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From: Yann Grundt (
Date: 01-07-01

Nå begynner showet i den Haag.

Orderudsaken og "bomberen fra Oklahoma" blir barnemat i forhold.

Oppvarmingen har vært god : Jugoslavias tidligere sterke mann er blitt
kidnappet og en dusør på omkring 10 milliarder kroner er lovet.. Ikke
så veldig heltmodig kanskje, kidnappingen skjedde med britenes
hjelp. Dusøren er heller ikke så veldig stor: får ikke Israel hvert år 3
milliarder $ fra USA, herunder 1.8 milliarder i våpenhjelp?
Forveksler jeg $ og NOK? Jeg husker ikke nøyaktig, i media terper man
ikke på størrelsen på $-hjelpen fra USA til Israel.

Sjeldent har et parlament vist sin overflødighet på en så brilliant
måte. Det spillte ingen rolle hva det jugoslaviske parlament vedtok,
Milosevic skulle utleveres. Og det ble han.

Spektakulære likfunn fra Donau har dominert nyhetsbildet i det siste.
På samme måte som likfunn fra Racak for noen år siden innledet
bombingen av Jugoslavia, har også nyheten fra Donau innledet rettsken
mot Milosevic... For Racak ble en komite av rettsmedesinere utnevnt
for å undersøke hva som hadde skjedd. For likene i Donau har det
åpenbart ikke vært nødvendig, man vet at det er albanere fra Kosovo,
at Milosevic står bak og at det hele hjelper domstolen i den Haag.

Stella Jatras gjorde seg for en stund tilbake noen tanker om
nyhetsdekningen angående likfunnene. Som hun sier, det er kun
"speculation" fra hennes side.

For min del synes jeg "spekulasjonene" er på sin plass og jeg oppfordrer
forumets lesere lesere til å sette seg inn i dem.

Ps. Stella Jatras vet at jeg legger artikkelen hennes ut.


by Stella L. Jatras

The recent discovery of "Kosovar" bodies in a refrigerated truck that
was recovered from the river Danube once again points
to an alleged Serbian atrocity.

It seems to me I've heard that song before. What is different this time
is that the Serbian police have pointed the accusatory
finger at former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic. But there is
something here that just doesn't sit right. There are too
many unanswered questions and what I offer is mere speculation on my

What doesn't make sense to me is that where the refrigerated truck was
found is more than a four hour drive, even on good
roads, from Kosovo. Furthermore, the area where the truck was found is
known for smuggling illegal aliens. Too often we have
heard of smugglers, when they thought they were going to be caught,
dumping their cargo in the ocean, or abandoning their
human cargo to die in the containers in which they were being
transported to their illegal destinations.

What I fail to understand is why this could not be considered a
possibility and why the Yugoslav government is so anxious to
blame this unspeakable act of murder on Milosevic even before thoroughly
investigating the incident, thereby collectively
condemning the Serbs. What it also indicates is that the Serbs may
actually be beginning to believe the lies that they have had to
endure for so many years. What's the old expression? If you tell a lie
enough times, it becomes the truth? Furthermore, we
don't even know for sure who these people were - for all we know, they
could have been Gypsies, or from any one of the
Turkic countries. One report said that "A total of 86 bodies, believed
to be [let me repeat that] "believed to be" Kosovo
Albanians, were found in the freezer truck," putting into question their
nationality whereas another report (UPI) of June 2 stated
that "A senior Serbian police officer said Saturday that a mass grave
has been located, believed to contain the bodies of
women, children and old men from a refrigerated truck hoisted from the
Danube River in April 1999." It should be noted that
this report mentions no nationality of the victims.

Too often we have heard of shocking atrocities attributed to the Serbs -
Racak, Trepca, genocide, mass graves, cannibalism,
mutilations, castrations, rapes, ethnic cleansing and some of the most
outrageous charges known to man which the world was
all too eager to believe before they were discredited by the evidence,
and yet the accusations keep coming. And now that curse
has fallen on the Serbs themselves, all too ready to believe this latest
accusation. Once again, we will hear calls to de-Nazify the
Serbian nation collectively, just as there were calls to de-Nazify the

And too often the Serbs have been accused of such atrocities only to
learn later, after irreversible damage, that the Serbs were
not responsible. To the contrary, the alleged atrocities were, in
reality, committed by Senator Joe Lieberman's pals, the
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), an army that rapes Serbian nuns, murders
Serbian priests, destroys ancient churches and
monasteries (all under the protective noses of KFOR), who are engaged in
sex slavery, prostitution, murders, kidnapping, and
drugs, a band of cutthroat gangsters about whom Senator Lieberman sings
high praises: "The United States of America and the
Kosovo Liberation Army stand for the same human values and the
principles . . . Fighting for the KLA is fighting for human
rights and American values." (Washington Post, Apr. 28, 1999).


Why would Yugoslav investigators go along with what they are calling
another unspeakable atrocity allegedly committed by
Serb forces supposedly on the orders of former president Slobodan
Milosevic? Perhaps the answer lies in an AP report which
stated, "Police link former President Slobodan Milosevic on Friday to
cover-up of atrocities in Kosovo, including the dumping
of bodies in the Danube River - a revelation that could help the U.N.
war crimes tribunal." I repeat, "help the U.N. war crimes
tribunal." Another relevant headline reads, "Serbs exhume bodies that
could, [let me repeat that also] "that could" implicate
former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic." As for the Yugoslav
investigative authorities cooperating in this latest effort to
send Milosevic to The Hague, it conjures up Stalin's show trials where
the accused had already been found guilty as an enemy
of the State. Today's War Crimes Tribunal serves the same purpose as a
warning to others who oppose The New World

Do the Yugoslav authorities really believe that their participation in
something as doubtful as to who the victims are and who the
culprits are before fully investigating is in the best interest of the
Serbian people? With this latest revelation, tremendous
pressure is being put upon Serbian president Vojislav Kostunica to turn
Milosevic over to the War Crimes Tribunal. If he
capitulates, he stands to lose the support and trust of the Serbian
people. If he stands by the Constitution, he loses the
desperately needed financial aid from the very people who bombed his
nation back to the stone age and ironically, earning him
disrespect from the international community for turning his back on his
own people. Either way, it does not bode well for the

Evidently, there those in the Yugoslav government who believe that by
cooperating with The Hague's Chief Prosecutor Carla
del Ponte, she will look upon them with favor and grant them a few
crumbs from the table. Do they really think that by handing
over Milosevic to a voracious "Inspector Javert," they will be rewarded
with their 30 pieces of silver? Or are they more
interested in undermining President Kostunica?

I totally agree with Serbian Justice Minister Vladan Batic who has
accused The Hague's Chief Prosecutor of exercising one rule
for Serbs and another for Croats, Muslims and Albanians. In letters to
del Ponte, he criticized her failure to issue war crimes
indictments against anyone other than Serb leaders. Batic accuses her of
"hounding Serbs and saving her Mother
Theresa-treatment for everyone else," calling on the Chief Prosecutor to
show that Serbs are often the greatest victims, not
merely the executors in every case.

And finally, IF this is true, and frankly, in my estimation, it is a big
"IF," the Serbs should turn this around to their advantage and
say, "We Serbs have owned up to atrocities that we have committed; now
it is for you Croats, Bosnian Muslims and Albanians
to do the same."

Perhaps I'm sticking my head in the sand, but too often the Serbs have
taken the rap for atrocities they didn't commit and
frankly, I'm tired of it.


************************************************************* * Eg foere berre fram mi eiga meining, ikkje instituttets * * Ce n'est que ma propre opinion, pas celle de l'institut * * It is only my own opinion, not the institute's * * yann * * * *************************************************************

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