



Trondheim airport 'Værnes" (IATA code: TRD) lies ca. 40 km east of the city. There are regular flights to many destinations in Norway, as well as London, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Amsterdam and others. The main carriers are SAS, KLM and Norwegian.


The town is served by two frequent bus services; Flybussen and Værnes-Ekspressen. Flybussen is most frequent, and both services are relatively fast and efficient. When your stop is announced, you must press the 'stop' button.




There are several suitable hotels in the town centre. Our preference is 'Comfort Hotel Park' (Prinsens Gate 4A 7012 Trondheim‎ tlf: 73833900). You can see the location on the map below. The airport bus flybussen stops right outside the hotel. The stop is 'Prinsen Kino' - if you are unsure, ask the bus driver to alert you.



Finding the department:


The Department of Physics is located in the Realfagbygget, Høgskoleringen 5, Gløshaugen. You can see the location, and the walking directions (1.6 km) from the hotel on the map below. NTNU is also served by several bus routes (ask at the hotel for information, or find the timetables here). The bus ticket is relatively expensive for the short trip to NTNU.



Once inside the building, you'll find me on the 4th floor in the 'D' section. My office has room number D4-145. My office phone number is (+47) 7359 3594. The other members of the Condensed Matter Section have their offices in the same corridor.




A lot of useful information is available here:





Please contact me if you need help with visit arrangements.