 choice
60 choose (a)
60 choosy
60 chose (a)
60 chows
60 edge’s
60 edges
60 edgeways
60 edgewise
60 etches (a)
60 GI’s
60 Gis
60 hash’s
60 hashes
60 hatch’s
60 hatches
60 hedge’s
60 hedges
60 hitch’s
60 hitches (a)
60 hushes (a)
60 hutch’s
60 hutches
60 issue’s
60 issues (a)
60 itch’s
60 itches (a)
60 jaw’s
60 jaws
60 jay’s
60 jays
60 jazz
60 jazzy
60 Jew’s
60 Jews
60 Joe’s
60 joy’s
60 Joyce
60 joyous
60 joys
60 juice
60 juicy
60 schuss
60 shah’s
60 shahs
60 she’s
60 shes
60 shies
60 shoe’s
60 shoes (a)
60 shoos (a)
60 show’s
60 shows (a)
60 wage’s
60 wages
60 wash’s
60 washes (a)
60 watch’s
60 watches (a)
60 wedge’s
60 wedges (a)
60 whooshes
60 wishes (a)
60 witch’s
60 witches  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
61 aged
61 Chad
61 chat
61 chateau
61 chatty
61 cheat (a)
61 cheat-y
61 cheetah
61 chewed
61 chide (a)
61 chit
61 chute
61 edged (a)
61 etched (a)
61 geode
61 hashed (a)
61 hatched (a)
61 hatchet
61 hedged (a)
61 hitched (a)
61 hushed (a)
61 issued (a)
61 itched (a)
61 jade
61 jawed
61 jet
61 jetty
61 Jidda
61 jihad
61 jot (a)
61 Judah
61 Judea
61 judo
61 jut
61 jute
61 shad
61 shade (a)
61 shadow
61 shadowy
61 shady
61 she'd
61 sheath
61 sheathe (a)
61 shed (a)
61 sheet
61 shied
61 shoat
61 shod (a)
61 shoddy
61 shoed (a)
61 shooed (a)
61 shoot (a)
61 shot (a)
61 should
61 shout
61 showed
61 shut (a)
61 waged
61 washed
61 washout
61 watched (a)
61 wedged
61 whooshed
61 Wichita
61 wished (a)
61 witched  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
62 adjoin
62 ageing
62 aging
62 ashen
62 Asian
62 chain (a)
62 chewing
62 Cheyenne
62 chin
62 China
62 chino
62 edging (a)
62 etching (a)
62 Eugene
62 gene
62 genie
62 Genoa
62 gin
62 gin-y
62 Haitian
62 hashing (a)
62 hatching (a)
62 hedging (a)
62 hitching (a)
62 hushing (a)
62 hygiene
62 issuing (a)
62 itching (a)
62 Jane
62 jawing
62 jean
62 John
62 john
62 join (a)
62 Jonah
62 June
62 ocean
62 Oceania
62 shanghai
62 Shanghai
62 sheen
62 shin
62 shine (a)
62 shinny
62 shiny
62 shoeing (a)
62 shone
62 shoo-in
62 shooing (a)
62 showing (a)
62 shown (a)
62 shun (a)
62 shying
62 waging (a)
62 washing (a)
62 watching
62 wedging (a)
62 whooshing
62 widgeon
62 wishing
62 witching  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
63 chamois
63 chew'm
63 chime
63 chum
63 chummy
63 etch’m
63 gem
63 gym
63 hash’m
63 hatch’m
63 hitch’m
63 hush’m
63 issue’m
63 itch’m
63 jam
63 jamb
63 jammy
63 jimmy (a)
63 sham
63 shame (a)
63 shim
63 shimmy
63 shoe'm
63 shoo'm
63 show’m
63 wage’m
63 wash'm
63 watch'm  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
64 adjure
64 ajar
64 ashier
64 ashore
64 assure
64 azure
64 chair
64 char
64 chary
64 cheer (a)
64 cheery
64 cherry
64 chewer
64 chewier
64 chore
64 edger
64 edgier
64 etcher
64 gyro
64 hasher
64 hatcher
64 hatchery
64 hedger
64 highchair
64 hitcher
64 Hoosier
64 huger
64 husher
64 issuer
64 itcher
64 itchier
64 jar (a)
64 jawer
64 jeer
64 jeer-y
64 Jewery
64 jury
64 osier
64 share (a)
64 shear (a)
64 sheer
64 sherry
64 shire
64 shirr
64 shoer
64 shooer
64 shore
64 shower (a)
64 showery
64 showier
64 shrew
64 shyer
64 sure
64 usher
64 usury
64 wager (a)
64 washer
64 washier
64 watcher
64 wedger
64 whoosher
64 wisher
64 witcher
64 witchery
65 agile  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
65 agilely
65 Ashley
65 cello
65 chalet
65 challis
65 Chile
65 chili
65 chill (a)
65 chilly
65 gel (a)
65 hugely
65 jail (a)
65 jell
65 Jell-O
65 jelly
65 jewel
65 jolly
65 joule
65 jowl
65 jowly
65 July
65 shale
65 shall
65 shallow
65 shaly
65 shawl
65 she'll
65 shell (a)
65 shell-y
65 Shelly
65 shill
65 shoal
65 showily
65 shyly
65 usual
65 usually  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
66 ashyish
66 cha-cha
66 chewyish
66 chichi
66 choo-choo
66 Chow chow
66 edgyish
66 hashish
66 huge watch
66 huge witch
66 huge-ish
66 hush-hush
66 itchyish
66 jaw-ish
66 Jewish
66 josh
66 Joshua
66 judge (a)
66 ouch-ish
66 ouch-ouch
66 showyish
66 shush (a)
66 shyish
66 wishywashy
66 witchyish  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
67 chalk (a)
67 chalky
67 check (a)
67 cheek
67 cheeky
67 cheque
67 chic
67 chick
67 chock
67 choke (a)
67 chuck
67 chug
67 Czech
67 hedgehog
67 hitchhike
67 huge egg
67 huge wok
67 jack (a)
67 jag
67 jaywalk
67 jig
67 jock
67 jockey
67 jog (a)
67 joke
67 joke-y
67 jug
67 Schick
67 shack
67 shag
67 shaggy
67 shake (a)
67 shaky
67 sheik
67 shock (a)
67 shook (a)
67 shuck (a)  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
68 achieve
68 chafe
68 chaff
68 chef
68 chevy
68 chief
68 chive
68 each wave
68 huge hive
68 huge oaf
68 huge wave
68 huge wife
68 Java
68 Jehova
68 jiffy
68 jive
68 jive-y
68 shave (a)
68 sheaf
68 shiv
68 Shiva
68 shove (a)
68 shove-y
68 show off
68 show offy
68 UHF
68 wash off
68 yeshiva  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
69 chap
69 chapeau
69 cheap
69 cheep
69 chew up
69 chip (a)
69 chop (a)
69 choppy
69 chubby
69 gibe
69 gyp (a)
69 hitch up
69 huge pie
69 huge web
69 hush up
69 jab (a)
69 jab-y
69 jape
69 Jeep
69 jib
69 jibe
69 job
69 shabby
69 shape (a)
69 sheep
69 ship (a)
69 shop (a)
69 shoppe
69 show up
69 wash up  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
70 acacia
70 accuse (a)
70 acquiesce
70 agaze
70 agues
70 aquas
70 aqueous
70 awakes
70 ax (a)
70 case
70 cassia
70 cause (a)
70 causeway
70 caw’s
70 caws
70 cayuse
70 chaos
70 cocci
70 coos
70 coos
70 coup’s
70 coups
70 cow’s
70 cows
70 coze
70 cozy
70 cue’s
70 cues
70 cuss
70 cuss-y
70 echo’s
70 echoes
70 egg’s
70 eggs
70 ego’s
70 egos
70 ekes
70 ex-
70 gas
70 gassy
70 gauze
70 gauzy
70 Gaza
70 gaze
70 gaze-y
70 geese
70 goes
70 goos
70 goose
70 goosey
70 Goya’s
70 guess
70 guise
70 gussy
70 guy’s
70 guys
70 hack’s
70 hacks (a)
70 hacksaw
70 Hades
70 haggis
70 hags
70 Hague’s
70 haiku’s
70 haikus
70 hakes
70 hawk’s
70 hawks
70 hex
70 hick’s
70 hickey’s
70 hickeys
70 hicks
70 hike’s
70 hikes
70 hoagies
70 hoagy’s
70 hoax
70 hocks
70 hog’s
70 hogs
70 hokes
70 hook’s
70 hookah’s
70 hookahs
70 hooks (a)
70 hugs (a)
70 kazoo
70 key’s
70 keys
70 kiss (a)
70 kissy
70 kiwi’s
70 kiwis
70 oak’s
70 oaks
70 ox
70 quasi
70 quay’s
70 quays
70 queasy
70 queue’s
70 queues
70 quiz (a)
70 wags (a)
70 wake’s
70 wakes
70 walk’s
70 walks
70 wax
70 waxy
70 week’s
70 weeks
70 whack’s
70 whacks
70 wick’s
70 wicks
70 wig’s
70 wigs
70 wok’s
70 woks
70 yak’s
70 yaks
70 yogas
70 yogi’s
70 yoke’s
70 yokes
70 yolk’s
70 yolks
70 yucca’s
70 yuccas
70 yuks  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
71 ached
71 acquit
71 act
71 acuity
71 acute
71 agate
71 awaked
71 cad
71 caddie
71 cahoot
71 cat
71 catty
71 caught (a)
71 cawed
71 coat
71 cod
71 coda
71 code
71 coed
71 cooed
71 coot
71 cootie
71 cot
71 cote
71 could
71 cowed
71 cowhide
71 cowl
71 coyote
71 cud
71 cued
71 cut (a)
71 cutaway
71 cute
71 echoed
71 egad
71 egghead
71 egghead-y
71 eked
71 equate
71 equity
71 gad
71 gaiety
71 gait
71 gate
71 gaudy
71 gayety
71 get (a)
71 ghetto
71 ghetto-y
71 giddy
71 goad (a)
71 go-ahead
71 goat
71 goat-y
71 goatee
71 God
71 god
71 good
71 goody
71 got (a)
71 Gouda
71 gout
71 guide
71 gut
71 guyed
71 hacked
71 hawk-eyed
71 hecto
71 hiked
71 hocked
71 hogged
71 hogtie (a)
71 hoked
71 hooked (a)
71 hugged (a)
71 keyed (a)
71 kid
71 kiddie
71 kit
71 kite
71 kith
71 kitty
71 kowtow
71 kudu
71 quad
71 queued
71 quid
71 quiet
71 quit
71 quite (a)
71 quoit
71 quota
71 quote (a)
71 wagged (a)
71 waked (a)
71 walked
71 walkout
71 weekday
71 whacked
71 wicked
71 wicket
71 wigged
71 yacked
71 yoked
71 yolked
71 yukked  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
72 achene
72 aching
72 acne-y
72 again
72 agony
72 akin
72 awaken
72 awaking
72 Cain
72 can
72 cane
72 canny
72 canoe
72 cawing
72 cayenne
72 coin
72 con (a)
72 cone
72 coney
72 cooing
72 coon
72 cowing
72 cuing
72 echoing (a)
72 eking
72 equine
72 gain (a)
72 gang
72 gangway
72 Ghana
72 going
72 going away
72 gone
72 gong (a)
72 goon
72 goony
72 gown
72 guano
72 Guinea
72 gun (a)
72 gunny
72 Guyana
72 guying
72 hacking
72 hackney
72 hiking
72 hocking
72 hogan
72 hogging (a)
72 hoking
72 hooking
72 hugging (a)
72 icon
72 iguana
72 keen
72 ken
72 Kenya
72 keying
72 kin
72 king
72 queen
72 queuing
72 quoin
72 wagging
72 wagon
72 waken (a)
72 waking (a)
72 walking
72 walk-on
72 weaken (a)
72 whacking
72 wigging
72 woken
72 yacking
72 yoking
72 yukking
72 Yukon  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
73 acme
73 awake’m
73 calm
73 cam
73 came
73 cameo
73 coma
73 comb (a)
73 come
73 comma
73 commie
73 cue’m
73 echo’m
73 game
73 gamma
73 gamy
73 Guam
73 gum
73 gummy
73 hack’m
73 hock'm
73 hokum
73 hook’m
73 oakum
73 qualm
73 wake’m
73 walk'm
73 whack'm
73 wigwam
73 woke'm
73 Yokohama  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
74 Accra
74 accrue
74 achier
74 acquire
74 acre
74 agar
74 agree
74 auger
74 augur
74 augury
74 awaker
74 Cairo
74 car
74 caraway
74 care
74 carry (a)
74 cawer
74 choir
74 chorea
74 cohere
74 cooer
74 core
74 cower
74 coyer
74 craw
74 crew
74 crow
74 cry
74 cuer
74 cur
74 cure
74 curia
74 curie
74 curio
74 curry
74 eager
74 ecru
74 equerry
74 euchre
74 gar
74 Gary
74 gayer
74 gear
74 gooier
74 gore (a)
74 gory
74 gray
74 grow (a)
74 guru
74 guyer
74 hacker
74 hickory
74 hiker
74 hocker
74 hogger
74 hoker
74 hokier
74 hooker
74 hugger
74 ickier
74 keyer
74 Korea
74 occur
74 ocher
74 ogre-y
74 okra
74 quarry (a)
74 queer
74 query (a)
74 queuer
74 quire
74 wackier
74 wagger
74 waggery
74 waker
74 walker
74 weaker
74 whacker
74 whicker
74 wigger
74 yacker
74 yoker
74 yuckier
74 yukker  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
75 aglow
75 call (a)
75 calla
75 callow
75 claw (a)
75 claw-y
75 clay
75 clayey
75 clew
75 cloy
75 clue
75 coal-y
75 coil
75 cola
75 collie
75 cool
75 coolie
75 cooly
75 cowl
75 coyly
75 cull
75 eagle
75 eclat
75 equal
75 equally
75 Gael
75 gaily
75 gal
75 gala
75 gale
75 gall
75 galley
75 Gaul
75 ghoul
75 gill
75 glee
75 glow
75 glowy
75 glue (a)
75 gluey
75 goal
75 goalie
75 golly
75 guile
75 gull
75 gully
75 hackle
75 hackle-y
75 haggle
75 heckle (a)
75 igloo
75 keel
75 keyhole
75 kill (a)
75 koala
75 kola
75 ogle (a)
75 quail
75 quell
75 quill
75 ugly
75 waggle
75 waggly
75 weakly
75 weekly
75 wiggle (a)
75 wiggly
75 yokel  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
76 acacia
76 achyish
76 cache
76 cachet
76 cadge
76 cage (a)
76 cagey
76 cash (a)
76 cashew
76 catch (a)
76 catchy
76 coach
76 couch
76 cow-ish
76 coyish
76 cushy
76 eggyish
76 EKG
76 gage
76 gash (a)
76 gauche
76 gaucho
76 gauge
76 gayish
76 geisha
76 gooeyish
76 gooshy
76 gosh
76 gouge (a)
76 gush
76 gushy
76 haggish
76 hawkish
76 hick-ish
76 hog-ish
76 hoggish
76 hogwash
76 hokeyish
76 ickyish
76 ketch
76 kitsch
76 kitschy
76 oak-ish
76 OK-ish
76 quash (a)
76 quiche
76 wackyish
76 waggish
76 weak-ish
76 yackyish
76 yogi-ish
76 yuckyish  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
77 agog
77 cacao
77 cacao-y
77 cake
77 cake-y
77 caulk (a)
77 cock
77 cocky
77 coco
77 cocoa
77 cocoa-y
77 cog
77 coke
77 cook (a)
77 cookie
77 cuckoo
77 echoic
77 gag (a)
77 gawk
77 gawky
77 gewgaw
77 gig
77 go-go
77 go-go-y
77 gook
77 gook-y
77 kayak
77 keg
77 khaki
77 kick (a)
77 kicky
77 kook
77 kooky
77 quack
77 quacky
77 quahog
77 quake
77 quakey
77 quick
77 quickie
77 wigwag  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
78 agave
78 café
78 calf
78 cave
78 coffee
78 coif
78 cough
78 coughy
78 cove
78 covey
78 cuff (a)
78 gaff
78 gaffe
78 gave (a)
78 give (a)
78 goof
78 goofy
78 guava
78 guffaw
78 Kiev
78 quaff
78 walk off  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
79 agape
79 cab
79 cabby
79 cap (a)
79 cape
79 co-op
79 cob
79 coop
79 cop
79 cope
79 copy
79 coupé
79 cowboy
79 cub
79 Cuba
79 cubby
79 cube
79 cup
79 equip (a)
79 gab
79 gabby
79 gap
79 gape
79 gob
79 gobby
79 Gobi
79 goopy
79 guppy
79 hack up
79 hiccup
79 hiccuppy
79 hookup
79 kappa
79 keep
79 occupy (a)
79 queue up
79 quip
79 wake up
79 walk up
79 walk-up (a)
79 woke up  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
80 avows
80 eave’s
80 eaves
80 efface
80 Eve’s
80 face (a)
80 fay’s
80 fays
80 faze
80 fee’s
80 fees
80 fez
80 fizz
80 fizzy
80 foe’s
80 foes
80 fuse
80 fusee
80 fuss
80 fussy
80 fuzz
80 fuzzy
80 halve’s
80 halves
80 have’s
80 haves
80 heaves (a)
80 hives
80 hoof’s
80 hoofs
80 hooves
80 huffs
80 ivies
80 ivy’s
80 oaf’s
80 oafs
80 office
80 phase
80 vase
80 vice
80 vice’s
80 vies
80 view’s
80 views (a)
80 visa
80 vise
80 vise
80 viz.
80 voice
80 vow’s
80 vows
80 waif’s
80 waifs
80 waives
80 wave’s
80 waves (a)
80 weaves (a)
80 whiffs (a)
80 wive’s
80 wives
80 woof’s
80 woofs  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
81 afoot
81 aft
81 aphid
81 aviate
81 avid
81 avoid (a)
81 avowed
81 effete
81 evade (a)
81 fad
81 faddy
81 fade (a)
81 faith
81 fat
81 fate
81 fatty
81 feat
81 fed (a)
81 feed (a)
81 feet
81 feta
81 fête
81 feud
81 fiat
81 fight (a)
81 fit
81 food
81 foot
81 fought (a)
81 haft
81 half-wit
81 halved (a)
81 heaved
81 heavyweight
81 heft
81 hefty
81 hived
81 hoofed
81 huffed
81 ivied
81 off-white
81 oft
81 ovate
81 ovoid
81 photo
81 V'-Day
81 VAT
81 vat
81 VD
81 Veda
81 vet
81 veto
81 video
81 vied
81 viewed (a)
81 void
81 voodoo
81 vote
81 vowed
81 waft
81 waived (a)
81 waved (a)
81 weaved (a)
81 whiffed  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
82 avenue
82 avian
82 avowing
82 euphony
82 even
82 fain
82 fan
82 fang
82 fang-y
82 fanny
82 faun
82 fauna
82 fawn
82 feign
82 fen
82 fin
82 fine
82 Finn
82 finny
82 fun
82 funny
82 halving
82 Havana
82 haven
82 having (a)
82 heaven
82 heaving
82 hiving
82 hoofing
82 huffing
82 hyphen
82 offing
82 often
82 oven
82 phone (a)
82 phoney
82 vain
82 van
82 vane
82 vein
82 vein-y
82 venue
82 Vienna
82 viewing (a)
82 vine
82 vine-y
82 vowing
82 vying
82 waiving (a)
82 waving (a)
82 weaving (a)
82 whiffing (a)
82 woven  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
83 fame
83 foam
83 foamy
83 fume
83 fumey
83 half a yam
83 halve ‘m
83 have'm
83 heave'm
83 hoof’m
83 off'm
83 ovum
83 view’m
83 vim
83 waive’m
83 wave'm
83 we have’m
83 weave'm  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
84 afar
84 affair
84 affray
84 afire
84 Afro
84 aver
84 aviary
84 avower
84 euphoria
84 ever
84 every
84 fair
84 fairway
84 fairy
84 far
84 faraway
84 fare
84 faro
84 farrow
84 fear (a)
84 ferry (a)
84 fewer
84 fier
84 fiery
84 fir
84 fir-y
84 fire (a)
84 for
84 foray
84 fore
84 four
84 foyer
84 fray
84 free (a)
84 fro
84 fry (a)
84 fur
84 furrow
84 furry
84 fury
84 halver
84 heaver
84 heavier
84 heifer
84 hiver
84 hoofer
84 Hoover
84 hover
84 however
84 huffer
84 huffier
84 iffier
84 ivory
84 offer (a)
84 off-year
84 ovary
84 over (a)
84 Pharaoh
84 vary
84 veer
84 very
84 vier
84 viewer
84 vower
84 voyeur
84 wafer
84 waiver
84 waver
84 wavery
84 wavier
84 weaver
84 whiffer
84 whoever
84 woofer  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
85 aphelia
85 avail
85 avowal
85 awful
85 awfully
85 evil
85 evilly
85 fail (a)
85 fallow
85 feel (a)
85 fell (a)
85 fellow
85 file (a)
85 fill (a)
85 fillet (a)
85 filly
85 flaw
85 flay (a)
85 flea
85 flee (a)
85 flew
85 floe
85 flow
85 flu
85 flue
85 fly (a)
85 foal
85 foil
85 folio
85 follow (a)
85 folly
85 fool (a)
85 foul (a)
85 fowl
85 fuel (a)
85 full
85 fully
85 heavily
85 hovel
85 offal
85 oval
85 ovule
85 uvula
85 vale
85 valet
85 valley
85 value
85 veal
85 veil
85 vela
85 vial
85 vile
85 villa
85 viol
85 viola
85 voile
85 vole
85 volley
85 vowel
85 waffle
85 weevil
85 wifely
85 woeful
85 woefully  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
86 affiche
86 aphasia
86 avouch
86 butch
86 effigy
86 fetch (a)
86 Fiji
86 fish (a)
86 fishe
86 fishy
86 foe-ish
86 fuchia
86 fudge
86 fudgy
86 Fuji
86 half-ish
86 heavyish
86 huffyish
86 iffyish
86 oaf-ish
86 of age
86 vetch
86 vouch
86 voyage
86 wavyish
86 wife-ish  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
87 evacuee
87 evoke (a)
87 fag
87 faggy
87 fake (a)
87 fake-y
87 fig
87 figgy
87 fog
87 foggy
87 fogy
87 fugue
87 havoc
87 off-key
87 vague
87 vogue  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
88 Fauve
88 fief
88 fife
88 Fifi
88 five
88 half-heavy
88 half-off
88 heave off
88 hoof off
88 huff off
88 huff-huffy
88 if-iffy
88 oof-oofy
88 viva
88 wave off
88 woof-woof
88 woof-woof-y  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
89 fab
89 faux pa
89 fib
89 fib-y
89 fob
89 fop
89 half pay
89 half-hip
89 heave up
89 phobia
89 phoebe
89 veep
89 VIP
89 VP  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
90 abase
90 abbacy
90 abbess
90 abbey’s
90 abbeys
90 abuse (a)
90 abuzz
90 abyss
90 apace
90 ape’s
90 apes
90 apiece
90 appease
90 appose
90 apse
90 B.C.
90 baize
90 base
90 bass
90 bay’s
90 bayou’s
90 bayous
90 bays
90 beau’s
90 beaus
90 bee’s
90 bees
90 bias
90 boa’s
90 boas
90 Boise
90 boos
90 booze
90 boozey
90 boss
90 bossy
90 bough’s
90 boughs
90 bow’s
90 bows
90 boy’s
90 boys
90 buoy’s
90 buoys
90 bus
90 buss
90 busy
90 buys (a)
90 buzz (a)
90 buzzy
90 byes
90 byway’s
90 byways
90 baas
90 ebbs
90 epee’s
90 epees
90 heap’s
90 heaps
90 hip’s
90 hippie’s
90 hippies
90 hippo’s
90 hippos
90 hips
90 hobbies
90 hobby’s
90 hobo’s
90 hobos
90 hobs
90 hoop’s
90 hoops
90 hopes
90 hops
90 hubs
90 hypes
90 hypos
90 ibis
90 obese
90 obeys (a)
90 oboe’s
90 oboes
90 oppose
90 opus
90 P.S.
90 pace
90 pass (a)
90 passé
90 pause
90 paw’s
90 paws
90 payee’s
90 payees
90 pays (a)
90 pea’s
90 peace
90 peas
90 peewee’s
90 peewees
90 peso
90 pew’s
90 pews
90 piazza
90 pie’s
90 piece
90 pies
90 pious
90 pis
90 poesy
90 poise
90 pose (a)
90 posse
90 posy
90 powwows
90 pus
90 pus-y
90 puss
90 pussy
90 ups
90 web’s
90 webs
90 weeps
90 whip’s
90 whips (a)
90 whipsaw
90 whoops
90 whoopsie
90 wipes (a)
90 yaps
90 yips
90 yuppie’s
90 yuppies  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
91 abate
91 abbot
91 Abel
91 abet
91 abide
91 abode
91 about
91 abut
91 apathy
91 aped
91 apt
91 bad
91 bade
91 bait (a)
91 bat
91 bate
91 bath
91 bathe (a)
91 batty
91 bawd
91 bawdy
91 bead
91 beady
91 beat (a)
91 beauty
91 bed
91 beet
91 beet-y
91 behead (a)
91 bet (a)
91 beta
91 bid
91 biddy
91 bide
91 bidet
91 bit (a)
91 bite (a)
91 bitty
91 boat
91 bode
91 body
91 booed
91 boot (a)
91 booth
91 bootie
91 booty
91 both
91 bought (a)
91 bout
91 bow tie
91 bowed
91 boyhood
91 bud
91 Budda
91 Budda-y
91 buddy
91 buoyed
91 but
91 butt (a)
91 butte
91 buyout
91 byte
91 baaed
91 habit
91 heaped (a)
91 hobbit
91 hooped
91 hoped
91 hopped
91 hyped
91 obeyed
91 opiate
91 opt
91 pad (a)
91 paddy
91 paid (a)
91 pat (a)
91 pate
91 pâté
91 path
91 patio
91 patty
91 pawed (a)
91 peat
91 peaty
91 pet (a)
91 petty
91 peyote
91 pie-eyed
91 pied
91 piety
91 pit
91 pita
91 pith
91 pithy
91 pity
91 pod
91 poet
91 pot
91 potty
91 pout
91 pouty
91 put (a)
91 putt
91 putty
91 upped
91 uppity
91 wapity
91 webbed (a)
91 weeped
91 wept
91 whipped
91 whippet
91 whooped
91 wiped (a)
91 yapped
91 yipped Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
92 aping
92 ban (a)
92 bane
92 bang (a)
92 bean
92 bean-y
92 been
92 being
92 bin
92 binary
92 bone (a)
92 bong
92 bonny
92 bony
92 booing
92 boon
92 bowing
92 bun
92 bung
92 bunny
92 buoying
92 buying
92 baaing
92 ebony
92 happen
92 heaping (a)
92 hooping
92 hoping
92 hopping
92 hyping
92 obeying
92 open (a)
92 opine
92 pain
92 pan
92 pane
92 pang
92 pawing
92 pawn
92 paying
92 peahen
92 peen
92 pen
92 penny
92 peon
92 peony
92 piano
92 pin
92 pine
92 pine-y
92 ping
92 ping-y
92 pone
92 pony
92 pun
92 puny
92 upon
92 upping
92 weapon
92 webbing
92 weeping
92 whipping
92 whooping
92 whopping
92 wiping (a)
92 yapping
92 yipping  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
93 abeam
93 A-bomb
93 ABM
93 ape'm
93 balm
93 balmy
93 beam
93 beamy
93 Bohemia
93 bomb (a)
93 boo’m
93 boom
93 boomy
93 bum (a)
93 buy'm
93 heap'm
93 obey'm
93 opium
93 palm (a)
93 palmy
93 paw'm
93 pay'm
93 poem
93 puma
93 up'm
93 whip'm
93 wipe'm  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
94 abhor
94 aper
94 apiary
94 appear
94 au pair
94 bar
94 bare (a)
94 barrow
94 bear
94 beer
94 beery
94 beret
94 berry
94 beware (a)
94 bier
94 boar
94 Boer
94 booer
94 boor
94 bore (a)
94 borough
94 borrow (a)
94 bouyer
94 bower
94 bra
94 bray
94 brew (a)
94 brouhaha
94 brow
94 bur
94 bureau
94 burr
94 burrow
94 bury (a)
94 buyer
94 baaer
94 happier
94 happy hour
94 heaper
94 Hebrew
94 hipper
94 hooper
94 hoper
94 hopper
94 hyper
94 Iberia
94 obeyer
94 opera
94 pair
94 par
94 pare
94 pariah
94 parry
94 pawer
94 payer
94 pear
94 peary
94 peer
94 Peoria
94 per
94 Peru
94 Peru’s
94 pier
94 poor
94 pore
94 pore-y
94 pour (a)
94 power
94 pray
94 prey
94 pro
94 prow
94 pry (a)
94 pure
94 purée (a)
94 purr
94 purry
94 pyorrhea
94 pyre
94 upper
94 webber
94 weeper
94 weepier
94 whipper
94 whooper
94 whoopier
94 whopper
94 wiper
94 yapper
94 yipper Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
95 able
95 ably
95 Apollo
95 appall
95 appeal
95 apple
95 apple-y
95 apply (a)
95 bail (a)
95 bale (a)
95 Bali
95 ball
95 ballet
95 ballyhoo
95 bawl
95 bawl-y
95 belay
95 belie
95 bell
95 bellow
95 bellowy
95 belly
95 below (a)
95 bewail
95 bile
95 Bill
95 bill  (a)
95 billow
95 billowy
95 billy
95 blew (a)
95 blow (a)
95 blowy
95 blue
95 bluet
95 boil (a)
95 bola
95 bole
95 boll
95 bowel
95 bowl
95 bull
95 bully
95 bye-law
95 happily
95 hobble
95 hobbly
95 hoopla
95 opal
95 pail
95 pal
95 pale
95 pall
95 pawl
95 payola
95 peal
95 peel
95 pile (a)
95 pill
95 pillow
95 pillowy
95 pilly
95 play (a)
95 plea
95 plow (a)
95 ploy
95 ply
95 Pole
95 pole
95 poll
95 polo
95 pool
95 pule
95 pull (a)
95 pulley
95 uphill
95 wobble (a)
95 wobbly  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
96 abash
96 Apache
96 apish
96 apogee
96 badge
96 bash (a)
96 batch
96 batchy
96 beach
96 beach-y
96 beech
96 beech-y
96 beige
96 bewitch
96 bitch
96 bitchy
96 bocci
96 Bosch
96 botch (a)
96 bourgeois
96 boyish
96 budge (a)
96 budgie
96 bush
96 bushy
96 butch
96 happyish
96 hibachi
96 hip-ish
96 hippo-ish
96 hobo-ish
96 hoppyish
96 hype-ish
96 page (a)
96 patch (a)
96 patchy
96 paw-ish
96 peach
96 peachy
96 peewee-ish
96 pewyish
96 pitch (a)
96 poach
96 pooch
96 poochy
96 posh
96 pouch
96 pouch-y
96 pudgy
96 push (a)
96 pushy
96 putsch
96 weepyish
96 yap-ish
96 yuppie-ish  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
97 aback
97 Bach
97 back
97 bag (a)
97 baggy
97 bake
97 balk
97 balky
97 beak
97 beck
97 beg (a)
97 big
97 bike
97 bog
97 bogey
97 boggy
97 bogy
97 book
97 bookie
97 bouquet
97 buck
97 buckeye
97 bug (a)
97 buggy
97 epic
97 epoch
97 opaque
97 pack (a)
97 peak
97 peck (a)
97 peek
97 peg (a)
97 pekoe
97 pica
97 pick (a)
97 picky
97 picot
97 pig (a)
97 piggy
97 pike
97 pique
97 piqué
97 pock
97 pock-y
97 poke (a)
97 poky
97 puck
97 pug
97 puke
97 puke-y  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
98 above
98 be off
98 beef
98 beefy
98 beehive
98 behalf
98 behave
98 behoove
98 bevy
98 buff
98 buffet
98 buy off
98 by way of
98 heap off
98 pave (a)
98 paw off
98 payoff
98 peeve
98 puff (a)
98 puffy
98 whip off
98 wipe off  Back to the Number Index
The Peewee Web Pseudonumer®  
99 babe
99 baby
99 BB
99 beep
99 beepy
99 bib
99 Bob
99 bob
99 boob
99 booboo
99 booby
99 bop
99 boppy
99 bubo
99 buoy up
99 buy up
99 bye-bye
99 baa-baa
99 hip-hop
99 hip-hoppy
99 hop up
99 hubbub
99 pap
99 papa
99 papaya
99 paw up
99 pawpaw
99 peep
99 peepy
99 pep
99 peppy
99 pip
99 pipe
99 pooh-pooh
99 poop
99 poopy
99 pop (a)
99 pope
99 Popeye
99 poppy
99 pub
99 pup
99 pupa
99 puppy
99 whip up
99 whoop up  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
000 assesses (a)
000 assizes (a)
000 ceases (a)
000 sasses (a)
000 sauce's
000 sauces (a)
000 seesaw's
000 seesaws
000 seizes (a)
000 sises
000 sissies
000 sissy's
000 sizes (a)
000 SOS's
000 souse's
000 souses
000 soy sauce
000 soy sauce-y
000 Zeus's  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
001 assessed (a)
001 assist (a)
001 ceased (a)
001 cyst
001 cyst-y
001 easiest
001 essayist
001 haziest
001 iciest
001 sassed (a)
001 sauced (a)
001 seaside
001 secede
001 seesawed
001 seized (a)
001 siesta
001 sized (a)
001 society
001 soused
001 suicide
001 Suzette
001 wheeziest
001 wisest
001 wooziest
001 zest
001 zesty  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
002 assassin
002 assassin-y
002 assessing
002 ceasing (a)
002 Cézanne
002 Cézanne-y
002 sassing (a)
002 saucing (a)
002 season
002 seesawing
002 seizing (a)
002 sizing (a)
002 sousing  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
003 aces'm
003 assays'm
003 assess'm
003 cesium
003 hazes'm
003 hoses'm
003 houses'm
003 ices'm
003 sass'm
003 sees'm
003 seize'm
003 sesame
003 sesame-y
003 sues'm
003 sways'm
003 uses'm  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
004 assessor
004 assizor
004 Caesar
004 ceaser
004 Cicero
004 sasser
004 sassier
004 saucer
004 saucier
004 scissor
004 seesawer
004 seizer
004 sizer
004 souser
004 USSR  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
005 Cecelia
005 Cecil
005 saucily
005 Sicily
005 sisal
005 sizzle
005 sizzle-y
005 swizzle (a)  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
006 sassyish
006 saucyish
006 sausage
006 sausage-y
006 sissy-ish
006 size-ish
006 so-so-ish
006 Swiss-ish  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
007 ice Husky
007 ice whiskey
007 seasick
007 see askew
007 so sick  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
008 eases off
008 hoses off
008 ices off
008 sass off
008 says off
008 sees off
008 whizzes off  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
009 eases up
009 size up (a)
009 uses up  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
010 AC/DC
010 asset's
010 assets
010 cedes (a)
010 cites (a)
010 cities
010 city's
010 heists
010 hoists (a)
010 host's
010 hostess
010 hostess-y
010 hosts (a)
010 ousts (a)
010 sates
010 Saudi's
010 Saudis
010 sautés
010 scythe's
010 scythes
010 seat's
010 seats (a)
010 seduce (a)
010 seed's
010 seeds (a)
010 seethes
010 set's
010 sets (a)
010 settees
010 side's
010 sides
010 sight's
010 sights (a)
010 site's
010 sites
010 sits
010 sod's
010 soda's
010 sodas
010 sods (a)
010 soothes (a)
010 sot's
010 sots
010 Soweto's
010 stays
010 steadies (a)
010 stew's
010 stews
010 sties
010 stowaway's
010 stowaways
010 stows (a)
010 sty's
010 sud's
010 suds
010 sudsy
010 suéde's
010 suédes
010 suet's
010 suets
010 suit's
010 suite's
010 suites
010 suits (a)
010 SWAT's
010 swath's
010 swathes
010 swaths
010 swats (a)
010 sweat's
010 sweats
010 Swede's
010 sweet's
010 sweets
010 waist's
010 waists
010 waste's
010 wastes (a)
010 wayside's
010 waysides
010 whist's
010 whists
010 yeast's
010 yeasts (a)
010 zeta's
010 zetas
010 zit's
010 zits  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
011 acetate
011 acetate-y
011 acidity
011 aesthete
011 astute
011 ceded (a)
011 cited (a)
011 estate
011 estate-y
011 heisted (a)
011 hesitate
011 hoisted (a)
011 hosted (a)
011 ousted (a)
011 sated
011 satiety
011 sautéd (a)
011 scythed (a)
011 seated (a)
011 sedate (a)
011 seeded (a)
011 seethed
011 sided
011 sighted (a)
011 sodded (a)
011 soothed (a)
011 stadia
011 staid
011 stat
011 state (a)
011 stayed
011 stead
011 steady
011 steed
011 stet
011 stewed (a)
011 stoat
011 stood
011 stout
011 stowed (a)
011 stud
011 studio
011 studio-y
011 stud-y
011 study (a)
011 suited (a)
011 swatted (a)
011 sweated
011 sweet tooth
011 wasted (a)  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
012 acetone
012 acetone-y
012 Austen
012 ceding (a)
012 citing (a)
012 Estonia
012 heisting
012 hoisting (a)
012 hosting (a)
012 Houston
012 ousting (a)
012 sadden
012 Satan
012 Satan-y
012 sateen
012 satin
012 sating
012 satiny
012 sautéing (a)
012 scything (a)
012 seating (a)
012 sedan
012 sedan-y
012 seeding (a)
012 seething
012 setting
012 siding
012 sighting (a)
012 sit-in
012 sitting
012 sodden
012 sodding (a)
012 soothing (a)
012 stain (a)
012 stain-y
012 staying
012 stein
012 steno
012 stewing (a)
012 sting (a)
012 sting-y
012 stone (a)
012 stony
012 stowing (a)
012 stun (a)
012 stung
012 Sudan
012 sudden
012 suiting (a)
012 swathing
012 swatting (a)
012 sweating
012 Sweden
012 sweeten
012 Sydney
012 wasting (a)  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
013 aced'm
013 assayed'm
013 cite'm
013 eased'm
013 esteem
013 hazed'm
013 hoist'm
013 hosed'm
013 housed'm
013 iced'm
013 oust'm
013 sauté'm
013 seat'm
013 set'm
013 sewed'm
013 sit'm
013 sodium
013 sodomy
013 sought'm
013 sowed'm
013 steam
013 steamy
013 stem
013 stow'm
013 stymie (a)
013 sued'm
013 suit'm
013 swat'm
013 swayed'm
013 used'm
013 wisdom  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
0000 see-saw houses'
0000 soy sauces'  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
0001 sassiest
0001 sauciest
0010 assists (a)
0010 cysts'
0010 seasides'
0010 secedes (a)
0010 siestas'
0010 societies'
0010 suicides'  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
0011 assisted (a)
0011 seceded (a)  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
0012 assisting (a)
0012 seceding (a)
0012 sustain (a)  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
0013 system  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
0014 assister
0014 seceder
0014 sister
0014 sister-y
0014 zestier  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
0015 societal
0015 suicidal
0015 systole  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
0017 cystic
0017 swastika
0017 swastika-y
0017 Swiss steak  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
0020 assassins'
0020 sauciness
0020 seasons' (a)
0020 sizings'  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
0021 assassinate (a)
0021 seasoned (a)  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
0022 seasoning (a)  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
0024 seasoner  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
00000 seesaw sauces
00000 seesaw sissies'
00000 seesaw souses'  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
00101 zestiest  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
00120 assistance
00120 sustains (a)  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
00121 assistant
00121 sustained (a)  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
00122 sustaining (a)  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
00124 sustainer  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
00130 systemize (a)
00130 systems'  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
00137 systemic  Back to the Number Index
Pseudonumes from the Ponderous Pseudonumer®  
00140 assisters'
00140 seceders'
00140 sisters'  Back to the Number Index
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