R-TUTORIAL ON LEFT TRUNCATION AND RIGHT CENSORING This topic is treated in Section 3.5 p. 36 in ASAUR. You should read the text and run the small example with R at the end of page 38 and beginning of page 39. Then you should consider the Channing House data and try running the R-code. For a simpler version, you may consider only the "over 68 years" case, using the following code, which is modified from the ASAUR book: library(asaur) ChanningHouse <- within(ChanningHouse, { entryYears <- entry/12 exitYears <- exit/12}) ChanningMales <- ChanningHouse[ChanningHouse$sex == "Male",] result.km.68 <- survfit(Surv(entryYears, exitYears, cens, type="counting") ~ 1, start.time=75, data=ChanningMales) plot(result.km.68, xlim=c(68, 101), xlab="Age", ylab="Survival probability", conf.int=F) An additional note on left truncation and right censoring is found here: https://folk.ntnu.no/bo/STK4080/2021/Note-on-left-truncation.pdf