Breiby Group


(Last updated June 2024)






Group leader


Dag Werner Breiby - Professor - NTNU | LinkedIn

Prof. Dag W. Breiby




PhD students




Mukul Jaiswal - NTNU

Mukul Jaiswal

Mukul is hired on the NFR-funded project “4D CT”. He is working on computational imaging using both visual light and X-ray radiation.



Fazel Mirzaei - NTNU

Fazel Mirzaei

Fazel is hired on the NFR-funded project “PoreFlow”. He is working on quantitative time resolved liquid flow in porous media, using neutron and X-ray tomography as main tools. He is co-supervised by Prof. François Renard at UiO.



Giacomo Luani - NTNU

Giacomo Luani

Giacomo is hired on a directly funded project with Equinor, which focuses on experimental methods for fast dynamic CT. A special focus is placed on CO2 storage in abandoned oil reservoirs. Giacomo is co-supervised by Dr. Anders Kristoffersen (Equinor).




Joe Stickland

Joe studies biomineralization, with a focus on calcium carbonate structures investigated using SAXS and coherent X-ray diffraction imaging. His main supervisor is Dr. Basab Chattopadhyay.



Dolly Tanwar

Dolly studies Li-ion batteries in the RCN-funded project HeaLiSelf relating to self-healing of batteries. Her main supervisor is Prof. Steve Boles.



Daniyal Younas - NTNU

Daniyal Younas

Daniyal studies biomineralization, with a focus on calcium carbonate structures investigated using SAXS and coherent X-ray diffraction imaging. His main supervisor is Dr. Basab Chattopadhyay.



Jessica Zeman

Jessica studies CO2 storage (CCS), with a focus on salt precipitation, using CT as main tool. Her main supervisor is Dr. Basab Chattopadhyay, and she is hired in the SaltyPore project administrated by Dr. Elvia Chavez. Dr. Ingrid Snustad (SINTEF) is co-supervisor. I have a role as scientific advisor in the project.



Mahdieh Gholami Mayani at University of South-Eastern Norway

Mahdieh Gholami-Mayani (@USN)

Mahdieh works on polarized computational imaging, with special emphasis on Fourier ptychography. Her main supervisor is Prof. M. Nadeem Akram at USN.



Gayathry Thampi

Gayathry Thampi (@USN)

Gayathry works solid-liquid interdiffusion bonding for microelectronics packaging. She also studies how such bonds can be investigated using X-ray imaging. Her main supervisor is Prof. Knut E. Aasmundtveit at USN.




MSc and BSc students S


Melissa Costa Campino E Silva

Melissa is a 2-year master student of physics specializing in X-ray computed tomography (CT), with a focus on brain imaging.











Osvaldo Trigueiro Neto - NTNU

Osvaldo Trigueiro Nieto



Former Ph.D. students and postdocs:


Dr. Kim Robert Tekseth (2017 – 2024). Kim Robert was hired on the NFR-funded project “4D CT”, dealing with quantitative time-resolved computed tomography of liquid flow in porous materials. His thesis “Computational Imaging of Structure and Liquid Dynamics in Porous Media” was successfully defended 27 May 2024.


Dr. Aldritt Scaria Madathiparambil (2018 – 2024). Aldritt was hired on the NFR-funded project “CuttingEdge”, which dealt with X-ray imaging methods applied to shale cuttings to better understand the seabed. The project was administrated by SINTEF. Aldritt was co-supervised by Dr. Basab Chattopadhyay and Dr. Pierre Cerasi. His thesis, “Multiscale X-ray tomography for shale microstructure and mechanical behaviour”, was successfully defended 25 January 2024.


Mojde Hasanzade was hired (2018 – 2021) on the NFR-funded project “Computational Microscopy”, dealing with Fourier ptychography. Her main supervisor was Prof. M. Nadeem Akram at USN.


Dr. Eivind Behring (Postdoc 2022 – 2022).


Dr. Erik Malm (Postdoc 2021 – 2022). Erik worked on coherent diffractive imaging.


Dr. Nazabat Hussain (Postdoc 2019 – 2021). Nazabat studied Fourier ptychographic microscopy and was hired on the NFR-funded project “4D CT”. His main supervisor was Prof. Muhammad Nadeem Akram at USN.


Dr. Fredrik K. Mürer (Researcher 2021, PhD student 2016 – 2021; Project/MSc student fall 2012/ spring 2013). Fredrik worked on X-ray computed tomography with diffraction contrast.

Thesis: “Diffractive X-ray Tomography of Oriented Mineralized Structures in Hierarchical Materials”. Defended 9 April 2021.


Dr. Singam Srikanth Panini (Postdoc 2020 - 2020)

Panini worked on neutron imaging.


Dr. Basab Chattopadhyay (Postdoc 2018 - 2020)

Basab worked on X-ray imaging of biological and geological materials.

He is now permanently employed in our X-ray physics group as a Research Scientist.


Dr. Leander Michels (Postdoc 2015 - 2017)

Leander worked in the Norwegian Research Centre for Solar Cell Technology, also known as FME Solar United.


Dr. Eirik Torbjørn Bakken Skjønsfjell (PhD student 2013 – 2017; MSc spring 2013; Project fall 2012). Eirik worked on advanced X-ray imaging, notably coherent X-ray diffraction imaging (CDI), including ptychography.

Thesis: “Quantitative 3D Imaging and Metrology Using Coherent X-ray Scattering”.

Funded by NTNU (“Fellesløftet”). Defended 27 October 2017


Dr. Nilesh V. Patil (Postdoc 2014 – 2017)

Nilesh worked on the M-ERA.NET project RADESOL (RAtional DEsign of blends for bulk heterojunction SOLar cells), a European collaboration led by Prof. Dirk Vanderzande at Universiteit Hasselt in Belgium.


Dr. Elvia Anabela Chavez Panduro (Postdoc 2015 – 2017)

Elvia worked on cement in the SINTEF coordinated CO2PLUG project. She is now working as a research scientist at SINTEF Energy.


Dr. Kristin Høydalsvik (Postdoc 2010 - 2014)

Kristin worked on the NFR-funded project “Towards 3D imaging of working catalyst nanoparticles”.


Dr. Jostein Fløystad (PhD student 2010 - 2014; MSc spring 2009; Project fall 2008)

Thesis: “In situ hard X-ray Ptychographic Imaging for Materials Science”

Funded by NTNU. Defended 28 August 2014.

Dr. Håvard Granlund (PhD student 2009 – 2013)

Thesis: “Scanning X-ray Scattering Studies of Mechanically Processed Polymers”

Funded by NTNU. Defended 28 November 2013.

Dr. Morteza Esmaeili (PhD student 2010-2013)
Thesis: “X-ray Diffraction and Tomography Studies of Functional Organic Fibres”

Funded through the ColdWear consortium. Defended 19 March 2013


Former laboratory engineers:

Dr. Katharina Scheidl. Katharina’s main role was to design, build and maintain experimental setups, and to administrate external users utilizing our CT machine.


Ole Tore Buset. Retired December 2021. Ole Tore was a key resource, carrying out complex mechanical and electronical design tasks for our group. Fortunately, he is still helping us out whenever necessary!


Former master and project students:

Markus Månum Moen (project fall 2023, MSC thesis spring 2024). Markus was a physics student working on CO2 storage and associated corrosion problems through dual-energy computed tomography. His main supervisor was Dr. Basab Chattopadhyay. 

Henrik Friis (project fall 2023, MSc thesis spring 2024). Henrik was a nanotechnology student working on dynamic CT in a project with Equinor. He was co-supervised by Dr. Anders Kristoffersen (Equinor) and Prof. Ole Jakob Mengshoel (NTNU/IE/IDI).

Håkon Nese (project fall 2023, MSc thesis spring 2024). Håkon was a computer science student working on dynamic CT in a project with Equinor. He was co-supervised by Dr. Anders Kristoffersen (Equinor) and Prof. Ole Jakob Mengshoel (NTNU/IE/IDI).

Erlend Hektoen Johansen (project fall 2023, MSc thesis spring 2024). Erlend was a nanotechnology student studying the fundamentals of Fourier ptychographic microscopy.

Ruben Skjelstad Dragland (project fall 2022, MSc thesis spring 2023) was a nanotechnology student studying automatic differentiation and other aspects of machine learning.

Magnus Hovde Eriksen (project fall 2022, MSc thesis spring 2023) worked on coherent beam propagation in liquids and machine learning (ML) as applied to Fourier ptychography.

Huy Duong Gia (MSc thesis spring 2023) worked with Fourier Ptychography in the IR and UV-ranges. His main supervisor was Prof. M. Nadeem Akram at USN.

Sigurd Stene (project fall 2022, MSc thesis spring 2023). Sigurd was a nanotechnology student studying coherent diffraction imaging. His main supervisor was Dr. Basab Chattopadhyay. 

Nikolai Stensø (project fall 2021). Nikolai studied computational 3D Fourier optics.

Sondre Erik Wennberg (project fall 2021). Sondre studied time-resolved CT and modelled the evolution of menisci in a constricted tube.

Trygve S. Urdahl (project fall 2020). The thesis work of Mr. Urdahl was to GPU implementations to accelerate Fourier ptychography reconstructions.

Dario Angelone (@USN, main supervisor Prof. Akram. MSc spring 2019). The thesis work of Mr. Angelone was to investigate the resolution gain in ptychographic structured illumination microscopy.

Anas Muhamad Aldabbagh (@USN, main supervisor Prof. Akram. MSc spring 2019). Anas project was to construct a dome illuminator for Fourier ptychographic microscopy.

Elisabeth Bruun Karud (Project fall 2018, MSc spring 2019). Elisabeth’s project was a numerical study of X-ray propagation, with particular emphasis on scattering from nanostructured surfaces.

Knut Olav Schnell (Project fall 2018, MSc spring 2019). Knut Olav’s project dealt with Fourier ptychographic microscopy, with particular emphasis on hardware implementation and analysis.

Jaqueline Auer (Project fall 2018). Jaqueline studied the effects of shell-freezing of salmon using CT, in collaboration with Prof. Turid Rustad at the Department of Biotechnology and Food Science.

Ingrid Børve (Project fall 2017, MSc spring 2018). Her project focused on CO2 storage in the seabed and was co-supervised by Dr. Malin Torsæter (SINTEF).

Mathias Havdal (MSc spring 2018) project dealt with high-performance computing and visualization relating to simulations of X-ray propagation in nanostructures. Mathias was co-supervised with Prof. Anne C. Elster as main supervisor.

Caroline Enevoldsen (Project fall 2017, MSc spring 2018). Caroline worked on quantitative X-ray CT studies of cartilage in hip joints, with particular focus on osteochondrosis in pigs and horses.

Kim Robert Bjørk Tekseth (Project fall 2017, MSc spring 2018). Kim Robert worked on quantitative CT in collaboration with Prof. Knut Aasmundtveit (USN) and Dr. Trym Eggen (USN & GE Healthcare). He is now a PhD student.

Annika Richter (Project fall 2017). Annika was a student in the Nordic Five Tech master programme on Solar Cells, co-supervised by assoc. prof. Justin W. Wells (NTNU) and Prof. Jens Wenzel Andreasen (DTU).

Tord Kriznik Sørensen (Project fall 2016, MSc spring 2017). Tord worked on hyperspectral imaging for the NTNU spin-off company Ecotone. His company supervisor was Dr. Paul Anton Letnes.

David Kleiven (Project fall 2016, MSc spring 2017) David worked on coherent X-ray imaging, in particular simulations of X-ray propagation in waveguide structures. Prof. Johannes Skaar was co-supervisor.

Ken Nygård (Project spring 2016. @ IMST, HBV. Main supervisor: Prof. Kaiying Wang)

Kim Robert Gustavsen (Project spring 2016. @ IMST, HBV. Main supervisor: Prof. Kaiying Wang)

Preben Honerød-Bentsen (Project project spring 2016. @ IMST, HBV. Main supervisor: Prof. Kaiying Wang)

Torbjørn Kringeland (2-year Master 2013-2015: Developing Methods and Tools for Three-Dimensional Computational Reconstructions in X-ray and Visible Light Microscopy)

Anette Bakkland (Project fall 2014: Tomography and microscopy studies of Ugelstad bead deformation)

Simen Mikkelsen (Project fall 2013: Ptychography analysis)

Cecilie Granerød (Project fall 2013: Tomography studies of bio-inspired materials)

Fredrik K. Mürer (MSc spring 2013, exchange to TU Munich fall 2012: Diffraction tomography,
co-supervised with Dr. Martin Bech and Prof. Dr. Franz Pfeiffer at TU Munich.)

Ellen Døli (MSc spring 2013, Project fall 2012: GISAXS. Co-supervised with Prof. Morten Kildemo)

Rakel Kongsmo (MSc spring 2013: polymer bead mechanics. Project fall 2012: scanning WAXS)

Magnus Gjennestad (Project thesis 2012: Ptychography analysis)

Thomas Falch (MSc thesis, 2012, was co-supervised with assoc. prof. Anne C. Elster)

Ole Christian Røed (MSc thesis, 2012: Ptychography analysis)

Hanka Becker (Exchange student, project thesis, 2012)

Andreas L. Reiten (Project thesis, nano, 2010; MSc thesis, nano, 2011)

Erlend Grytli Tveten (Project thesis, nano, 2010)

Armin Weckmann (Project thesis 2010)

Sarah von Kaminietz (Project thesis 2009)

Mari Helene Farstad (MSc thesis 2009)

Emil N. Nilsen (Project thesis 2008, MSc thesis 2009)

Julie Dahl (MSc thesis 2008)

Kim Anja Grimsrud (Project thesis 2007, MSc thesis 2008)

Lasse Thoresen (Project thesis 2007, MSc thesis 2008)
