Curriculum Vitae

Dag Werner Breiby

Date of birth:

11 April 1973







Department of Physics

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)


Department of Microsystems

University of South-Eastern Norway (USN)

Marital status:

Married to Elvia Chavez.

Two kids.

Professional experience

02.2015 - (present)

Adjoint professor at University of South-Eastern Norway

09.2013 - (present)

Professor of Physics, NTNU

07.2007 - 09.2013

Associate Professor of Physics, NTNU

02.2013 - 03.2013

Invited professor to Institut des Molécules et Matériaux du Mans, Université du Maine, France

01.2007 - 06.2007

Project scientist and associate professor, Institute for Microsystem Technology, Vestfold University College, Norway

07.2006 - 12.2006

Assistant professor, Centre for Molecular Movies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

06.2003 - 05.2006

Post doc, The Danish Polymer Centre, Risø National Laboratory, Denmark.



1999 - 2003

Dr. Ingeniør (PhD equivalent), Materials Physics, NTNU

1994 - 1999

Sivilingeniør (MSc equivalent), Materials Physics, NTNU


1997 - 1998. Exchange to University of California at Berkeley

1992 - 1994

Officers training college, "Befalsskolen for Ingeniørvåpenet"

1989 - 1992

Upper secondary, Skarnes Videregående Skole



Administrative and leadership experience
Tens of BSc & MSc students, PhD & postdoc candidates have graduated under my supervision.

Jointly with Prof. Mathiesen and Dr. Chattopadhyay, I’m responsible for the X-ray laboratory.

2020 -

Head of Section for Porous Media Physics

2009 - 2013

Representative of the scientific staff in the board of the Department of Physics

2008 - 2012

Deputy head of the Section for Condensed Matter at the Department of Physics

2008 - 2013

Board member of the ColdWear steering committee





Honors & selected Grants


Recipient of 6 MNOK grant from RCN NANO2021 SYNKNØYT


Co-recipient of 6 MNOK grant from RCN PETROMAKS2


Recipient of 10 MNOK grant from RCN FRINATEK


Recipient of 6 MNOK grant from RCN NANO2021 SYNKNØYT


Membership in the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and letters (DKNVS)


Invited Professorship (1 month) to Université du Maine, France


Co-recipient of a MNOK 24 grant from the Norwegian

Research Council for establishing National Resource Centre

for X-ray Characterization of Materials RECX)


Sasakawa Foundation scholarship for a 6 weeks research stay in Japan.


Scholarship and participation in the CERN Summer Student Program in Switzerland.


Scholarship from Pädagogischer Austausch Dienst for a one-

month stay in Bonn, Berlin and Munich to study German

language and culture.




