Results Filter DialogΒΆ

There are basically two different types of filtering that can be done, i.e. Spatial - Gauss Weighting and Time - Moving Average. These will be explained below. The other types available in the dialog box must be seen as experimental.

Spatial - Gauss Weighting

The Gauss filter is a spatial filter, i.e. it acts on the nodal displacements for a particular time step (frame id) and smooths the displacements in the image plane.

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  • To define a filter, you must first specify the source. By default it is the Raw DIC Data, but it can also be any previosly filtered data.
  • The filter type is now set as Spatial - Gaussian filter.
  • You need to specify if the filter should act on all images defined in the DIC input file, or just a selection of images.
  • The Spatial-Gauss filter needs a specified radius in pixels. (Default = 25 pixels)
  • Before clicking the Run Filter-button, specify a name for the filtered data set.

The Gaussian filter acts on the nodal displacement in the DIC results, and the nodal displacement \bm{u}_i = [u_i, v_i]^T for a particular node i is given by a weighted sum of the nodal displacements of all N active nodes in the mesh:

\bm{u}_i = \sum_{j=1}^N{{w_{ij}}\bm{u}_j}

where the wheight w_{ij} is given by a gaussian bell-curve:

w_{ij} = ae^{-{|\bm{x}_i - \bm{x}_j|^2}/2r^2}

The specified radius r is provided by the user, and the constant a is chosen such that \sum{w_{ij}} = 1

A large radius r will give a wide bell curve (weighting curve) and thus, a high degree of smoothing, while a small radius will give a narrow bell curve and little smoothing of the nodal displacements.

Time - Moving Average

The moving-average filter acts on each node separately and smooths its displacement in time.

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  • To define a filter, you must first specify the source. By default it is the Raw DIC Data, but it can also be any previosly filtered data.
  • The filter type is now set as Time - Moving Average.
  • You need to specify if the filter should act on all images defined in the DIC input file, or just a selection of images.
  • Specify a moving average degree. This means how many time steps (frame id’s) should be used in calculating a specific average displacement.

A high degree means high degree of smoothing, while a small number means little smoothing of the nodal displacements in time.

  • Before clicking the Run Filter-button, specify a name for the filtered data set.