.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Study Results for 2D-DIC ================================= If you have just run a DIC analysis (as described in :doc:`makeinput2d`), you will see the DIC input file under the DIC node in the :doc:`../components/gui/worktree`. .. image:: imgs/inpintree.png :width: 280 :alt: alternate text :align: center If you have run the DIC analysis in a previous session, you can load the input file by right-clicking the "DIC" node in the :doc:`../components/gui/worktree` and choose "Load Input File...". The input file will then appear as the image above. Right-click the on the input file in the :doc:`../components/gui/worktree`, and choose "Results View (image)" in the context menu. The :doc:`../components/gui/resviewimage` will appear as shown below. The results viewer is linked to the specified input file. It is possible to open multiple result viewers for different input files. .. image:: ../components/gui/imgs/resview2d.png :height: 250 :alt: alternate text :align: center In the listbox to the right in the :doc:`../components/gui/resviewimage` , all the images in the DIC analysis are listed. You can decide which image to study by clicking in this list. By scrolling through the images in the list, you will see how the mesh has evolved from image to image. The main features in the post-processing of the DIC analysis is: * Vizualize field maps * Plot data in figures * Export data to text files In the following, these three features will be discussed. Vizualize field maps -------------------- To vizualize field maps, open the :doc:`../components/gui/tools/fieldmap` (from menubar: Tools -> Field Maps). The :doc:`../components/gui/tools/fieldmap` contains a tree structure of all data that are available as field maps. For a description of the different data types, see :doc:`../components/general/datatype` Right-click on the data type you want to plot as field map, and click "Set As Field Map": .. image:: imgs/setasfield.png :width: 150 :alt: alternate text :align: center You will now see the specific field map plotted on-top of the image in the :doc:`../components/gui/impanel`. An example of a 1. principal strain field plotted ontop of a unisxial tension specimen is shown below. .. image:: imgs/fieldexample.png :height: 300 :alt: alternate text :align: center A colorbar is shown if you click "Show Colorbar" in the :doc:`../components/gui/tools/fieldmap`. Plot data in figures -------------------- To plot data in figures, open the :doc:`../components/gui/tools/graph` (from menubar: Tools -> Graph). The :doc:`../components/gui/tools/graph` contains a tree structure of all data that are available for graph plotting. For a description of the different data types, see :doc:`../components/general/datatype` You need to specify which data types are going to be set to the horizontal- (X-) axis of the figure and which data type which are going to be set to the vertical (Y-) axis of the figure. Right click on the data type and select which axis you want to set the data type. .. image:: imgs/graphselect.png :width: 150 :alt: alternate text :align: center When you have added a data type to the X-axis and the Y-axis, you can click "Add Data to Graph". The new data series will then be generated and added to the current :doc:`../components/gui/figure`. If no :doc:`../components/gui/figure` is present, a new will be opened. .. note:: For some :doc:`../components/general/datatype` you need to select either "Elements", "Nodes" or "Vectors". This can be done using the :doc:`../components/gui/tools/meshselect`. Export data to text files ------------------------- To export data to text files, open the :doc:`../components/gui/tools/filewrite` (from menubar: Tools -> File Write). The :doc:`../components/gui/tools/filewrite` contains a tree structure of all data that are available for text file export. For a description of the different data types, see :doc:`../components/general/datatype` The :doc:`../components/gui/tools/filewrite` works in a very similar manner as the :doc:`../components/gui/tools/graph` described above. Right-click on the data type you want to add to the text file, and click "Add Data to List". The data type is added to the list below. When you have added all the data you want to be written to the text file, click "Write data to text file..." .. note:: For some :doc:`../components/general/datatype` you need to select either "Elements", "Nodes" or "Vectors". This can be done using the :doc:`../components/gui/tools/meshselect`. Generating Video ----------------- Videos of the image series with various field maps may be generated using the :doc:`../components/gui/tools/video` (from menubar: Tools -> Video Generation). (See :doc:`../components/gui/tools/video` for details on how a video can be generated)