Clipper comes to Norway

Bruce Taylor (
Mon, 6 May 96 15:22:12 CET

Vedlaget er et innlegg seg sendt til cypherpunks listen. Chifferp!nkerne
er interessert i kryptering som beskytter ytringsfrihet, eller er til bry
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som nyhetsgruppen fa.cypherpunks.

Er det noen som vet mer om NKS brikken eller denne NX 1000 boksen?
Hvordan g!r det med tvungen bruk av NKS i helsevesenet?

From: (Bruce Taylor)
Newsgroups: fa.cypherpunks
Subject: Clipper comes to Norway
Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 11:37:02 GMT
Organization: Computing Section, Faculty of Arts, University of Bergen, Norway
Lines: 23
Message-ID: <>

The Norwegian market now offers a box containing the Norwegian version
of the Clipper chip. Trond Heggelund, writing in the weekly Telecom Revy
for April 25, reports that Telenor Bedrift has released NX 1000, an
encryption unit to be installed between a local LAN and the router
out to a WAN. The unit encrypts the body of outgoing IP packets, leaving
the header in cleartext.

The unit contains a chip implementing NSK, the Norwegian standard for
cryptography. The algorithm on the chip was developed with the help
of Forsvarets Sikkerhetsstab, a security organization within the
Department of Defense.

Two years ago there was a decision to require use of the NSK chip for
communication of patient information between health services providers.
Commercial and private use of the NSK chip is optional.

Heggelund's article makes no mention of the possibility of a back door
in the algorithm, which is not made public.

Bruce Taylor
EDB-Seksjon, HF fakultetet voice +47 55 21 23 48
Universitetet i Bergen fax +47 55 23 18 97