Using the Instrument Log


The Instrument Log displays the current list of instrument messages along with the log time (date and time), run, category, and a brief description of what occurred. The entries displayed in this log include:  instrument errors, run status (e.g., starting stopping, and rejecting runs), calibration (when new calibration results are saved), data file acceptor (path and filename of stored data), Autosampler (loading and unloading of pans), miscellaneous and power supply messages, taring (which TGA pan(s) are tared and its offset).

Help for a particular numbered instrument error message is available by highlighting the numbered message and clicking Error Help. Click the Help button for access to this help topic, contents, and index.

Follow these steps to set up and use the instrument log:

  1. Choose the filtering system that will determine the messages to be displayed. If the filtering options are not displayed, click the button to display them.

    1. Click the Level button to toggle between the selection of all levels of severity or none. You can also check the individual levels that you want displayed.

    2. Click the Category button to toggle between the selection of all message categories or none. You can also check the individual categories that you want displayed. The messages displayed relate to the following:

  2. Choose the desired Month's messages to display.

  3. Select the desired amount of Sequence or Run messages to display—either All or Zero

  4. Print this log, if desired by clicking the Print button.

  5. Clear the current errors by clicking the Clear Log button. This list is cleared automatically when the instrument parameters are reset. For more information click here Clearing the Instrument Log.

  6. Save the list to a file by clicking on the Save button.

  7. View the instrument log in HTML format by clicking the View HTML button.

  8. Click the to toggle between hiding/showing the message filtering functions at the top of the window.

  9. Access online help for the selected (highlighted) numbered error by clicking the Error Help button.

  10. Click the Close button when finished using the Instrument Log window.

To access the instrument error message help file, click the main Help button on the Instrument Log window.

NOTE:  Three months is the maximum amount of time messages that can be saved in the log. If you wish to save messages for a longer period, you will need to save them to a file. See step #6 above.