PLE lecture notes -- Lambda-Prolog

Prolog is a logic programming language, where almost all computation emerges from a generalized form of pattern matching called unification. Like a mathematical proof, a Prolog program is composed of declarations (axioms) and goals (theorems to prove). We will show how these correspond to functions and expressions in functional programming languages.

Lambda-Prolog differs from Prolog in three major ways:

In the following, assume all other features are the same, unless noted otherwise.

Focal points


The basic types of Lambda-Prolog are similar to the other languages we've seen:
true or false (aka fail).

Numbers: integer and floating-point
e.g. 5 and 2.5

The backslash replaces Scheme's "lambda". Free variables are lexically scoped. Application is juxtaposition, surrounded by parentheses. Multiple arguments are curried, as in Haskell.
x\ (x + 1)          % the successor function; cf Haskell's  \x -> (x + 1)
a\b\ (a + b)        % the make-adder function
((a\b\(a + b)) 1)   % another version of the successor function
((a\b\(a + b)) 1 2) % answers 3

Homogeneous lists
Strings are lists of integers.
[1, 2, 3]
(1 '.' 2 '.' 3 '.' [])  % same thing, using explicit "cons" operator '.' 
                        % and nil '[]'; cf Haskell's  1:2:3:[]

Heterogeneous tuples
Lambda-Prolog has no anonymous tuples, but does have named tuples, similar to Haskell's. (Standard Prolog does allow anonymous tuples.)
kind product3  type -> type -> type -> type.    % these will be
type tuple3    A -> B -> C -> (product3 A B C). % explained later

(tuple3 3 2.5 (x\(x+1)))         % tuple of (int, float, (int -> int))


Like Haskell, every function and every value is statically typed, using a special type language. These are the types of the above expressions:
Expression Type
true o
5 int
2.5 float
x\(x+1) int -> int
a\b\(a+b) int -> int -> int
[1, 2, 3] (list int)
(tuple3 3 2.5 (x\(x+1))) (product3 int float (int -> int))
a\([a, a]) A -> (list A)
The last three examples demonstrate Lambda-Prolog's ability to name type-functions, just like it can name value-functions. list is a type-function of one argument; product3 takes three.

Value-functions are declared using type:

type is_two  int -> o.
is_two X :- X = 2.      % returns true iff X is equal to 2.
Named types and type-functions are declared using kind:
kind int   type.
kind list  type -> type.
Thus Lambda-Prolog makes the notion of type-function explicit, paralleling that of value-function. However, type-functions can only take regular types as arguments, not other type-functions. This makes Lambda-Prolog's type system weaker than Sather's.

The lambda a\([a, a]) demonstrates a polymorphic function: given a value of any type, it returns a list of that type. As in Haskell, the types of polymorphic functions use variables to be automatically filled in at point-of-call. Also like Haskell, Lambda-Prolog can infer this polymorphic type automatically.

However, Lambda-Prolog provides no "partial-polymorphism" feature like Haskell's type-classes. Hence Lambda-Prolog does not support overloading. This has serious ramifications on naming, e.g.

This is what Haskell would be like if it didn't have type-classes.


Variables in Prolog are always indicated syntactically, by capitalized names. Uncapitalized names, like list and true, are constants. For example, our definition of is_two used a variable for its argument. If the definition were
is_two x :- x = 2.
then this function is only defined on the symbol x, where it returns false. Capitalization is really just syntactic sugar for a variable declaration, though Prolog does not allow variable declaration to be explicit.

Lambda-Prolog, however, can express variable declarations explicitly, via lambdas and quantifiers. Since lambdas explicitly declare their arguments, the names of their arguments need not be capitalized. For example, we could define is_two with

pi x\ (is_two x :- x = 2).
Which reads: "for all x, (is_two x) is true if x equals 2."


Unification is Lambda-Prolog's major difference with Haskell. In Haskell, we saw a rather sophisticated pattern matching mechanism, allowing a "declarative" specification of functions:
length :: [a] -> int
length [] = 0
length (h:t) = 1 + length t

sign :: int -> int
sign x | x < 0  = -1
sign x | x == 0 = 0
sign x | x > 0  = 1
Prolog allows the same, and much more. In fact, Prolog's pattern matching mechanism subsumes conditionals and return values so completely that the latter features are not even offered in the language.

Prolog uses a bigger, brawnier form of pattern matching, called "unification", which is bidirectional. Unification tries to find the simplest variable binding, on either side, required to bring two expressions together. Examples:
Expression Unified with Produces binding
2 X X : 2
X 2 X : 2
[1,2,3] [H|T] H : 1, T : [2,3]
2 [H|T] fail
[1,2,1] [X,Y,X] X : 1, Y : 2
[1,2,3] [X,Y,X] fail
[X, 2] [2, X] X : 2
[X, 3] [2, X] fail
Note that multiple occurrences of a variable force equality of subexpressions. Prolog also allows pattern matching to have general-purpose guards. For example, we can also force equality with [X,Y,Z] :- X = Z. It is helpful to interpret this as exactly equivalent to [X,Y,X].


To clarify the differences, let's rewrite the Haskell functions as predicates:
length :: [a] -> Int -> Bool
length [] 0 = True
length (h:t) (y+1) | (length t y) = True    -- n+k sugar, and a guard
length _ _ = False                          -- catch-all

sign :: Int -> Int -> Bool
sign x (-1) | (x < 0)  = True
sign x 0    | (x == 0) = True
sign x 1    | (x > 0)  = True
sign _ _ = False
For example, length [1,2,3] 3 returns True, and sign 1 (-1) returns False. This is rather restrictive, since all predicates will let us do in Haskell is check a result, not generate one. But not so in Prolog.

Here are the same predicates, in Lambda-Prolog:

type length (list A) -> int -> o.        % Bool is "o"
length []    0.                          % "= True" is automatic
length [H|T] (Y+1) :- length T Y.        % use ":-" for a guard
                                         % "[H|T]" instead of "(h:t)"
                                         % catch-all is automatic

type sign int -> int -> o.
sign X (-1) :- X < 0.
sign X 0    :- X = 0.
sign X 1    :- X > 0.
Again, length [1,2,3] 3 returns true, and sign 1 (-1) returns false. Note that the only significant syntactical difference is the implicit "= True" after every line, and the implicit catch-all false. Because of this, the only functions we can define in Prolog are predicates. Seems rather limiting, indeed.

Return values

However, adding unification retrieves the power of return-values, and more. Consider the second definition of sign:
sign X 0 :- X = 0.
As reasoned above, the guarded expression X 0 :- X = 0 is the same as 0 0. Unifying, say, 0 Z with this expression will bind Z to 0, according to the rules given above. Thus the call
sign 0 Z
will bind Z to 0 in the caller. Similarly,
sign 4 Z          % binds Z to 1
sign (-1) Z       % binds Z to -1
length [] Z       % binds Z to 0
length [1] Z      % binds Z to 0+1, i.e 1
length [1,2] Z    % binds Z to 0+1+1, i.e. 2
For example, here is what happens in the second-to-last case:
  1. Unify length [1] Z with length [H|T] (Y+1). Result is H : 1, T : [], Z : Y+1.
  2. Evaluate the guard length T Y, i.e. length [] Y. This yields Y : 0.
  3. The combination of bindings Y : 0 and Z : Y+1 yields Z : 0+1.


What happens if we ask for sign Z 1? It would appear that any positive integer could be returned for Z. However, if the guard were more complicated, like f X, this would involve finding a Z for which f is true, which is impossible in general. So the answer is that Prolog knows how to solve some fs, like equality, but not others. Evaluating sign Z 0 will bind Z to 0 but sign Z 1 will fail.

A little kludgy and not very general, but it works. Variants of Prolog generally focus on this problem, by extending the range of fs the language can handle. For example, CLP can handle inequalities. However, these variants add no new syntax; they only give meaning to what were already syntactically well-formed expressions. The challenge in logic programming seems to be catching up with the syntax.

Multiple values : backtracking

Sometimes unification can succeed with two equally simple, but non-equivalent bindings. In this case, Prolog resorts to non-determinism: it chooses the first possibility, but if that causes a later predicate to fail, the interpreter goes back and tries again. If no alternatives work, the whole unification fails. We will see examples of this later.

The tricky part here is "goes back". Bindings resulting from unification can be unwound. Side-effects, however, like writing to the screen, cannot. Thus Prolog, like Haskell, shuns side-effects, though for a different reason. In Prolog it is the only way to make backtracking sane. The only common "effects" in Prolog are variable bindings.

Logic languages thus use names in the style of placeholders, not commands or tags (as defined in the linguistics lecture). A name is an environment slot, which gets filled in by unification and emptied by backtracking. Names are bound only by constraints, like "the number X such that sign X 0 is true". Names do not denote exactly one thing, as would commands, nor can they be re-assigned at will, as can tags.

Nondeterminism allows simple expression of generate-and-test algorithms. For example, placing 8 queens on a chessboard such that they are not attacking eachother. (This is a standard example in every Prolog text.)

Earlier we said that Lambda-Prolog cannot solve a unification involving inequalities, e.g. sign Z 1. This is not because there are multiple solutions; we now know that Prolog can return multiple solutions. The reason is just that the particular interpreter used in Standard Prolog and Lambda-Prolog doesn't know how to handle inequalities.

Multi-way functions

If we design our predicates properly, they can work in more than one direction. For example:
type append  (list A) -> (list A) -> (list A) -> o.
append [] X X.
append [E|X] Y [E|Z] :- append X Y Z.

append [1] [2] Z.    % binds Z to [1,2]
append X [2] [1,2].  % binds X to [1]
append X Y [1,2].    % three solutions:
                     % X : [], Y : [1,2]
                     % X : [1], Y : [2]
                     % X : [1,2], Y : []
append [1] Y Z.      % Z : [1|Y]  (Y remains unbound)
append X [2] Z.      % infinite number of solutions:
                     % X : [], Z : [2]
                     % X : [a], Z : [a,2]
                     % X : [a,b], Z : [a,b,2]
                     % etc.
This unique feature stems from Prolog's use of predicates, which define relations, rather than functions.

However, as pointed out above, there is some confusion about when a function is multi-way, because some interpreters can do more than others. Since there is no indication from the syntax that a guard is unsolvable, it is easy to inadvertently write one-way functions.

Lambda unification

Lambda-Prolog can perform unification with lambdas. For example:

Expression Unified with Produces binding
x\x x\(F x) F : x\x
1 (F 1) F : x\1 or x\x
z\z z\(F (x\x) z) F : s\x\x or s\x\(s x) or s\x\(s (s x)) or ...
In the second case, F has two possibilities, so Lambda-Prolog tries both. In the last case, F has an infinite number of possibilities, so Lambda-Prolog tries them all.

Local declarations

While Prolog requires all declarations to be global, Lambda-Prolog allows local declarations, which hold only during the evaluation of a guard. This is accomplished via a clever use of the "implies" operator in logic: to show A => B we assume A and then prove B. Thus A plays the role of a local declaration, in effect until B is solved.

Here is another implementation of list append, using a local declaration:

% match is an auxiliary function which eats the longest common prefix
% of X and Z
type match   (list A) -> (list A) -> o.
match [E|X] [E|Z] :- match X Z.

type append  (list A) -> (list A) -> (list A) -> o.
append X Y Z :-	(match [] Y => match X Z).
The definition of append reads: "show that match X Z is true, given that match [] Y is true." The result is that match will eat the common prefix of X and Z, until X is exhausted. At that point, Y will be unified with the remainder of Z. It is not possible to make the declaration match [] Y global because Y is the argument to append.

It is also possible to put the entire definition of match into append, making match an "invisible" helper function. That is,

type match   (list A) -> (list A) -> o.
match [E|X] [E|Z] :- match X Z.

type append  (list A) -> (list A) -> (list A) -> o.
append X Y Z :-	(pi \e\x\z(match [e|x] [e|z] :- match x z)) =>
                (match [] Y => match X Z).
Now there are two local declarations:
pi \e\x\z(match [e|x] [e|z] :- match x z)
match [] Y
The first is an explicitly quantified version of the previous global declaration. (Global declarations are implicitly quantified, local declarations are not.)

However, these declarations are not local in the sense of an Algol block, because any predicate which is called will see that assertion. That is, if match called the global predicate foo, then foo would be able to call match, until append exits and retracts the local assertions. In this sense, the declarations are local, but dynamically scoped. This gives up the encapsulation that would be possible with true Algol blocks, as we will explore in the treasure hunt.

Mis-features: name binding and dynamic scoping

In Haskell we could bind a name just by declaring a function of no arguments:
type two int.
two = 2

type succ int -> int.
succ = \x -> x + 1
But Prolog only allows the definition of predicates. So to get the same effect we must use a one-argument predicate:
two 2.
succ (x\(x+1)).
To get the value of succ we must bind it to a variable:
succ X,
two Y,
print (X Y).   % prints 3
This is neither comfortable nor readable. And since Lambda-Prolog has no type-predicates, we cannot use this mechanism to declare type synonyms:
type string type.      % invalid predicate type
string (list int).     % Lambda-Prolog rejects this
(In all fairness, Haskell can't declare type synonyms with '=' either; it needs a special typesyn syntax.)

To get a local name, we can use implication to define a local one-argument predicate. But as we noted above, these predicates are dynamically scoped, so our name will be visible to callees.

Logical ideology

Logic languages go even farther than functional languages in trying to make programs look like systems of equations. Whereas guards were just sugar in Haskell, they are the only way to get a conditional in Prolog. Prolog essentially takes Haskell's sugar and calls it bran. To compensate for this, Prolog adds the powerful unification mechanism, which allows Prolog to discard even more constructs, like explicit return values.

However, while many tasks can be viewed as equation manipulation, such as expert systems and natural language processing, for others it is an unnatural fit. For example, we have even more of a rift between the language and its implementation than we had in Haskell. While the interpreter has extremely powerful mechanisms for unification and nondeterminism, neither of these are exposed in the language, so that they may be enhanced or applied to alternative uses. This is in addition to the tragedies of Haskell: no access to the type-graph or naming environments.

The non-generality of pure unification in Prolog shows through in the additions required by Lambda-Prolog. General-purpose programming requires a notion of function and local scope; this is evident just from looking at the implementation of Prolog. But while imperative languages have always had these features, logic languages rejected them, out of ideology. We hope that this discussion demonstrated that unification is not in opposition to functional programming, but augments it. For example, unify could just be a function which returns a binding. Hence Prolog could have started as an extension to Algol. Then functions and local scope would not have to be re-invented. Thus is it partially exhilirating but partially unfortunate that combining features from different ideologies (e.g. object-oriented, functional, and logic programming) is a current research topic.

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